Tue, Feb 18, 12:52 AM CST

B-R-TTA_2092 ToyBox part 01 NO TEXT, but : You C

3D Models Props Weapons posted on Aug 07, 2021 62 downloads

Operating System(s): Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Softwares: Poser 7+, Photoshop CS4 and above, Wings 3D, DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

License: This is licensed for commercial or non-commercial use.

Product Notes


I am sketching a kind of Survival Kit for CMDT HINAMI, for our #B3D ...
I asked myself : "if we encounter opposition over our Time Travel journey, how-to protect the crew ?"

I answered, as human kind always did, by providing a weaponry SystM to CMDT HINAMI !
That was the only Human way to bring solutions to the "unknown" not yet challenging not yet ennemies, not event heard about or seen any kind of proof of existence ..., but ...

As we say here : "On sait jamais !!?"

it is a kind of principle of precaution ...

What a pain having only such hypothesis to work on !?

But... It's a standard path to next levels of scenes ! It's a kind of Basic !

But ... It's shipped demilitarized, w/ no movable parts, w/ no bullet, w/ not target, or any trigger actionnable part !
1 bmp file to play w/ caus'it's a JOKE ! to have something to say as an asnwer to da CREW !

when Human beings do not know what to say, they only give weaponnery to the most folish of the band ;) !? That's our HiSTORY

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Freestuff Comments


firstamz78 12:36PM | Sat, 07 August 2021

Sorry ! I do not have such Experience :) ! It's a TOY ! it is written on it ! I do not lie about the shipping ! options are on board, in progress, but ONLY to be used inside our #B3D, by Authozied G8F/M dummies ! TYVM for you time :) hope you like it anyway @ginny38 !?


Ginny38 12:24PM | Sat, 07 August 2021

"It's shipped demilitarized, w/ no movable parts, w/ no bullet, w/ not target, or any trigger actionnable part !" So, basically, it's a "Mark I, mod b...uh...club"? (You never know when hitting someone over the head is the BEST response)

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