Sat, May 18, 11:38 PM CDT


Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 05, 2006
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I had some very disturbing news last night, in that further to the beating that Tee took at the hands of her ex husband, in addition to broken ribs and damaged internal organs, Tee, suffered a major trauma to the head in the attack and since that time she has had difficulty standing and keeping her balance. She has undergone surgery to her brain today and I'd like you to spare a thought for this wonderful lady, who is like a sister to me. I sincerely hope that they manage to relieve the pressure to her brain, so that she can once again function as a normal human being. U P D A T E I have just received an instant message from Tee's daughter Jessica, who tells me Tee has just come out of surgery, after over four hours and they corrected an inner ear problem whilst she was under. Her Doctor says she will be allowed home on Sunday and the terrible headaches she was experiencing, have all gone. What fabulous news. Tee will now be able to dance at Jessica's wedding, later this year. WTG Tee! I can't wait for her to get back at her computer again, so that, once again she can be creative. I'd like to thank Jen (A Gentle Muse) for her beautiful character Arleina. A big thank you also, to Rob (Axeye) for his superb backgrounds. Thank you Alan, for your beautiful swans. They look so good here. Thank you for looking and especially for keeping Tee in your thoughts. I'm sure you'll join me in wishing her a speedy recovery back to good health, God bless her. Your comments, as always are very much appreciated. Steve :o)

Comments (58)



1:03PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Steve...OMG! I had no idea. OMG! First off, I would like to offer my prayers for her, and that she make a speedy recovery. I pray for her and I am sure many will join me in that. Secondly, I hope the Rat Bastard that did this is in the clink, and gets it every night! OMG, who could be possesed to possibly hurt such a sweetie??? OMG! I am FUMING! I...I can't see straight from the rage! Tee, your in my prayers...



1:04PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Oh Steve I am so sorry to hear of your friend....that is horrific and she is in my prayers and thoughts. You have done an outstanding picture as a dedication to her and she would be very proud....awesome work hun! (((Hugs)))



1:05PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

I hope she will be fine Steve.... wife beating is such a sad social problem, happens across all social statues and it's a real shame when it reduces someone to a lesser quality of life... my thoughts are with her!


1:17PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

My thoughts are with Tee...hoping she will get better!! Beautiful and dedication!! tonz of hugz



1:21PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

fanatsic image and excelllent :) i hope get better:)



1:22PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Beautiful colours and dedication, Lovely work!! I will be thinking of Tee and sending healing thoughts her way!!!



1:27PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

That's just horrible---as if there wasn't enough brutality in this world...I swear I despair sometimes. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers and send all the healing I can to make sure she makes a speedy recovery---and that her attacker gets all the blessings he has coming to him, preferably in the shape of a large truck. Gorgeous dedication and render.



1:32PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Well, even though I don't know Tee - no one ever deserves to be beaten. And second of all, lets round up the renderosity members, get a couple of them Grim Suits & Pitbulls from Sanctum (if only they were real) and pay the bastard a visit. Lovely image. Get better Tee - where ever you are - we're all pullin for ya hun!



1:35PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

My prayers are with Tee...I hope her ex husband goes to jail.



1:40PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

I am stunned! I agree so strongly with papachile! I hope that her ex gets his and then some for every other spouse beater who never got theirs! She will be in my prayers!!! Gorgeous image, and thank you so much for letting us know about this!



1:44PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

I didn't know Tee but no one deserves to get beaten like that! I hope her ex husband got arrested for it! The creep should rot in jail! Sorry to hear such sad news Steve, wishing her a speedy recovery!



2:05PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

My prayers are with Tee. And all women around the world like her. Thanks for letting us know.



2:06PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

I'm so sorry to hear that Steve ... I wish Tee a fast and full recovery ... Why don't they try to hit us big guys instead !!! ... thanks for letting us know !!! Xcellent image !!!



2:09PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Hope your friend will recover soon and sorry to heard this kind of thing still occure .As humains,we are supposed to be civilizated !!!



2:26PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Beautiful work here!!! Love the lighting!!! ((( Vote )) ;)



2:28PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

i'm almost speechless here...i'm sorry about your friend Tee, stevie. i guess you could say i have been lucky being able to get away from an abusive guy when i was younger. nobody deserves to be hurt in that way, especially a woman. do give her my love and hope she draws strength from each of us to help her well into recovery. my thoughts and prayers for Tee...hugs, Rain



2:42PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Lovely image excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2:53PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Sorry to hear about Tee I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers Excellent work Steve Dayna xxoo



3:10PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

I am so sorry for your friend Tee Steve and just read the good news about her. I am really happy for all of you and I keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Your artwork is just beautiful as always steven and a huge V from me.



3:16PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

super Lady, background, light and mood!



3:21PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Well I do hope Tee gets better real soon...and that her ex get what he truly deserves. Very beautiful dedication to such a sweet woman Steve!! Huggs!!



3:25PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Excellent image Steve - wishes to Tee for a speedy recovery!!!



3:33PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

OMG!!! I'm so, so sorry to hear about your friend. I'm 4 shades of scarlet just hearing about it. I hope the pr*** goes to jail for a long, long time, and receives the same kind of treatment from the bigger guys in there. I'll gladly say a prayer for Tee, and I'm happy to hear she's recovering. She's lucky to have a friend like you, Steve. This is an excellent tribute to someone you obviously care about very much. I wish both you and Tee nothing but good health an happiness in the future. - Matt



3:53PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Your such a good friend to have. Hope everything is uphill from now on.



3:54PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Good to hear Tee's gonna be OK. I also hope her ex gets what's coming to him. I think someone making him their prison girlfriend would be appropriate punishment. My best wishes to her for a speedy recovery. I agree that this pic is a wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady. - Alan



4:21PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

A very beautiful image for Tee..I hadn't heard of this incident but she'll be in my thoughts. Let's hope for once the justice system works the way it's supposed to and that this lowlife is put behind bars where he belongs.



4:28PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

My prayers are always with Tee for she is like a sister to me as well!! Good spirits surround her and she will pull through, she is strong that way!! Thank you for the update Stevie!! Gorgeous image btw!! Excellent work!!



4:35PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

A tragic story with a happy ending, thank God! A gorgeous image Steve and your lighting is just wonderful........hugzzzzzzz



4:56PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Oh Lord I had no idea my heartfelt prayers are with Tee but indeed a happy ending to such an awful tragedy:( This is beautiful and your a wonderful friend to have Vote n hugs Susan~


5:34PM | Wed, 05 April 2006

Beautiful image Steve! ...i wish your friend a fast recovery... bye, Uwe

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