Sun, Feb 9, 6:40 AM CST


Fractal Abstract posted on Jun 30, 2006
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Ultrafractal 4.03 In the immortal words of John Cleese, "...and now for something completely different!" I've always liked the "geofractal" (like my neat new word? lol) style of some of the stuff we see in the gallery and have tried - mostly unsuccessfully - emulating it many times. This one, I think, turned out half decent and in its wild abandon and coloring is a (feeble) nod to Evie Berkman's excellent fractals that I've enjoyed a lot. Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Looks like Rendo's speed is improving a lot. At least when browsing between pages. I still see slowness in opening and submitting comments. Access to things like the Themed Challengs don't seem to work so well YET, either, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time and we'll look back at the old days and wonder how we ever got by... :-) c-ya! Rick ***(Fine art giclee' prints of most of my work are available in limited edition on archival paper or canvas - e-mail: and get busy filling that empty spot on the wall! Unique, "one-of-a-kind" (edition size = 1) prints are also available*** :-)

Comments (37)


2:57PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Very cool design and perspective. Love the colors, contrast and textures. Awesome, Rick!



3:02PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Smashing abstract Rick, I specially like it's depth and contrasts ;O)



3:05PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Nice forms, colors and texture. Has a great 3D feeling. Cool work!



3:20PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Way cool, Rick! One of the best abstracts I've seen! Love the colors and the texture, but those sort of shredded-bamboo-poles really finish it off perfectly! (PS We were in Sanibel last weekend. Didn't find a thing!)



3:24PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Wow! What a range of textures... from the glassy red to the shredded paper! Amazing. Love the colors and the mood bunches. :)



3:59PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

I'm with Vivian and Gumbycat - I like the range of textures and sufaces on this! I also think the guy on the right looks like a drummer:)



4:38PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

the torn watercolor paper, very japanese with a modern twist. Love it


4:39PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Hey Rick this reminds me of a marching band. lol I don't know why but it plays a merry tune with me. Great job. :) "geofractal"



5:55PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Nice work Rick, the image reminds me of music too, and definately a happy tune. Great for the weeken, have a good one



6:13PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Interesting piece of work. The torn paper feel is great. I like how the crossing bamboo is partially invisible.



6:38PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Touches of watercolor, a hint of cubism perhaps, a very cool looking fractal!



6:55PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Very unique fractal. Good work! :)



6:57PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Rik this is a stunning abstract ,strong and vibrant ,style Picasso . My compliments .



8:00PM | Fri, 30 June 2006




8:03PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

super job on this one



8:20PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

Fantastic Fractal Abstract Rick! Superb colors, but your Pablo Picasso shapes ROCK! Bravo!



11:46PM | Fri, 30 June 2006

most excellent fractal abstract!!!!!



12:18AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

What a wonderful change for you! It works well! Lovely colors, shapes, and impression. Well done!



1:28AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

this is really nice work.



6:50AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

Outstanding, Rick; from your choice of palette to the mix of textures and shapes, simply super. I can picture it as a huge print, the focal point in a minimalist room -- yum!



7:14AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

Daring to be different! Love it! Gorgeous colors, designs 'n' texturing! Excellent work Rick! (:



8:31AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

Excellent and very creative realization my friend....!!! This work have a original shapes and beautiful colors.....!!!!



8:53AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

Wonderful abstract, I like the watercolor paper texture and the colors are lovely.



10:13AM | Sat, 01 July 2006

I really enjoy the industrial look and the colors that pop right out. Fantastic! (=



12:48AM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Oh my, I totally love this. Very abstract and striking! Well done!



10:44AM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Excellent fractal work Rick! I love the title of this work, as well as your new word "geofractal." Very cool! Have a fantastic day buddy!



3:49PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Magnificent Abstract!!!!!Love it!!!!



6:18PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Hello Rick - I particularly like the fibrous { cardboard-like } texture you have so effectively used in this superb fractal abstract :great shapes and contrasting layers too - C-ya...........................Mike



2:17PM | Mon, 03 July 2006

I'm for this something different style Rick!



9:43PM | Tue, 04 July 2006

Wow Rick! this is pretty wild, cool texture effects. Is that all done in UF or did you use another application for that? Interesting results at any rate.

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