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Mixed Medium Faeries posted on Nov 29, 2011
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Magnus leaned close as they climbed the path from the stables to the house. "Yer mother is gonna be...'ow shall I say this...sommut emotional when she sees ya, Angus." He stopped suddenly sniffing at the air, then turned to Mab. "I heard that, Magnus mac Finn. I wish ya would' nae speak as if tis a certain thing," she chastised him for the tenth time. "Whate'er Mab. D'ya smell that? Lali, you smell that smell? Morna's 'ere." He winked at Gwidion, who'd just caught up with them. "Yer auntie Morna's a real looker, so don' let yer eyes come out yer 'ead when ya see 'er." He was promptly punched in the arm for that. "Well! Can ya deny it, Mab?" Mab rolled her eyes. "Nay, Magnus. Morna is beautiful...if ya likes towheads." Magnus threw his arm around her shoulders. "Now, oo'd I come 'ome ta, woman...eh?" he grinned. Just then, two women came running down the path. Magnus held Moira back. "Go on!" he told Angus. Angus felt bedazzled for a moment looking at Morna, but then his eyes fell on Brianna. Her eyes were open wide and her hand flew to her face as she gasped at the sight of him. "Oh ma gods," she rasped. She looked as if she'd been crying. "Ohhh ma gods. Ya look soooo much like yer father! Don't 'e look like Dermit, Morna?" Morna was a bit calmer about the whole thing. She extended her hand and smiled at him warmly. "Hallo...I'm Morna. This is Brianna, Lady o' the Mountain. What are ya called, lad?" "Angus," he answered not sure if he should bow or what. He inclined his head slightly and Brianna threw her arms around him, hugging him as if he were about to get away. "Ummm, pleased ta meet ya, lovely ladies - Lady Morna...Lady Brianna." He saw a man coming toward them now and Magnus moved past them. Must be Moira's uncle Alduin, he thought. He heard Brianna sobbing now. Awkwardly, he put his arms around her. "It's alright. Ever'thin's gonna be fine. Don't cry. Please?" Morna's smile was tight as she watched them. She sniffed. "Och! Don' cry. I'm here now. Can we go inside. It's been a long journey." He grinned sheepishly looking at Morna. "Ain't used ta ridin' horses so much." "Come Angus. Bri...come on. Let go of 'im an' let's go in the house. C'mon love. Brianna, you hafta let go of 'im. Come on, now!" Morna cast a sympathetic smile at Angus as Brianna tore herself away and took off running toward Alduin and Magnus. "Moira! Mab! Lali and Gwidion!!! I'm sooo happy ta see you," Morna called to the others standing behind Angus. She laced her arm through Angus' and winked over her shoulder at Moira. "There's some things we need ta ask ya, Angus. If ya say the right things in return you'll get a bit more explanation on all this. Bear with 'er. She's been through a lot. A'right?" "I understand...sort of," Angus responded. He held his free arm out behind him and felt Moira take his hand. "This is all very strange ya know." "I know, but I think as soon as she gets o'er the shock o' seein' ya she'll be fine." ***** For Arthur: Mab is the daughter of the older sister of Brianna and Morna's father, so they're second cousins. Neither Magnus or Dermit mac Niall (Angus' possible father) are related to any of them. So, I think we're safe there ;) Lol...I find it interesting re: the comments that 'they're fey anyway'. Personally, I think they were actual people and as Galadriel says in LotR, "And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth." Roxy is correct - it was common for cousins, first and second to marry in those days and 'consanguinity' was often used as an excuse to dissolve a childless or forced marriage...or one the Church didn't like. But it was also a way to keep ones holdings and titles within the family. Enjoy your day my dears and thanks for your comments and time! Rayvn ~;>

Comments (11)



3:25PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

Wonderful and moving chapter! I look forward to more of this excellent story



5:45PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

Another marvelous composition here, splendid character and moving story my friend, excellent work!



7:01PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

The expressions and poses are great. The love, sentiment and disbelief from Briana is well expressed. And Angus really looks like he doesn't know what to do. And Morna is pretty sexy from any angle ;) Now that I know the relationship all seems much more clear and safe. Luckily modern genetics has explained what happens by 'keeping it in the family' too much. It will be interesting to hear the clues Angus must answer correctly. And then it's time to deal with Mog, eh? Excellent image and writing. Quite absorbing.



9:10PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

LOL! This is really quite wonderful. You have done a masterful job with the posing and expressions in the image, and the story is nothing short of exquisite. I can nae wait for the wee inquisition o' Angus to reveal the truth o' it all!



11:20PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

nice work



11:33PM | Tue, 29 November 2011

Beautiful and yet again, masterful work--very expressive, mystikal, colorful--a very joyous meeting indeed!



2:28AM | Wed, 30 November 2011

Very dynamic scene. The poses , expressions and mouvements are so well done. Great outfits and backgroung is beautiful! What a life they have ,full of surprises. Hopefully they are protected by the benevolent little faes! Cheers O.



3:05AM | Wed, 30 November 2011

Fantastic image.



4:24PM | Fri, 02 December 2011

Beautiful work =)!



11:26PM | Fri, 02 December 2011

Yes indeedee about the real people observation and how stories became legend. In a similar note it has been surmised that many of the Ishtar legends were in fact about real events that occured between rulers of the ancient Mesopotamian cities and these were then personified as Gods, with each God being attached most strongly to a particular city. You do indeed well capture a magical moment and you do show some of the traits of the characters, Morna being forthright and bold, Angus leaning forward but his feet planted firmly, he wants to let go but is also cautious and uncertain, Bri is of course overwhelmed. Lovely narrative too, all very believable.



4:08AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

stunning !!!

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