Sat, Feb 15, 8:55 PM CST

Lady Noir

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 19, 2009
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First off I really want to thank everyone who has been visiting my gallery and posting their comments. It is refreshing to know that there is a forum where people actually take the time to look at others work. Now to the chase...I started this render a month or so ago for a Daz Studio Forum challenge about dark & light, which I missed because it got so frustrating that I kept wanting to trash the whole idea repeatedly. The shadows were just not working out for me, they were here and there and everywhere that I didn't want them to be. Then I started noticing artifacts caused by the AO. Then once I got all that squared away the window reflections weren't right and I'd be an hour or so into a render of the glass and it would look horrible and needed to be tweaked some more..argggh! Well I didn't trash the scene file. Because of some of the excellent 3D work I have seen posted here in the past few weeks, I got the insipration to go back to the scene and approach the whole problem a different way. The final image was all that was important and instead of trying to get it all to work in just a couple of render passes I began to break it down, rendering one shadow at a time. There were 15 different shadow passes, 1 glass reflection pass, 2 specular passes, 1 diffuse pass & 2 types of Uberlight passes. All the layers were assembled in PS7 with the only real postwork being layer blends and blurring of the background layer for DOF. Let me know was it worth it? Product and object credits: Rachel Morph & Texture for V4 by Thorne & Sarsa Chocolate Hair by Valea V4 Cuore di Moda by AS3Design Mega City by Sparkyworld BC Movie Stands "The Office" by The AntFarm Desert Eagle Pistol by DarkWhisper Morphing Holster by Hypervox

Comments (19)



1:44PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

Great render, i like the shadows and the choice of monochrome colors was right! Great!



1:45PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

Excellent, I just love the lighting and shadows.



1:50PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

She was definitely worth it. She's beautiful, and the shadows and light are fantastic.



1:52PM | Sun, 19 April 2009




2:15PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

In a word, YES! Fantastic, a beautiful art piece.



2:58PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

OH my goodness, YES, she was worth it. This is gorgeous! The lighting and reflections in that window are fantastic.



3:43PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

It was worth it....Might fine work!! lovely uses of light & shadow



4:43PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

Very much so. Excellent image!



6:18PM | Sun, 19 April 2009




7:13PM | Sun, 19 April 2009




9:13PM | Sun, 19 April 2009

Absolutely worth it! Great render and work:)



11:35AM | Mon, 20 April 2009

Excellent work!



11:00AM | Tue, 21 April 2009

Amazing render .. perfect lights!!



1:31PM | Tue, 21 April 2009

Very cool in all respects - from the quality of the B&W to the great light and reflections.



12:26PM | Sun, 03 May 2009

Hot Lady, cool image. Well done.



2:16PM | Mon, 04 May 2009

That is amazingly beautiful.



11:10AM | Sun, 31 May 2009

Definately so! (worth it, that is) Fantastic soft yet clear shadows and the reflection in the window is outstanding!



4:14PM | Fri, 05 June 2009

Done very good with the Noir vibe for the scene! The lighting and reflections definetly helps making it with her position - good choice with using a window with blinds.



12:06PM | Sun, 07 June 2009

Excellent composition. Exceptional use of light and shadow, as well as color muting/desaturation. Nicely posed and beautiful character. Great Work.

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