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Ballet-4- Swan Lake

2D Sports posted on Nov 27, 2002
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*Man kann nur werden, insofern man schon ist.* (We can become, only being that something already in potential.) NOVALIS ----------------------------------- So, this is the sketch tribute to my favourite ever ballet. I chose deliberately to paint it quite.."childlish" because since I saw that for the very first time (I was 4 years old) I think I sketched Odette, Odile and Sigfrid for about a life, using all surfaces possible to sketch over (including home furnitures.. mum wasn't happy with that :P), and I am keen at those structures of creation when it comes to this specific subject. I got into that timeless, amazing Tchaikovsij's piece in a very strange way.. it was part of a Japanese Cartoon of the 70's which was talkin about.. erm.. BASEBALL.. one of the characters used to launch the ball following the famous theme, and I remember mum was so impressed that I was SINGIN on it at three(the melody) she tought I would have liked the ballet. I did. Immensively. It's the most romantic tale of all ballets, intense, deep, and it is the piece of ballet where the structure is the neatest, and all dancers, not only the starring ones, are impersonating amazing figures. I just love that. If I could see and hear it weekly, I wouldn't complain. The grace of the Swan moves of Odette, are the quintessence of gracefullness. Enjoy :) Next and latest piece about ballet (at least for now ;))will be Giselle.

Comments (25)



1:48AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

Although it's not my music, but this should be my favourite image from this series so far. Somehow you managed it to create a dynamic scene, movement, non-static figures. Perhaps it is the background and the male figure that is in a position where it cannot stand?
Really a wonderful image!



3:16AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

This series is really coming along well, Meli. Should make it an animation. Keep em coming! :D


4:54AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

Being taht my first impact with ballet, I was fascinated by the dynamics.. I really still remember I was thinkin dancers could fly, that's why in this one, I emphazise exactly on space and motion...the way I have composed figures (they are not centered "well" in the scene because it's like you have to perceive they are soon movin in other directions) has exactly to suggest what you caught so well Andreas :) The only line of ymmetry and structure being the line of the two legs in parallel with the two floor lines ;) And... No animation for me daeve, I can't do that.. but if you wanna use them as a thing you'd like to work on, takes them freely :)



5:23AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

Now this captures the light anti-gravity sense of th ballet. She prepares en-pointe while he leaps. Their legs are matched in size as she realizes she must command the fire even as he suplies it. And so seemingly disregarding each other now they proceed in couple.



8:16AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

I like the way the pencil strokes follow waves... it could be seen as a rough technique sure, but the way you've done it adds to the sense of movement and speed. I guess you must have noticed this. Think I'd like to try something with this :-)



8:49AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

great movement and dynamics. You re very good for this exercice. Congratulation. ~~


9:27AM | Wed, 27 November 2002

I haven't posted any comments for a while but I thought I would now when the ending of your Ballet Sessions is closing in.. :) I can't say I have a favourite among them because they all are unique in their own ways. But it is nice to see the gracefullness that sparkles and they are all mixed with a very genuine love for the art in itself. Very great, all of the pieces :)



5:35PM | Wed, 27 November 2002

I can hear the music and feel the emotions. Very nice!



5:37PM | Wed, 27 November 2002

These are getting more and more loose and playful all the time without compromising the message. Your hands are dancing with pencil and paper. A treat!



5:53PM | Wed, 27 November 2002

So graceful and elegant! The ballet is poetry in motion! Bravo!



6:17PM | Wed, 27 November 2002

This is definately my favourite so far too Meli. The movement portrayed is exquisite. Magnificent :D


11:58PM | Wed, 27 November 2002

Oh, that is beautiful, another flowing picture. It makes me want to watch ballet....There is a lot of emotion in the movements, LONG did this take you?! Heather


12:01AM | Thu, 28 November 2002

I left the sketch undone for days.. in total, it took me something around 40 minutes.:) Glad you're likin this dears :)


11:54AM | Thu, 28 November 2002

What a passion and ecstasy... you are a genius to bring out the deepest and most vibrant feelings with your drawings to paper... and we are the lucky people and may be happy to admire your splendid artworks!!! - - Awesome, dear... thanks SO much :-)))))))



1:37PM | Thu, 28 November 2002

Fantastic one of the best in this wonderful series!



7:22PM | Thu, 28 November 2002

La prima registrazione di musica di balletto che ebbi precisamente nel mio mani fuIl Lago di I Cigni, ha una musica meravigliosa, l'hemocionante finale, specialmente pertanto il mio balletto preferito. In questo Pas de Deux che lei a ricreato io vedo tutta la forza emozionale che ha questo balletto, le figure dei ballerini orientate in direzioni distinte produce un gran effetto visuale ed un'eccellente dinamica e movimento, la posizione dei piedi l'adeguata, riducendo l'angolo di visione, li abbozzi di braccia, piedi ed il corpo propongono una composizione molto buona, mi piacciono molto i mezzi toni che lei ad ottenuto, una gran scena di balletto. Aspetto ansiosamente la sua versione di Giselle.



10:53PM | Fri, 29 November 2002

Excellent form, position of movement, shading, and expression Meli. As always, you have captured your subject well and given them life through art. Wonderful work Meli!


4:09AM | Sat, 30 November 2002

very elegant and dynamic



4:46AM | Tue, 03 December 2002

They are truly flying! THey seem so light against the black background


10:46PM | Wed, 04 December 2002

Oh, I truely love this. You get better and better.


1:52PM | Thu, 05 December 2002

meli, it amazes me how you can draw your figures in such dynamic poses and get the scaling just perfect. thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us all.


3:29AM | Fri, 21 February 2003

il tuo amore per il lago dei cigni sarebbe evidente gisolo dalla mirabile cura che hai riversato in questo schizzo. Brava.


3:00AM | Mon, 24 February 2003

E' anche il mio balletto preferito, quindi apprezzo il lavoro in modo assoluto.


3:28AM | Mon, 03 March 2003

Odette especially is perfect.


7:51PM | Wed, 09 March 2005

a very beautiful and fascinating drawing art.i like the pose and expression of it. #:O)

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