after 7 years i'm finally getting around in adding some info on this page. never really thought about doing it. i have been a member here since July 15th 2006, and have learned alot from fellow artists. i would have about 1300 images or so posted but have deleated many of my first pieces. and still consider myself a developing artist at this wonderful site. i'm 56 years old this year "2013" and was born in North Dakota. i have lived in Colorado since 1967 and enjoy this place alot. my stepfather was in the air force and we lived in Bermuda after North Dakota for a few years before coming here where he got stationed.. and so much enjoy many of the finest artist in the world who post here.. love you all and your amazing friendships we share.. lol Steve
i enjoy working with poser, i have such a dinosaur version i use, (p6) wish i had poser 2012 at least. i also use photoshop 7 for most of my work i post here. but more so photography is my main passion, just hope to get a camera again someday.
p.s. not sure how high of a res pic i'm using for this page. take care and thanks a million you all.
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Comments (63)
He does have a good bite, fantastic scene!
"Eat steel!" She says, before shobing three feet of cold-forged steel down the creature's throat.
Wonderful scene.
Exellent done.
Superb warrior and terrifying creature, wonderful fantasy image, Steve!
Your fantasy world is enchantingly beautiful !!
She is not too impressed by this frightening creature, superb decor, excellent fantasy image, Steve !
what is this mutant-dog-thing called? XD cool image!
Xerr, very old freebie at Daz. 😀
MagikUnicorn Online Now!
he is going to be in a world of pain
Is she turning to flee or taunting it for attack! Either way, an excellent pose that captures what's about to happen next!
Wonderful render, Steve! That little creature is everything. SO great. :)
I think the way to solve this problem is to use a pig, not fig! Before she get blood on her hand, so it will be managed on its own kind.. like that skull but I guess ate it too :)) Very good work on this, everytime!
Give him a hand, he'll take your arm. Nice!
Excellent Scene! She shows no fear and is very well to prepared to take care of this creature! Well done! :-)
After seeing that creature used to humorous effect in other renders, I have a hard time imagining him doing anything here other than complaining to the lady about the long lines at the coffee shop :-) Fine fantasy scene!
he just needs his Scooby snack!!
Always a pleasure...fantastic work....for sure she has the upper hand....can't see him being very nimble on his feet....!! work and render..!!
Exciting scene with one of m;y favorite characters, the tough gal that is. Love the setting, too.
our hero has her hands full. Great job Steve ..happy Friday to ya.
Scary creature, but I know she will triumph! Great scene!
Absolutely wonderful, good composition,excellent light and render 👏👏👏👍🙋♂️
She definitely has a plan. She seems to be motioning him just a little closer with her left hand. Excellent work!
very nice pet :)
Feeding time :) Well done Steve!!!
starship64 Online Now!
Fantastic work. Hopefully that's a friendly monster!
beautiful beast and model. Nice pose and expression
She might need a bigger knife.
Damn ! she's in great danger...what could I do for her ? Super image.