Taking A Leap by Margana
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Howdy y'all.
I've been playing with this idea for a while now.I started it...gulp...almost two months ago,lol,but abandoned it when it wasn't turning out as I'd liked.I think I finally got it now,though...Well,kind of...I'm not sure it's as perfect as it could possibly be,but I can't think of anything else that can be done with it either,at this point,so I'm going to 'throw it out' to you guys and see what you think.As always,your comments and or opinions are really appreciated.
For the record,those two photos are of this lovely field I saw in Scotland.I loved the colors in them,but never felt right about uploading either one.
While I'm at it,I just want to thank you all for the wonderful support you've been giving me,lately.Well,you guys have always been supportive,but I have been feeling even more support lately,if that's possible...and I just want you to know,it feels really good and you've made me feel so happy and encouraged by it.Thank you...Also,I'm glad you guys got a kick out of my last upload:
"A Bit Cheeky"
I had fun doing that one.
Anyway,hope you are all having a wonderful week and thanks for looking.Stay well!
Marlene :^)

Comments (77)
Excellent concept, Marlene!
Alright Marlene,,,,this is great...once again, you raised the level of creativity. Now I'm going to have a hard time getting to sleep thinking of what I can come up with. If I'm too tired to work tomorrow,,,it will be your fault,,..lol... You opened the doorway for us followers. What else have you been working on these past few months??? Have a creative weekend my NYH =)
Someone needs to go up one side of you and down the other for even thinking about abbandining this. This shows your true artistic self Marlene.This one will be remembered for a long long time.
your creative is endless!!! amazing collage and 3d apparence!!! cool cool cool!
"Celui qui prome son chien est au bout de la laisse" Aldous HUXLEY...et au bout de la laisse il y a ton oeil de photographe , une chance pour nous!! La pretation est top..bravo
Wowww, very beautiful picture and excellent colour and composition!!! Good day ;)
Congratulations for this masterpiece Marlene. Very original this idea and superb work. So lovely scene.
Very nice "Out of the frame" image. Excellent work.
What a fantastic composition. Magnificent photo art, perfectly done!!
wow, Marlene, this is just marvelous and far out original!
Love the look of this!!! great job!!!
Hi Marlene, A real creative and so wonderful arwork! Keep up the good work! Have a nice day, Much Hugs! Lior http://www.supernature6000.com
Such a creative piece of work. WOWWWW is all that comes to mind.
Speechless, but I'll give it a go, LOL!! Actually, I was right in the middle of my very long comment when we had a power outage, followed by a huge storm and a tree down, blocking the driveway. So, now I'm back, you've managed to set the bar soooooo high we'll all have trouble even thinking of something this creative let alone doing it!!!!!!! Good Lord Marlene, this is completely inspiring, totally fresh, and a fabulous creation!!!!!! It's so alive with movement, it makes me want to jump right into that photo and play with that dog!!!!!! LOL!!!!! But really it inspires the hell out of me, I just don't know which way to go??????? Now I'm running in circles!!!! LOL!!!!!!! speechless????? NO I could never be!!!!!!! Standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!
great idea ! wonderful presentation !
wow mom this one is amazing! you worked so hard on it and you got it to look exactly how u wanted.. its amazing, im sure boomer feels flattered
Excellent you have a real flair for postwork
WOW!!! Okay I give up!!! This is awesome Marlene!!! I would love to see how you did it!! Brilliant!!! ~ Hugz
Excellent design! Beautiful idea leapping dog tying two beautiful green landscapes!
Oh wow Lady. You have a very wonderful imagination and talent. outstanding. I love it. :)
Absolutely stunning presentation Congratulations
this is so cool. so this is where this type of art started? I tried to do some too but I failed. I posted them and i thought yopu was on my favorites list for i got no ebots that you uploaded
what an incredible idea !! i am in AWE here!!! high fives ya for the genius of this !!...your the BOMB!! hehe happy Thanksgiving !!! WOOF! ( Candi likes it too!! )
Simply stunning!
A quite hypnotic and beautiful image, extraordinairy and so beautiful ! You really can work wonders, Marlene!
its a fantastic surreal artwork ! simply BRAVO Marlene ! #:O) ^^^^^^^^^^
IIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNCREDIBLE!!!!! Jaw dropped just STUNNING!! Marlene!!! You are AMAZING!!!!!! I can't say enough. I'm just speachless...this is Perfect in every possible way!! Most importantly it is totally original, exceptionally creative, outstandingly perfect in technique!! The little touches like the perfect reflection on that black table top and the little bits of grass that have fallen out of the picture.. puff puff I AM out of breath here! Love it Love it Love IT!! :-))))
Stunning shot & just superb postwork....love it.
Good idea and well done composition. I think there is one grasshopper. He seems to have fallen from the frame. Delightful!!
Wow...what an excellent effect....!!!!