Fri, Feb 7, 12:06 PM CST

Terms of Service

As a member/user of Renderosity, it is your responsibility to know, and adhere to the Terms of Service.

Terms of Service (TOS)


Renderosity's Mission is to create a thriving, productive environment that encourages an atmosphere of community, respect, collaboration, and growth for artists of all backgrounds.

As a member/user of Renderosity, it is your responsibility to know and adhere to the Terms of Service. Renderosity reserves the right to change, alter, or modify the Terms of Service as needed. All postings, past and present are subject to the most current terms of service.

The Member/User grants Renderosity the right to display all user-generated content posted by the member/user on the site in perpetuity. This includes but is not limited to gallery images, forum posts, and product comments.

Member/User Conduct: Members and users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is constructive and respectful of others at all times. Additionally, we hope that each member/user will work to facilitate a culture of collaboration and positive reinforcement, so we can all share our passion for art while developing our personal ambitions, and fostering friendships.

Members/Users will not use this community for: Any practices that affect the normal operations of the community (Admins will take whatever steps are necessary to restore service). Transmitting any libelous, defamatory, or any other material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the law.

Members/Users will not use this community for: Personal attacks. This includes but is not limited to destructive, abusive, defamatory communications in any form and retaliatory attacks from personal attacks. If you need assistance, please communicate with someone from our Renderosity Team.

Members/Users will not use this community for: Destructive commentary/communications made with the intent to disrupt or attack (Trolling). This applies to any communications within this community, whether in forums, art galleries, site mail, or article opinions.

Members/Users will not use this community for: Advertisement for any competing site, advertising or linking to any sites that are publications and/or websites that are sexually definitive, and/or pornographic in nature.


If any member experiences harassment from another member, please notify a moderator by site mail, or submit a Support Ticket.

  • If the Renderosity staff deems it necessary, any messages of this nature will be removed and the member responsible may face a ban from the site. This rule applies to all forms of communication within our community, including forums, art galleries, blogs, private messages, and article comments.

Flame Baiting is when someone, who may not be well-versed on a particular topic being discussed in an internet forum group, intentionally provokes a negative or hostile reaction from others. If you experience this, please reach out to a moderator through site mail, or submit a Support Ticket.

Trolling is the act of intentionally causing harm to others through destructive comments. If you require assistance, please use the report button, site mail a moderator, or submit a Support Ticket.

No Personal Attacks which could be interpreted as defamation, slander, or libelous.

Expressing Political and Religious Viewpoints is allowed:We encourage the expression of political and religious beliefs, but we do not condone any insults towards someone's religion or negative discussions about political views on our site. Such behavior will not be tolerated.

Disturbing the Peace at Renderosity: We reserve the right to take action against anything that we deem disruptive within the Renderosity Community. This includes, but is not limited to, the aforementioned situations.

Site Areas - Galleries, Forums, Homepages, Contests:

No Posting Unacceptable Images or Writing Themes. Our staff reserves the right to remove any posts, images, or written content that is deemed inappropriate. However, there may be instances in which certain images, despite appearing to violate our rules, will be allowed to remain in the name of promoting free speech.

No Rape [actual or implied]

No Torture. The intentional infliction of extreme pain (such as burning, crushing, or wounding) for the purpose of punishment, coercion, or sadistic pleasure is strictly prohibited. However, the crucifixion of Jesus is considered a traditional religious symbol and is allowed.

No Sexual Acts including depicting sexual intercourse between any combination of humanoids, non-humanoids, and animals. Masturbation is also prohibited.

No Physical Arousal including but not limited to: any depiction of an erect penis, implied erections through clothing, and images revealing the inner portions of the vulva or vaginal area.

Any image that is exclusively depicting genitals or breasts is subject to review or removal.

No Explicit Sexual Content including manipulation of breasts, nipples, sexual situations, or "implied" sexual acts. No BDSM, lewd or obscene sexual references, or fetish content]

No Breasts Touching Breasts or women pressing their breasts together to include characters touching their own or others' genitals. Hand-to-breast contact is subject to review or removal.

No Genital contact with ANY object other than sitting or clothing. Genital contact of any kind is subject to review or removal.

