Fri, Feb 14, 9:18 PM CST

mallard 2

Photography Animals posted on May 30, 2005
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This is a second shot on a serie of mallards! As I did some in colors I decided to give a try in B&W and to play with tones! Don't know if it looks fine or not as the tone range was not really good , that shot was taken under very sunny conditions! Anyway hope you enjoy! Comments on anything that is not well done or optimal is really welcome and appreciate! Would like to sincerely tell my appreciation for the quality of your comments and for wiewing my images as it helps me to get feed back and to improove! People here are really helpfull and generously sharing..this is great! Have a good day! To Andr

Comments (15)



11:27PM | Mon, 30 May 2005

wow that is beautiful. Excellent composition:)



11:38PM | Mon, 30 May 2005

well this is certainly very beautiful..bravos!



11:42PM | Mon, 30 May 2005

fantastic work, super framing and colouring!!!



12:06AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

LMAO!!! My God woman, im soooo proud of you!!! I have taught you well young pupil omine, lol. Gorgeous capture this is!!! Excellent play with selective colouring, and the tonal range is dead on!!! Yup, you did perfect on this one Nicole!!!! Have a great day #:O)



12:37AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

belle compo ,mais mallard jamais entendu parler: je suppose sue c'est la race de ces canards!



1:11AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

Mais oui c'est bien leur nom..En franis on les appe les colverts et il y en a beaucoup ici au Quec. ;-)



1:46AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

a very beautiful shot! so cleard and the background so unfocused! amazing details!



2:06AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

wow, amazing shot, the post work really works well. Nice one :)



3:08AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

Tres bon... love the yellow probe!


2:19PM | Tue, 31 May 2005

A breathtaking photographic work!!!


3:06PM | Tue, 31 May 2005

encore un fantastique travail ....le rendu de cette photo est splendide!!!!!!!!!!!



5:17PM | Tue, 31 May 2005

This certainly looks fine. The different kinds of feathers shows up beautifully - and the selective coloring is a nice touch. Excellent shot!


8:02PM | Tue, 31 May 2005

a wonderful image. i like the colours and textures. excellent done !!!!!!!! #:O) !!!!!!!!!!


2:46AM | Wed, 01 June 2005

the feathers look good with this treatment... not sure of the head looking so black... maybe this with a light wash of color...



6:52PM | Wed, 01 June 2005

Thank you! As you Cynlee I did not saw it was very I did not succed to make a better B&W conversion look...thank's anyway , it was not my favorite though ;)

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