BIOI'm from Croatia (small land for big vacation - from touristic brochure) Born in 1972. Hooked on computer since 1987 (started with Commodore 64). My first attempts in graphic started in Art Studio on C=64 where I used joystick to paint (sounds silly but then there was no mouses) in 16 colors. After that came Amiga (with mouse) and much more colors. I made my first 3D objects in 3D studio 4 (DOS-based program :) ) in 1996. I worked also as Web master and Web designer for few years. Currently, I got steady job as designer for exhibition areas in fairs and exhibitions. I started on Renderosity as artist and published few rendered images. Later on, I published some free objects and after that started with creation of commercial models and textures. I loooove to play video-games, read books and watch movies (I prefer Sci-Fi). One more thing; whatever I do, I can't do it without listening good Indie music! Thank You for stopping by. Dominik
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