No BDSM images featuring Bondage, Dominance, Discipline, Submission, Sadism, or Masochism. Any images of this nature will be removed and may result in the suspension of your account. This includes any depictions or implications of BDSM, such as characters restrained with ball gags, chains, handcuffs, ropes, or straps. These types of images will be reviewed and potentially removed from the platform.

Bondage images involving restraints are subject to review. Handcuffs, straitjackets, and medical restraints are allowed when depicted in conjunction with arrests, medical procedures, historical references, or other non-sexual situations. Children depicted as being restrained in an abusive setting will be removed.

Bodily Fluids

  • No depicting the act of urination. Any image depicting urine is subject to review or removal.
  • Any image depicting breast milk is subject to review or removal. This does not extend to breastfeeding.
  • Any image depicting semen or vaginal fluid is subject to removal.
  • Depictions of blood are allowed in art on Renderosity.

No Child Nudity

  • Images of children or characters resembling children (including teens, pre-adolescents, childlike fairies, and other imaginary figures) under 18 years of age, depicting nudity are not permitted.
  • No child nudity of any kind which includes exposed chest on females, buttocks, or genitals.
  • No images in which characters under the age of 18 give the appearance of having no clothes.
  • No use of: transparent clothes, blurring of nude areas, or the use of blots or censored wording or props to cover areas that are otherwise not clothed.
  • No depictions of young humanoid characters/children giving the appearance of being under the age of 18 displayed in erotic, seductive, provocative poses or context.
  • Babies in diapers will be allowed.
  • Female characters, toddler to 18-years of age, cannot have exposed chest.
  • Male characters, toddler to 18-years of age, may be shirtless.
  • Children that cannot be distinguished between male and female cannot have exposed chests.
  • Since age and gender can be difficult to identify with 3D images, this will be at the discretion of the Renderosity team.
  • Gender that is questionable on an image with an exposed chest will be removed from the gallery at the discretion of the Renderosity team.

Child-like Imagery. We reserve the right to delete any child-like imagery that is inappropriate for Renderosity.

No Links on Images to competing sites, such as DAZ Studio, ShareCG, TurboSquid, or similar sites are allowed on images or links in the gallery. Mentions of the sites such as for credit are permitted. Links to Patreon are not allowed.

Forum Duplicate Posts are Not Permitted. Posting the same thread topic in multiple forums is considered spamming the forums.

Images on Hold. Your account may be banned for three (3) days if you repost an image on hold, post retaliation imagery, or engage in staff bashing after we have enforced the TOS.

Political Posts. We do not remove political art unless it violates the TOS. We do moderate the comments for trolling and personal attacks.

Gallery Flooding. We allow eight (8) items to be uploaded per day. Multiple images can be uploaded per item. This is to prevent flooding of the galleries and New Art area.

Multi-Image Upload

  • If a multi image upload contains an image with a TOS violation, the whole upload will be removed.
  • The multi-image upload feature must be used when uploading similar images, pose studies, a collection of photographs, and storytelling.

Older Artwork. If older artwork violates any policy it may be taken down.


  • Above the comment box, it states the type of comment the artist prefers, comments that do not comply will be removed at the artist’s request.
  • Regardless of the type of comment, the comment must be respectful.
  • There is zero tolerance for harassing, derogatory, or destructive comments.
  • Cursing in gallery comments is not allowed. Comments with profanity will be removed.


  • When posting your image into a gallery it may be moved by the moderators to a more appropriate gallery. Example: People are not pets and should not be put in the Pets of the Community Gallery. People will be moved to the People Gallery.
  • Any gallery image that contains nudity, violence, or profanity in the description must be tagged with the appropriate content advisories (Checkboxes are located on the gallery upload form)
  • Profane gestures (such as the middle finger) in a gallery image must be tagged with the profanity content advisory tag.
  • Profanity, inappropriate euphemisms, innuendos, and offensive or derogatory language in the title of an image is not permitted, to include the use of special characters to mask profanity.
  • Any image that includes profanity in its description must be marked by a profanity tag.
  • No description, keywords, or titles of images can include the terms BDSM, Bondage, Dominance, Discipline, Submissive, Sadism, Masochism, Sadomasochism, Rape, or Torture. Explicit titles, keywords, and descriptions are subject for review or removal of the post.
  • The nudity flag must be checked if the uploaded image shows more skin than the amount you would see when wearing a thong bikini.
  • Nudity flag must be checked if any portion of the female nipple or areola is exposed.
  • Members that violate any part of the TOS will be notified by a member of the Renderosity team. Warnings will be noted in the member's record. Continual violation of the rules will result in a temporary ban. Habitual rule violations will result in a permanent ban.

