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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Jun 16 8:21 pm)

Subject: Protesting the galleries/marketplace

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 8:46 AM · edited Sat, 30 March 2024 at 12:17 AM

In light of recent protests against the lack of certain demographics represented fairly on the galleries, I would like to make it known that I am also protesting discrimination. After all I'm an aging woman, and there are almost no graphics on the galleries showing aging women or older men in any kind of relationship with each other or anyone else. I'm going to boycott all artists who don't use at least one older person in their gallery. I'm tired of the youth bias of this place. I'm going to only buy from merchants who are over 50. I'm also overweight and, an an overweight person, I resent the fact that the predominance of pictures on the gallery show thin people, and that most merchants only provide clothing that fit thin people so that we overweight people are forced to use thin people in graphics if we had the strange preference of wanting to have them clothed. Which brings me to the next discrimination. There is definitely a discrimination against people who wear clothes. As clothing wearing person, I think I have the absolute right to demand clothing on everyone else. And I don't mean silly strings up the derriere crack. Too bad I'm Caucasian. I can't really protest a lack of white people on the galleries because, frankly, there is a predominance of Anglo-Saxon types, though none of them look remotely like my family (which is a good thing, I suppose, for the viewers). But, on behalf of the Martians whose homes we are invading with metal monsters this week, I protest there are not enough pictures of Mars on the galleries. I am also plain. Studies have shown that beautiful people get preferential treatment in relationships, employment, etc. I protest that there is not enough representation of plain people on the galleries or available n the marketplace. Even though I am not yet physcially challenged, I protest that there is almost no representation of that significant portion of the population who use wheelchairs or other appartus to help them get through what is surely a more difficult life than the one I live through. I also protest the lack of representation for the every day worker on the galleries. Independently wealthy Vickys in the Temple do not demonstrate an awareness of the wealth of diversity of employment in the world (see Studs Terkel's Working if you need a starting place for inspiration). I also protest the unequal proportion of human beings in graphics. The other life forms are unequally represented. I think that's all I can protest for now. I also protest the redundancy of theme on the galleries. I think there should be a limit of three identically posed and barely clothed Vickys in the galleries, and only one should be allowed in the "Hot 20." It's a start. I have my signs ready.

sebastel ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:27 AM


ford3auss ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:32 AM

LOL.... GOOD ONE dialyn ....

cherokee69 ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:36 AM

dialyn.... "Independently wealthy Vickys in the Temple" independently wealthy??? If I were a Vicky and "independently wealthy", I don't think I'd be standing around in some cold temple half naked or some are...and, I probably wouldn't even be here either.

TrekkieGrrrl ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:36 AM

Attached Link: Couple by the Sea

*LOL* Dialyn! Well spoken (written) I know you've allready commented on my picture "Couple by the Sea" but well, this is an excellent possibility to promote it again ;o)

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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

genny ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:37 AM

I love it, dialyn.........I'm with You! LOL!

Cookienose ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:37 AM

Been reading Vonnegut have you?

herne ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:40 AM

Okay I'll bite, considering I'm new to poser, how do I make "older folks' out of my characters short of colouring their hair white. (seriously I'd like to learn this as I do have an idea for a pic and I need a wize older man and woman for the pic. P.S. Dialyn, that was a great rant :)

seeklight ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:49 AM

I expect that is any of us did any thing that you are suggesting then they also would be removed seeklight

Indoda ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:53 AM

Well said(written) Dialyn! Better representation of the aging population would be good. LOL

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
- Albert Einstein


Redfern ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 9:57 AM

Attached Link:

Hmm, let see... I've got the elderly aspect, the disabled on several accounts (blind, loss of left hand, confined to a full life-support hair), plain (Shoot, make that UGLY!), fully clothed, oops, deduct some points for being skinny, but I guess I might gain points for his not being Anglo-Saxon or even being a "local" Martian (He's a Kaled from the planet Skaro.). Yeah, I think I supplied most of the criteria. Honestly, I'm not poking fun "AT" you, Dialyn, but rather joining in the laughter "WITH" you. Sincerely, Bill

Tempt the Hand of Fate and it'll give you the "finger"!

rockets ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:00 AM

Attached Link:

What you say is true, but some of us do make aging, heavyset characters. A lot of the morphing clothes at Daz will fit heavier models with just a little tweaking. Check out this link for a modern day granny.

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

rockets ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:01 AM

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

EnglishBob ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:06 AM

"I'm going to only buy from merchants who are over 50." Looks like I'll have to stay with free stuff until my next birthday, then. :-)

Phantast ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:07 AM

Hmm ... Protest, verb intransitive: to record dissent or objection.
Protest, verb transitive: to make a solemn declaration of. I know
these two frequently get mixed up in the media these days, but I
protest my abhorrence of the erosion of the distinction, and I
protest about how widespread it's becoming. > Exit pedant mode

Irish ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:16 AM

I think I apply on most of those categories! ROFLOL!!! Now this was a fun thread to read. Thanks Dialyn!! :) Irene

Turtle ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:25 AM

Why in the Heck would I want to make a picture of someone my age and body. Thats why I'm into Fairies, elves, etc. What? Enough all ready, So what next. I can only look at Jewish pictures, because I'm Jewish. Or better yet I have to look at Christain pictures to prove I'm not discriminating againist a group.

