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2D Fantasy posted on Nov 16, 2004
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This is probably my last work i am posting at Renderosity. It is the pencils to the work i posted before this. The reason i am leaving is because the scans i are not doing my pencils justice. This here is nothing its like a clone it's 70 percent accurate. I am not sad or sorry i am leaving, it was fun but my life sucks right now so unless i get some issues resolved i wont be back. I hope to come back i know i have a lot to offer i am never satisfied with my work all i do is critique it. All i see is whats wrong with it while everyone else gets to enjoy it. I will never be happy until what i feel i am capable of is revealed. My works i think they are ok but really you dont know me. I know none of the stuff i am posting is worthy of the way i can put things together in my head. We are like children trying to understand art but since i was a child i knew about the lines. Art is merely an expression of life and life is everything. The natural falling into of comprehension of ways. Now as i enter another phase in my life knowing like never before i must become like unto the concept of a cacoon a change if you will, so i can spread my wings and wake up trully reborn. The lines are sentences in which i draw, it is the language in which i understand better than words. Until i am fully ready to speak, what i say or be able to convey the TRUTH the Depth in me i wont be back. If this confuses you its ok it was not meant for you to understand. Hope 2 be back soon... if i am it will be like never before or nothing.

Comments (8)



11:41PM | Tue, 16 November 2004

I hope you'll be back Sleepman, thank you for all the advice you've given, it means alot to me. Take care and be well!


2:00AM | Wed, 17 November 2004

I hope you're gonna be back soon. What I know is that I will hugely miss your creativity and your art. It has always been expressive art and I can't do anything else, but wish myself and teh community that you will return to keep sharing this precious resource again here. My best wishes to you.


2:44AM | Wed, 17 November 2004

you'd be surprised how many feel much the same, we're our own worst critic, it's the temperamental artist in us all... go & create, enjoy your work, keep reaching for that next plateau, then come back & share it with us once again... my best wishes too in finding what it is you're looking for :]


3:21AM | Wed, 17 November 2004

Trust me i definitely know the feeling..i'm ok..but i know i could do so much better if i had the time and the help to coax it out, right now i can't even draw women and i'm in a real slump drawing in general right now, goes along great with the rst of my life's slump too..sighs and as fo scanning line work better..that's all in adjustments...fine tuning your scanner setting and whatever else you take it into afterwords..but good luck anyway, hope ya come back stuff loooks great..



3:31AM | Wed, 17 November 2004

I know I will miss you sleep very hard and even if the scan isn't that precise, your work speaks to us. And I know the hardest censor .. sitting right in your head, telling you all time about your imperfection. But as I always told you sleep, your lines do speak, you always have to tell something. I am sure that you will find your way of creating lines in a way ... that makes you happy. I can't wait for it. Let's keep in touch, friend! All the best to you ...


1:41PM | Wed, 17 November 2004

yo this is cool Sleepman.


12:08AM | Thu, 18 November 2004

"Art is merely an expression of life and life is everything. " well said, I hope you will find your peace. take good care, your art will be missed.



9:55PM | Thu, 18 November 2004

You know me more than I know you, but please know that I understand exactly how you feel, and I'm sure Meli can testify to that. She has a couple of watercolours of mine that look SO much better than the scanned copies I've posted here as only a high end scanner could reach the spectrum required...and I'm not rich. This is what turned me to exploring digital art more as that way I could get past such hurdles and show my true artist to all. Don't give up, find a way around it, if you need help, please email me, I'm always here to listen HUGS And please, don't go, and if you do decide to, please come back soon, we need good artists like you around these halls :)

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