Mon, Feb 17, 6:32 PM CST

Valley Of Kings

Poser Fantasy posted on Sep 05, 2013
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Well finally, we're seeing the culmination of 1/3 year (4 months+) of work. It's been a very long way since the first germinating of the idea back in April to here, but it's been a very rewarding journey as we've both learnt new things and we travelled together, in first-class company. To my darling wife Tracey,(still I say, the better half of MortemVetus) thank-you for everything.....for continually inspiring my imagination, for keeping me focused, for making things happen ever better, and most of all, for being you, for being my wife, for being everything I could wish for and more. I love you more than anything, Forever more, forever yours.x. Viking Longship Aquazone Land Mass Statues It's worth a mention that I cannot say enough nice things about TerraDome, Aquazone and Land Mass. Over the few years I've been using them now, they are becoming increasingly more useful and they're damned clever things. The valley is a Land Mass morph I made for the purpose of the image, and the statues are freestuff from our site, scaled at 700% As for Aquazone, damn have we needed water just now, and I just love the look of water from Aquazone, even with my basic 3-light setup, it just looks awesome!

Comments (10)



5:44PM | Thu, 05 September 2013

this is awesome!!



6:35PM | Thu, 05 September 2013

A very scenic vertical image, not easily accomplished. Great textures and water effect. A grand re-entrance I would say. Your quality images and imagination have been sorely missed. Good to have you back.



9:12PM | Thu, 05 September 2013

Stunning work!



12:37AM | Fri, 06 September 2013

very good work



12:56AM | Fri, 06 September 2013

Great water and land



1:55AM | Fri, 06 September 2013




2:13AM | Fri, 06 September 2013

kinda monumental



4:41PM | Sun, 08 September 2013

wow, well done, the stone and water look great.



7:56PM | Tue, 10 September 2013

Great job!



11:56AM | Wed, 25 September 2013

Epic scene

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