Sun, Feb 9, 12:18 PM CST

When we're hungry

Photography Cultural and Spiritual Art posted on Nov 30, 2005
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Comments (22)



8:19AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Powerful and moving image Dave. A simple, message that says so much. Thanks for sharing this vision of love of yours with us, terrific postwork.



8:22AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

'man does not live by bread alone' - I've heard this argument before - but try doing without (sorry Dave, remmember I am an economics teacher)



9:19AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Beautiful compo Dave, with a wonderful message as Kort just mentioned. Really creative of you and that red transparent heart really brings this baby home. However i can see that you could have gone closer when darkening the background. I can see somewhat of a brownish outline around the cross beneath the heart. I bet most people dont see it cause they have their screens set darker than mine but i thought i would tell ya nevertheless. Heres a little something i do whenever i create something like this. I always use a layermask instead of painting on the actual photo...that way i can always paint back things i might miss. And before i flatten the layers i always go to levels and i yank those babies up as high as i can...and low...that way i can see how the picture will look on different monitors and i can see if i had missed something that might have shown on a darker screen than mine. But really powerful stuff nevertheless. Have a wonderful evening my friend. #:O)


9:41AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

A fine Image Young Man...salute



10:11AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Love it! Perfect!*****!



10:35AM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Yes, really a powerfull composition!!!Super!bravo!V:DDD



12:19PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Andreas was correct and so I have redone the whole lot. The background of the cross was showing through and my monitor is so dark I could not see it, and now I have painted out the background. The fractal image of the heart is suffering since I reduced it twice, first to fit the photograph and then to fit the gallery. I might have another look at it if I have the time. Thanks to all of you for your comments.


1:19PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Thank you for sharing dave. But love does also so much more, it heals the body and sould.


2:43PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Nice work. have a good day



3:01PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Faith, hope and love, united in the one Person at the cross, captured in this single image! Impressive work, Dave, a profound message! :)



4:51PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

Wow! This is a wonderful piece of work Dave! It took me forever to get it to pop up, but I'm glad I kept trying..... it's beautiful!!! Hugs!



6:25PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

what a beautiful and powerful this image is Dave.. very impressive luv it!!...WOW!



8:09PM | Wed, 30 November 2005

excellent isolation of the cross and putting the heart in the image


2:25AM | Thu, 01 December 2005

A lovely image Dave: the scarlet heart is finely counterpointed by the whitesilver crucifix... Multiple levels of meaning are here effectively mediated: Bread without love is dust.. but love without bread is yet love....



4:33AM | Thu, 01 December 2005

Superb presentation !!!


12:08PM | Thu, 01 December 2005

Beautiful image. Very well presented!



2:45PM | Thu, 01 December 2005

It's all been said above Dave, well imagined & executed. Give yourself a pat on the back!!


3:09PM | Fri, 02 December 2005

all we need is love.. everybody now.. all we need is love, love.. love is all we need.. ;]



11:48PM | Fri, 02 December 2005

Simply beautiful, and a powerful image! 8-)



7:50PM | Sat, 03 December 2005

how wonderful,truly a beautiful image,excellently doneV



1:52PM | Tue, 06 December 2005

a capture of energy and filled with life and love! wonderful words! ;o)



7:35AM | Wed, 21 December 2005

Excellent and very beautiful picture.....!!!! (( V ))

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