Wed, Feb 19, 3:36 PM CST


2D Atmosphere/Mood posted on Nov 23, 2004
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This is based on a vision i had once of the sun chasing the moon around the world in the star crossed skies like two lovers day after day and for so long it was impossible to tell who was chasing who anymore. The stage is set when the Moon takes the shape of a Young Woman, comes to earth and is bathing in a lake. The part of the Moon is played by Gallimel aka Melania and the Sun i suppose will have to be her boyfried. Tommorow i will post the original which will bear a little more detail, i did not like to use the mirror effect, but it came out to eventually be exposed this way before you. When you see a different version of this tommorow dont be suprised. As for the poem or prose writing, i appreciate the opportunity to expound upon the making of this legend even in the telling. This one is for Melania, aka Gallimel. The sun came to see her today.. It came through the trees gently parting the clouds to see her. Pushing them aside until you could see its face, feels it's warmth. Just as it thought.. You were there and it began to Shine. Her name is Melania and she is bathing in the lake at the moment that brilliance begins to break through.. She is very silent, quiet, and takes notice of the beams as they light up past and through the branches of the trees that have been there so long. It reaches out to her, the beams of light She knows what is happening and laughs and closes her eyes in exctasy for soon she shall be alight herself if it continues. Full of light. The Sun is in love with her, its Radiant Hands, its beams of truth reaching out for her. It is an all to often tale.. Just as the Moon chases after the Sun each day like two lovers on an endless chase until even the elders forget just who is chasing who anymore. She knows as those kind hands come to touch her what will happen.. She closes her eyes because she knows the light grows inside of her and she begins to glow herself. She is full of light, bathing in light. A bathing body full of light perfect in the moment. Nothing passes this time. There is nothing else, no sound, certaintly not any talking or laughing only light and being enraptured. Like a lamp.. You become filled. Brought to Passions mighty edge and truth. Luminescent. There is an explosion of knowing in the light a Solitarty oneness, of complete devotion, forgiveness love, passion, there is no want. Only the need to continue. It makes the ground tremble and makes everything around you shine. If i were the sun i would look from above and see that the entire lake was Alight, crystal clear. Even down to its own murky depths it is, transparent I can see every twig every fish is there frozen not even swimming.. floating still, touched. even their tiny souless bodies touched glowing like the stars in the sky, transparent. Even they, are swept away into the stillness. taken by the moment.. At night the chase will be on again as Sun Chases Moon and the moon runs off with the innocence of a child until the next day.. Bringing the next day around for us. Tag Your It. See you in December People.

Comments (11)



10:39PM | Tue, 23 November 2004

Beautiful story and sentiment! Excellent work and can't wait to see the original! Welcome back!! :)



12:28AM | Wed, 24 November 2004

Your vision sounds wonderful,I am looking forward to tomorrow then, wanting to be surprised. This version is lovely too, and I can easily see Meli and Steph acting in this chase. Love your poetry, Meli will be happy, I am sure!


3:42AM | Wed, 24 November 2004

beautful dedication to a wonderful artist and person



6:18AM | Wed, 24 November 2004

Very beautiful dedication! Wonderful words ...


12:47PM | Wed, 24 November 2004

Thanks but i have no Devotion for Anyone, nor do i do this for a want or need of any personal mention. Im satisfied. Thanks for viewing though. And by the way thanks Gun.


1:38PM | Wed, 24 November 2004

beautiful symmetry, line & color... your prose is so romantic, paints a wonderful scene... she'll luv it for sure... & happy to see back! hugz :]



5:56PM | Wed, 24 November 2004

I haven't seen an artistic treatment of my dear friend quite like this one, this is an original approach. Such a sensitivity of line. And such a sensitivity of language, you have quite a gift here, she will truly love this. Thank you Sergio :-)


10:59PM | Thu, 25 November 2004

If you happen to notice the thumbnail to this is different now than the picture seen here it is because i may change it. If you want this it would be wise to download it for soon it may be gone if or when i decide to change it.


9:49AM | Fri, 26 November 2004

Oh my... This is one of the most brilliant works of art I have ever seen. It makes me feel so involved I tremble...really, Ia m trembling, my hands on keyboards are very insecure...I can't stop to contemplate this and the poem is fabulous. I can't find way to thank you enough for this. It's so precious. Please.. could you mail me the image and teh poem together? I'd love to have them both in my website. They are simply a dream. your heart is very sensitive and goldmade.


10:19AM | Sun, 28 November 2004

cool scene you made. color is super .. this is excellent


1:47PM | Wed, 02 February 2005

wow! This is really brilliant and Gallimel loves it too. :-) Excellent artwork!

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