Taking A Leap by Margana
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Howdy y'all.
I've been playing with this idea for a while now.I started it...gulp...almost two months ago,lol,but abandoned it when it wasn't turning out as I'd liked.I think I finally got it now,though...Well,kind of...I'm not sure it's as perfect as it could possibly be,but I can't think of anything else that can be done with it either,at this point,so I'm going to 'throw it out' to you guys and see what you think.As always,your comments and or opinions are really appreciated.
For the record,those two photos are of this lovely field I saw in Scotland.I loved the colors in them,but never felt right about uploading either one.
While I'm at it,I just want to thank you all for the wonderful support you've been giving me,lately.Well,you guys have always been supportive,but I have been feeling even more support lately,if that's possible...and I just want you to know,it feels really good and you've made me feel so happy and encouraged by it.Thank you...Also,I'm glad you guys got a kick out of my last upload:
"A Bit Cheeky"
I had fun doing that one.
Anyway,hope you are all having a wonderful week and thanks for looking.Stay well!
Marlene :^)

Comments (77)
Does you talent know no bounds ? ( pun intended ) :o) This rocks Marlene !!!!!! hugs
Brilliant idea and perfectly presented. i wish I had thought of this! lol.
now this takes the cake for extreme post work. most impressive quality
Wonderful post work, Marlene! He looks just like my golden retriever, Jack :)
Now this is what I call fantastic postwork!
Really great effect. Love it. event down to the details of haveing a little bit of the grass out of the picture. WOW!!!!!!!
You can just see and feel the joy of this dog. I imagine that would be their dream, to leap and chase furry critters, bugs, or just shadows, from one great place to another. Outstanding!
Awesome composition. Very Creative.
Another stunning image! :B eaver !
mmmh.. interesting and very good!
Fantastic work here!
Clever & very well done !
great work
Great image :-) Superb IDEA!
To bad I didn't discover this one earlier. cause it's a brilliant shot and equal postwork. BTW: congrats on being selected for the gallery of the Month.
This is a really great idea for an image and I'm glad you stuck at it as it turned out just perfect. Tony.