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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 May 02 3:52 pm)

Subject: Thanks !

vampchild ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 8:10 AM · edited Fri, 19 April 2024 at 12:28 PM

I just want to say Thanks to all the vendors who stopped making poser stuff. At first I was upset that everybody jumped on the g8 bandwagon, but now I'm happy ( I've saved a ton of money because of it ). And a Special Thanks goes to E for making Project E. I totaly love that character. PE makes G8 look like a stick doll ! PE cames with everything you need, all the working parts-awesome . I still love V4 & V3 ! Once again Thanks-If you don't make 'em I don't have to buy 'em.

Beware-The Smoking Man Still Lives!

ThunderStone ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 8:51 AM



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-renapd- ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 9:05 AM · edited Mon, 26 February 2018 at 9:07 AM
Site Admin

As one of the very few 100% Poser Vendors and one of the oldest vendors too plus the fact that I've never supported DS.. I think I've earned the right to defend myself against the sarcasm!

Many of us (including myself) make a living out of our creations for many years now.. we depend on our income to make ends meet in our families!

I'm not ashamed to admit that my POSER income kept getting lower and lower as all and more Poser users stopped buying addons, characters... everything V4 related! They either moved on or stopped carrying about new Poser products.

I won't lie! An eye condition prevents me of using compact interfaces the style of DS.. especially its material room is a disaster for my personal case! So for me it's never going to happen.. to change app and move to DS! But this also means that my income was shrunk tremendously as I've lost 3/4 of my customers due to indiference about V4 products.

Bottom line... the clients first lifted their support from Poser vendors forcing their hand to move on to another app with more new users. The few of us who can't.. just had to figure out another way to replace our lost income!

Bitter sarcasm sounds like a joke in my own ears as I was hurt and had to deal with the consequences much more than many others.. so I hope you do not misunderstand my intervention and feeling the need to personally defend myself and others against your own comment!


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vampchild ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 11:35 AM

Rena, I did not mean nothing personal towards you or any of the people still making poser products. Some vendors are still making great products which I buy so by no means be offeneded I'm just stating a fact. If you make a living at this, great. Keep up the good work.

Beware-The Smoking Man Still Lives!

galaxiefilm ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 12:24 PM

Any vendor not producing for Poser too will lose my business because I do not use DS and have no intention of ever doing so.

Boni ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 4:59 PM · edited Mon, 26 February 2018 at 5:00 PM

I have faith that the Poser market will grow there are various vendors who like you Rena are purely poser users and vendors we need NOT make this a competition we have a split market let's support our market it's that simple


"Be Hero to Yourself" -- Peter Tork

SamTherapy ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2018 at 6:23 PM

Boni posted at 12:21AM Tue, 27 February 2018 - #4325166

I have faith that the Poser market will grow there are various vendors who like you Rena are purely poser users and vendors we need NOT make this a competition we have a split market let's support our market it's that simple

Well said. With luck and a strong wind, I'll have more stuff for people to spend their money on in a while. Got some (more) family stuff to deal with at the moment, some good, some not so great, but once that's sorted, I'll be an uploading fool. 😁

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A_Sunbeam ( ) posted Tue, 27 February 2018 at 9:08 AM

I buy Poser stuff exclusively (M3 M4 V3 V4 A3), but only if I can afford it.

I note that some Poser vendors feel they are not being supported, but when you are on a limited budget like me (Senior Citizen, pension and all that jazz) you just have to wait for the occasional reduction in price.

I suspect there are more like me who might pay the full price if only they had enough in the kitty...

philebus ( ) posted Tue, 27 February 2018 at 11:31 AM
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My Renderosity account shows 1,003 items in my product library, my DAZ account shows 4,960 items - and I have no idea how much I've purchased from other stores (some long gone) over the years. My Poser Runtime folder is now 333GB - a fair chunk of which has been converted to compressed format, so quite a bit of stuff, all said and done.

And yet, my Renderosity wish list is worth $9,552, with I don't know how many items, while my DAZ wish list as 840 items, not to mention the lists of things I still want from various other stores. In short, more than I can possibly afford to buy in the foreseeable future.

If I am saving money by spending less on Poser products, it is not because of a migration of vendors from supporting Poser to Studio, but rather because I have reached a point where I can make do very well with what I have and don't particular fancy re-buying all the same looking dresses for V8 through to V999 again and again. Poser and even V4/M4 have been around for a long time now and I suspect that a lot of Poser users are in the same situation as myself and feel that their Runtimes are hitting saturation point - of course, we still spend our money, but not like we used to.

Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't like some vendors to resume making Poser products but they don't owe the software any loyalty, nor do they owe that to me. They are, as has been pointed out, trying to earn a living - can't we allow them that?

Boni ( ) posted Wed, 28 February 2018 at 2:58 PM

I don't believe there is any pressure here. This is a Poser forum, what we're doing here as far as I can see in this thread is asking for more products for Poser, plain and simple again not a criticism


"Be Hero to Yourself" -- Peter Tork

Nails60 ( ) posted Thu, 01 March 2018 at 6:02 AM
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I agree with the comments from philebus. I've only been using Poser for about 3 years, but by the end of last year I was spending 3-400UKP (4-500USD) a month on content. My runtimes are now over 250GB. I retired at Christmas so now have less money to spend on Poser but still buy a reasonable amount. However, for me to buy anything for V4, it either has to be very cheap (such as the recent get 90% off 4 items sale from DAZ) or something original (such as the Red Army uniform from Cybertenko) as I have all the clothing or textures I'm ever likely to use for V4.

I realise that vendors have to put bread on the table, but perhaps this had led to short termism. The only native Poser figure to anywhere near match V4 in terms of content is Dawn, and this is because Hivewire has continued supporting her, I'm always hopeful whenever a new Poser figure comes out that it will be supported by a range of new and exciting products, but unfortunately this just doesn't happen. (It was a great shame that Sixus stopped supporting Scarlet, and Johnathon never appeared.)

We now have project-e and Bella has just been released. So far the only clothing on sale for PE seem to be dynamics items from Karanta, and as I tend to produce renders with large number of figures I rarely use dynamic clothing. I can only speak for myself, but I'm much more likely to buy stuff for PE, Bella, Pauline, Miki4 than V4.

I mean this as a suggestion to vendors, rather than a criticism, get away from V4 and help produce a market for one of the other figures by producing content that makes people want to use the new figures.

RorrKonn ( ) posted Fri, 02 March 2018 at 12:01 AM

The problem and the war started cause your dependent on someone else making stuff for you. Get Blender and forget about it.


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