Fri, Feb 14, 6:24 AM CST

A Card for Akemi

Photography Macro posted on Nov 06, 2006
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Hey folks. Firstly,I'd like to say... Happy Belated Birthday Akemi! In all honesty,I wasn't sure if I should upload this,(it's really just an idea I've been playing around with),but it's come to my attention that yesterday was Akemi's (Nongo) birthday and I couldn't let it pass without,sigh, 'dropping' her a 'card'.(I know,I know,that's pretty lame...even for me,lol.) Anyway,I hope you had a marvelous one,my friend,and that you have many,many happy returns of the day. Oh,while I'm at it,thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging comments on my Halloween upload... thumb_1319238.jpg"Here Comes the Bride" ...and thank you in advance,for any you may care to leave on this one,as well.I know it's not that great,but I thought the 'idea' of it kind of made up for my mediocre shot,lol. ;^) Take care all and stay well. All the best, Marlene :^) PS I'm sooooo beyond late in commenting.Sorry!As always,I will do my best to try to catch up with you all.Please just be patient.These two fingers can only go so fast,lol... ;^)

Comments (62)


5:10PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

WOW! I am so glad you decided to share this awesomw image. You always go way beyond excellent. It is very unique. I jsut love it. Many Happy Birthdays to your friend. :)



5:15PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Absoloutly gorgeous!!!Wonderful idea and realisation!!!!Excellent!!!!



5:16PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

I love this Marlene!! A real sense of motion in this piece!! And depth!! I feel like I could reach through the screen and my hand would get wet!!! I will have to study this effect!!



5:19PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

This is so creative on more than one level: not only is it a super capture but the presentation is also perfect. The post work and the drops spanning over the frame is so realistically close to 3D as you can get on a flat surface! The humor is great, I am sure Akemi will love the dedi.


5:29PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Marlene, great dedication. I love this picture. The effect is really right on. You should be very proud of this work. Keep it up! Happy birthday to your friend as well.



5:30PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Excellent work.



5:38PM | Mon, 06 November 2006




5:44PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

very cool concept... well executed. You are right tho, the shot itself isnt spot on focus but you hardly notice it anyway ;) Fantastic manipulation! :)



5:44PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

wow, fantastic image & idea



5:49PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Holy cow, this is soo cool. What a fantastic idea. The capture is great, but the presentation takes it to another level. Fab work!!



6:01PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

That is more awesome than I can describe! Way to go!! Happy Belated, Akemi! :0)



6:20PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

A BELATED HAPPY B'DAY Akemi! Hope you had a wonderful time! ;) sigh Talk about genius work! SIGH yeah you really made something more amazing out of this already excellent shot! :) What an excellent dedi to a great person! You done a marvelous job on this one! Thanks for sharing! :) hope you are keeping well too! :)



6:20PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Very creative and beautiful card for Akemi - happy Birthday my dear! Super done!*****!



6:27PM | Mon, 06 November 2006




6:44PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Well, I must say Marlene I've received quite a few birthday cards but none as dynamic & creative as this one!!!! I'm so glad you chose this new creation to share with me, I feel as though I could reach in and grab it!!! It's beautifully done and I'm truly honored to receive this gift!!!! Thank you my friend, you're a real sweetheart!! Oh, BTW I had a very nice birthday with friends & family and lots of incredibly good food!!! Thanks again, I'm really liking all your new works!!!!! Keep em comin'



9:00PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

NYH, you're way too creative...This is the kind of stuff I wish I could think of..this pic is flooded with so much imagination. I had to get a paper towel to wipe up the water that splashed out of your picture all over my keyboard =(...Well anyways,,,my name is Ray and I definitly approve this picture.....Chit, my monitor is still leaking.....


10:20PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

Awesome presentation. Very imaginative.



11:42PM | Mon, 06 November 2006

I'm not particularly a fan of these water drops but here your presentation is incredible, Marlene ! Fantactic 3D and movement effect ! (lol@Ray !) Excellentissime work, Marlene and... HB to Akemi ! Hugs to you both ladies ! :~)



12:17AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

What a wonderful card for Akemi - HB Akemi glad you ghaad a good one. The presentation here has gone way beyond presentation and become part of the art itself . Superbly done Marlene I like it a lot :)


1:53AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

wowwww Marlene, I love this work and all this composition is perfectly!!! Excellent !!!! good day and hugs ;) Happy b-day Akemi !!!



3:10AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

Great idea and realisation!! Nice work!!



4:23AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

fantastic image and very nice dedi ! Happy Birthday Akemi !



4:33AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

OOOOOOH!!! This is just too darn awesome!!! What a fantastic idea and such a brilliant birthday dedi to sweet Akemi. You took a dropshot that wasnt too spectacular and you made it INCREDIBLE with that off the charts-genious presentation of yours!!!! WHOOOHAAAAA!!!!! I soooo have to try this myself if you dont mind. Can i? This is going straight to my favs as one of the most inspirational photos i have ever seen here. Thank you. #:o)



6:15AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

Nice idea and very well done work. Beautiful grayish colors, I think it added comfortable tension! :)



7:25AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

Well you've impressed Andreas, and just about everyone else, so I would have to say that this image is a SUCCESS! Really nicely done, the postwork is off the charts. Belated Happy B-Day Akemi!



11:15AM | Tue, 07 November 2006

wow, thats a cool abstract work :)



1:15PM | Tue, 07 November 2006

I've been quiet when it comes to drop-pictures lately but this one was very cool. Great shot....three thumbs up!! :)



1:23PM | Tue, 07 November 2006

Very beautiful composition and presentation! Excellent work!



2:14PM | Tue, 07 November 2006

This is so excellent Marlene ! An extraordinary work perfectly done. Like a lot !



3:58PM | Tue, 07 November 2006

Astounding realisation Marlene, the design with a beautiful artistic concept !!!

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