Profile Avatars and Usernames

  • Nudity, sexual acts, profanity, profane gestures, and inappropriate avatars are not permitted.
  • Partially nude avatars are subject to review or removal.
  • Profanity and inappropriate usernames are not permitted.
  • Use of special characters to mask profanity is not permitted.


  • If you post a full body image thumbnail to the Portraits Gallery it may be moved to the People Gallery.
  • Thumbnail images must be cropped from the original image or be a smaller version of the image.
  • The thumbnail image must be a close-up of the person's face or a bust which can include a face, shoulders, and chest.
  • Thumbnails where the face is hidden or cropped out, are subject to be moved to another gallery.

Written Works:

  • Written works must comply with all sections of the TOS.
  • Explicit sexual content, sexual references, sexual acts, rape, BDSM, slavery not in a historic context, or fetish scenes, are not permitted.
  • A certain level of violence in the descriptions is permitted, (such as sword fights, gun fights, etc.) but stories that glorify the inflicting of pain, or graphic descriptions of gore, are not permitted.
  • While satire is allowed, do not base the satire on any members of Renderosity. Any such pieces will be treated as personal attacks.
  • Child nudity and violence rules apply to written works the same as visual art.
  • Do not post copyrighted material without the author’s written permission. A small sample may be posted for educational purposes, for example, a sentence from a book when discussing writing styles or a particular author, but please do not post stories or exercises without permission.
  • Do not post links to sites with stories that violate the TOS.
  • If you're not sure if a story is within the Terms of Service, please feel free to send the story to a moderator so it can be reviewed.
  • A story with violence, profanity, or nudity must have the appropriate content advisory tag checked.
  • We reserve the right to remove inappropriate stories.

Fan Fiction and Fan Art:

  • There are instances in which fan fiction and fan art is permitted under Fair Use (by adding new elements—in some way "transforming" the work), or if the creator has allowed fan fiction or fan art of the work.
  • Fan fiction and fan art will be removed at staff discretion if the work violates copyright.
  • Selling or profiting from fan fiction and fan art on Renderosity, or linking to sites selling fan fiction or fan art is not permitted.
  • Fan art and Fan fiction cannot be entered in any contest or activity where prizes are offered.


  • All contest entries must comply with the TOS, as well as the published rules for the contest.
  • If an entry would require a content advisory tag, it cannot be used in a contest.


  • There is zero tolerance for spam.
  • Spam will be immediately removed without warning and permaban issued.

Model Release

  • A signed model release with Photo-ID may be required for some photographic images. If requested, documents can be submitted on a Support Ticket.

Commercial Images are Welcome in the Galleries With the Following Restrictions:

  • Renderosity does not allow artist groups to promote products in the gallery because of Gallery Flooding.
  • Posting of commercial images/links is limited to active vendors and products in the Renderosity Marketplace.
  • Commercial language is limited to text in the Notes area and may not appear on the actual image.
  • Renderosity will no longer allow artist groups to promote products in the gallery as they have become intrusive for both vendors and gallery artists and floods the gallery taking away attention from other artists.

Conduct - Zero Tolerance

Renderosity Maintains a Zero Tolerance on Certain Behaviors Within the Community.


Renderosity upholds a strict policy against certain behaviors within the community. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, making threats of physical harm, property damage, or violence towards individuals or groups; engaging in fraudulent activities such as credit card misuse or refusing to pay for items from the MarketPlace; soliciting, trading, or distributing illegal products (warez); engaging in intentional practices that disrupt community operations; and impersonating Renderosity staff members. Renderosity treats this information as confidential, but may disclose it in certain circumstances where necessary, and will involve legal authorities as appropriate.

