Thu, May 16, 4:07 PM CDT

Tip of the Iceberg

Bryce World Events/Social Commentary posted on Mar 09, 2006
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Well I'm going to get on my soap box again... I was having lunch with a coworker of mine, a young guy, Twenty-something... And at some point the conversation turned to global warming... With a completely serious face, he made the following statements: "I don't believe in global warming..", "There is no scientific data to support the theory" "It is arrogant for human beings to think they can effect the environment like that..." Now the "Old Eric" would have sputtered in disbelief, and launched into... But I just stared at him..."Really?" I replied... I have no ambitions to set this particular individual straight... But just incase anyone reads this that thinks there is no scientific evidence, that global warming is real... here is some solid info the subject: Global warming info NASA's report on global warming National Academy of Sciences Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change "Both poles melting-ABC In our own state, the "Growing Zones" for plants, has changed twice in just 5 years... We just had the warmest Winter since 1945....

Comments (41)



7:11PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Beeeeautiful. Love the colors! KP



7:17PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Global WARPING is a very true and present reality..we are not round we are an elipse..and if we dont stop warping the globes..we'll be the EGG the universe laid...I really like the texture or radiance of colors(not to mention the 'colours') in the top ice -nice image --worthy message !!



7:22PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

we not makeing the earth to warm up . I read and hear of scincetests saying it nature it self that doing it and the sun been in a storm for a longest time as of when we started looking at the sun storms. i think it nature itself that is doing it and when i was growing up they say we going into a Ice Age lol they can not even get the weather right tomorrow and we truse them to say we in global warming?



7:26PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Great Comment Eric !!! man, what a shmuck that young guy is, our school systems are failing as well, as all the other important infrastructures. This is the result of that grubby little oil-war, think about it... if the all the hydraulic fluids drain out, then you get metal grinding against metal , so if you continue to suck out oil from our planet, then of course we are going get more environmental disaster's eg: the weather today...flood, quakes etc, etc occuring with increasing frequency ! batten down the hatches... great stuff Eric ~Cheers~ :o)



7:32PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I have had to talk to my children about it i wonder how it will effcet thier grandchildren!... good point and most beautiful work of art love the colors and artistry awesome!!



7:37PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I don't know if man is direct cause or not, but it is undeniable the short term trend is warming. My theory is: warming will increase tectonic plate movement which will increase volcanic activity which will dump mondo ash into stratosphere which will block sun which will cool earth (ice age?) which will melt which will complete cycle which will all start again.



7:42PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Someday, I'd like to see an iceberg up close. If they don't all melt.... When I've flown to Europe, it's my face against the glass over Greenland. Ya done good, real good.



7:45PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I doubt anyone could set anyone that narrow minded straight unless he was trying to get your goat. really a cool--frigid iceberg. is this the one that sank the titanic?



7:50PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Excellent image and comment. Lets hope that one learns the error of his ways sooner rather than later...


8:02PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Calling someone who holds a different opinion (shmuck, etc) shows a lack of objectivity, and maybe even a closed mind. Name calling has become a favorite of "open-minded, compassionate" folks. There is NO general agreement in the scientific community on global warming. Anyone who says otherwise is uninformed or dishonest. This is a very nice image, even if I do disagree with your conclusion.



8:06PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

The world is going to Hell in a handbasket and the most people are sheep that believe everything they're told, as long as it makes them feel safe. Don't even get me started. Now where did I put that tinfoil hat?



8:16PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I really like this! nice work.... more time, will enlighten us all.



8:47PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Yet one more subject no one will ever be able to agree on. I however feel it's a combination of natural occurances and man playing with the can't destroy nature without some result somewhere down the line. A wonderful iceberg and a real ice breaker at any gathering..



8:55PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I want to be clear, though I strongly disagree with my coworker, I do not think him to be an idiot. And I did not say that he was.



9:25PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Oh oh. Looks like you started a little controversy. Not much else you could say to your co-worker. Excellent image!



9:59PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

I am sure that man's impact on the environment does contribute to global warming...but, with humans only being a "blip on the radar screen" in terms of longevity on this planet (ie; ice age, etc...)I do believe mother nature and random acts of global consequence (large meteor strike, etc...) will take out the trash. We humans are not destroying "our" planet...just quickening the unescapable demise that we refuse to accept. Cool image Eric!



10:48PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Very nice - the colors are beautiful - and it is definitely an important and worthwhile topic of discussion.


11:09PM | Thu, 09 March 2006

Climatic change is common. North Africa was very recently a garden. The last Ice Age was just yesterday. The question as phrased is not either or, there is or there isn't. Hysteria is drummed up and used for other, sinister ends, by both the for and the against, as with tobacco. Available data are ambiguous, and not easily translated. It's happened before, within human memory. And? The irony is that warming may well bring the ice again, and quickly. It's a slowboat animation. One frame every millennium perhaps, and a lifetime of training and study just to know where to look, and see it move, if you are lucky. Or maybe not lucky at all....(superb image).



12:53AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

I believe in the laws of physics. They only break down within black holes as far as anyone can tell. When the chemical make up of the atmosphere changes those laws predict that there will be effects. We have definitely changed the chemistry of our atmosphere in ways that easily measurable. The ramifications of those changes are not favorable for our species or for a large number of others on this planet. To deny this or to say that the effects manifesting are part of something "inevitable" is either sticking heads in the sand or an attempt to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. Please understand that I don't think this is unnatural. We are indiginous and so our by-products are completely natural. However, that doesn't mean we will not suffer from these effects. Whether or not we can stop or to what degree we can "clean up our act" is debatable, but what we are doing and that we ARE doing it is not.