 Clone Accounts:

Creating a clone account to bypass a temporary or permanent gallery or forum ban is a violation of Renderosity’s TOS. Any such accounts will be subject to immediate action, including a permanent ban.

 Privacy Statement:

Renderosity maintains member/user information to support community operations. Member email addresses are stored for distributing newsletters and are not shared except in cases of Zero Tolerance Conduct violations. Member/user IP addresses are collected for diagnostic purposes and are not shared except in cases of Zero Tolerance Conduct violations.

State residents who are covered under “Shine the Light” laws can request information about personal information disclosed for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. Renderosity maintains a database of merchandise purchases but does not store credit card numbers. Renderosity servers use cookies for page views and stored information, and aggregate data is collected for advertising purposes, without sharing sensitive personal information.

Renderosity uses analytics tracking codes for Google Analytics and social media platforms but does not store personal or identifying information in conjunction with this tracking. Renderosity is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of external websites linked within the community.

Purchasing Data:

Renderosity maintains a database of purchases, which includes but is not limited to the buyer's Name, Address, and Phone. Renderosity does not retain credit card numbers in its database, and this information is only disclosed to authorities in cases of Zero Tolerance Conduct violations.


Renderosity's servers are designed to read and write specific cookie files for members/users. These files are used solely for recording page views and storing member-provided information, such as site preferences and purchasing history. It's important to note that Renderosity cookie files do not access any data beyond what is contained within them.

Aggregate Data:

Renderosity gathers and utilizes aggregate data for advertising purposes. This data encompasses metrics like page views, ad impressions, click-through rates, total membership, and subscriber counts. This statistical information does not include any sensitive personal data.

Renderosity employs analytics tracking codes, including Google Analytics, and tracks activity on social media platforms like Facebook and Pinterest. No personal or identifying information is stored in conjunction with this tracking code.

Off-Site Links:

Renderosity's community includes links to various external websites, typically provided by members/users. Renderosity cannot be held accountable for the privacy practices or content of these external sites.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Renderosity, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to your use of the website for any violation of these terms of service (TOS). You are subject to the laws of the state of Tennessee, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws, which will govern the terms of service and a dispute of any type that may arise between you and Renderosity in connection with your use of the website shall be brought exclusively in the chancery court for Davidson county, Tennessee or the united states district court for the middle district of Tennessee, to which you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue thereof.

Disclaimer Of Warranties:


  1. Your utilization of the service is entirely at your own risk.
  2. The service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
  3. Renderosity explicitly disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
  4. Renderosity makes no guarantee that the service will meet your requirements, be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free.
  5. Renderosity does not warrant that the results obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable, or that any products, services, information, or other material obtained through the service will meet your expectations.
  6. Any errors in the software will be rectified.
  7. Any material downloaded or obtained through the service is done at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data resulting from such downloads.
  8. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from Renderosity or through the service, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms of Service.


Limitation Of Liability:

You expressly acknowledge and agree that Renderosity shall not be held liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses (even if Renderosity has been advised of the possibility of such damages). These damages may result from various factors, such as your use or inability to use the service, the cost of obtaining substitute goods or services, unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, statements, or conduct of any third party on the service, or any other matter relating to the service.

Spam Policy and Damages:

Renderosity reserves the right to promptly terminate any account it deems, at its sole discretion, to be involved in the transmission of "spam" or other unsolicited bulk emails. As quantifying damages can be challenging, if actual damages cannot be reasonably determined, you agree to compensate Renderosity with liquidated damages of five dollars (US $5.00) per occurrence of spam linked to your Renderosity account. Alternatively, you agree to pay Renderosity's actual damages, to the extent they can be reasonably assessed.

Contact Us:

Renderosity is owned and operated by Bondware, Inc.

239 John R Rice Blvd., Suite F Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Please feel free to contact Support if you have any questions.

Privacy Notice

This site uses cookies to deliver the best experience. Our own cookies make user accounts and other features possible. Third-party cookies are used to display relevant ads and to analyze how Renderosity is used. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Terms of Service, including our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.