1:45AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Great image and an important message! I'm not suprised hearing the statement of your coworker for I heard it myself. But in a world in which many people don't even believe in scientific facts like e.g. evolution, a global consciousness of our problems will not be created in the near future :-/



3:44AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

We are like children Eric forever searching for that special dream. To me some humans are cancerous upon this Earth and the rest of us the immune system trying to save this jewel in the blackness of space. It does not matter what this friend of yours beleives, if things do not improve he will get his answers truly before his eyes...Outstanding work and thought. Bravo!!!...:))



5:32AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Excellent attention to detail with the underwater blur. Here in Moscow, we hit record cold spells. I think someone just sucked all your cold and pumped it over to us.



6:45AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Well...wasn't expecting such a response, but then why didn't I? Let me clarify a few things...I know that the planet goes through natural cycles of warming and cooling, with or with out human influence, the world would eventually go through extreme conditions. What scientists are telling us now (See links, especially both poles melting) is that this process is happening more quickly than anyone thought it could. It is this increase in the time table that I think humans have effected. For instance, Oklahoma is now entering a drought, that is causing (At this very moment) intense wild fires. They are saying that current conditions are worse than the "Dust bowl" of the 30's. As I said already, Minnesota has changed not 1 but 2 growing zones in just 5 years...un heard of. Forest rangers in the Boundary Waters are saying that the climate has warmed so much, that species that couldn't previously survive in the area, are now flourishing...All I'm saying is things have accelerated. There are climatologists that do core samples from the poles, and look at weather patterns over MILLIONS of years. They showed the natural pattern of warming and cooling as portrayed in a bell-curve chart. Like a roller coaster, smoothly, evenly, up and down. Then when they get to our era? The curve took a sudden and noticeably sharp up-turn! There can be no doubt that we have some influence, to say that we don't is irresponsible. I don't think we will/can kill the planet, but we sure as Hell can wipe out our own species, and take others with us...Nature will prevail in the end..and then? Intelligent marmots?



9:48AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

I am speechless at ignorance like that. It's so obvious that things are changing everywhere! This will at some point kill us all or if we have the time to evolve (yes millions of years), we will live on a desolate planet void of atmos, water, air and the like as we will not need air etc. We will become the "hungry insect" like species we all depict at some point or another, raping any planet of it's resources, not because we need them but because we don't. Nothing will mean anything to anyone. Damn that's harsh for a Friday afternoon! Brill pic!!!! I am 32 and live in Africa so tell the little whippersnapper to get a grip and face reality!!!



10:27AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

beautiful ice! I would love to see something like this in person. And thanx for the links. I always want to learn more about what the research and data are showing. I recently saw a show about the "Little Ice Age" that was for several centuries and finally wound down in the early 1800's (think of Washington crossing the Delware with ice floes in the water; extremely rare these days). I got to thinking and it occured to me that maybe we are STILL winding down from that little ice age. Maybe the climate is just rebounding back to what is more average for the history of earth. Also, throughout human history, our cultures and civilizations have always thrived much better during the warmer periods than during the cold periods (think dark ages and all the famines and plagues and such which were in some ways related to the harsh weather conditions. And the wars that occurred as people tried to survive.) So many are so apprehensive of global warming but did it ever cross you mind that maybe it's not such a bad thing? Like you said, "the climate has warmed so much, that species that couldn't previously survive in the area, are now flourishing." Okay, so some places get too hot for what's growing there now. Something new will thrive there! The current lifeforms will migrate to more temperate area. It is happening now and has been happening for decades (armadillos used to be only in Mexico and deep south U.S. Now they are as far north as Missouri and Colorado. Maybe farther). So it gets tough for people. Perhaps especially in big coastal cities. But we will adapt. We always have. So, what do you think?



10:34AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Oh I think you are right, after all we DID survive the Ice Age! We hunted Wooly Mammoths...I agree the planet will evolve, and so will we and all the other species (Those that can survive). But I still stand by the point that we cannot keep polluting our environment with everything from carbon monoxide and mercury to nuclear waste, and say "Eh, it won't change anything..."



10:47AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

The image is fantastic and the message even more profound. Unfortunately, global warming isn't the only problem facing the human race. Our own disinterest in others and our effect on them and the world (especially in the US) is what spawns the effects that destroy the atmosphere. People don't have manners or respect for others anymore. Just yesterday, the guy in the car in front of me throws his entire empty lunch wrappings out the window onto the roadway (like he doesn't have a garbage can at home??) There was a little old lady with a bouquet of flowers in the checkout line two behind me. The lady directly behind me had a completely filled basket. I asked if she would like to let the flower lady ahead of her and she said 'why? she was in line first'. Whatever happened to 'pay it forward'? With attitudes like this, no one will make the changes needed to stop the warming. I'm off the soapbox now too.



11:49AM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Debate aside, this is a very nicely done image. I like how all the blues interact on this. Teh ice isn't quite natural looking , but from a stylized perspective it works very well. Nicely ballanced and presented composition. Like the water distortion beneath the waves.



1:12PM | Fri, 10 March 2006

Awesome 'berg Eric! I'm impressed with the 'Old Man' ;) Me, (even older) would have said, "I think man is arrogant to think they don't effect the environment!".


11:44AM | Sat, 11 March 2006

The ice in the picture is fantastic! I live on the coastal area now so I hope we do not wake up and have a beach in our garden one day!

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