Love is Grandchildren.

lhiannan ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:29 AM

Turtle, you do realize this is satire, don't you?

Strixowl ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:45 AM

Dialyn said ".........there are almost no graphics on the galleries showing aging women or older men in any kind of relationship with each other or anyone else. Totally agree (at least with this line ;-). In all honesty I have observed the same in regard to the age thing. While I have textures/characters etc. to create pics with more muture & "overweight" folks, I have a hell of a time with getting the clothing fits I want. By the time I'm done the clothing is a mess and I'm frustrated to no end. I wish we had some merchants doing clothing for "full figured" males & females. I know you'd see more pics from me. I do have plans in the works for a pic featuring more mature men and women,but for me they'll have to be skinny til some clothing comes around. :-)

jenay ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:55 AM


haha ... must aggree - so many beautful young ladies her - no place for good old fully clothed sister josepha ... ;)

pakled ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 10:59 AM

hmm..does Dr. Geep count? he has white hair..I remember Enryoka1 doing an older, 'mass-challenged' woman a while back, so it does happen..;) I can't post in the marketplace for 4 years now! well, maybe my credit will be back by then..;) I have placed some crainially-covered-challenged folks in my pics, does that get me any brownie points?..;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:06 AM

I only said Vicky was independently wealthy because she apparently has no visible means of support.


I've wanted to use that old joke in the worst way.

scourge ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:13 AM

Is everyone here old? When I read the posts and browse the galleries I always think you people are young. Thank you for finally breaking the illusion. You have changed my views of old people. Yes, old people rock.

Dialyn, thanks for posting this.

Now I'm off to render some old folks (over 30-year-olds) :)

LovePyrs ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:28 AM

smacks Scourge Being "over 30" isn't old, you goose! ~_^ -=LovePyrs=-

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:31 AM

It's all a matter of perspective. When I was 18, 50 seemed ever so old. Now that I'm over 50, 60 looks relatively young.

PheonixRising ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:32 AM

This might have been funny yesterday. Now it just seems exploitative of yesterday's issue.

-Anton, creator of ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

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XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:34 AM

I am only going to buy from merchants who sell things. I don't care about anyone's ideological axe to grind. In fact, people's mindless politically correct raving only encourages me to buy even more items from the marketplace.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

LovePyrs ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:36 AM

Well, Dialyn, I'm fixin' to be 32, so I'm sure you can see why I take offense (jokingly of course!). LOL I would like to voice my opinion in this protest...I'm tired of seeing the naked Vickys...I say more naked Mikes in the temples with ahem swords! =P LMAO -=LovePyrs=-

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:37 AM

Good....that's a good idea. Now, let's see how many views you get vs. the Vicky pics.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

rockets ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:42 AM

I think we "old" people have the right to view, buy and say whatever we want...heck we invented sex! Just kidding, just kidding...LOL

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:48 AM

Exploiting someone means "unfairly or cynically using another person or group for profit or advantage"....I don't see any profit or advantage I'm given by protesting my own issues. There is nothing cynical about what I wrote...if you have read anything I've written over the past year, you will know that I have consistently bemoaned the lack of variety on the galleries, and celebrated those that have broken out of the standard mold. My position hasn't changed since I joined Renderosity (well, okay, sometimes I stand up and sometimes I sit down). And my expectation is that I'll hold this position without the expectation of help or support from others (it's nice to get, but I don't expect it). The one thing I will not do to is suggest I am a victim of Renderosity....I choose to be here, and I will choose some day to go, but it will be my choice. If I'm a fool, I'm a fool of my own making. What I post is my responisibility and I give no one permission to take my responsibility for myself away from me. And that is that. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the input.

scourge ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:52 AM

Like you said dialyn, it's the perspective. Of course I don't seriously think 30 is old (I know you got the joke LovePyrs but I'm just making sure).

I'm getting older all the time too. Now that I'm 21 I think teenagers are all just little kids, forgetting it's been only a couple of years since I was one.

Jay7347 ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 11:59 AM

Oh my this really brightened up a stressful day. ROFLMAO!!! Dialyn, thank you so much for a good laugh and an interesting point. Life was getting a little bit too serious. Well, I'm only 49, (for two more months, so I guess you won't be sneeking into my gallery for a peak even though I've got some "senior" art. ;-) Have a good one!!! -jay

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:00 PM

You can imagine what teenagers look like to me! They are so young to me. But you know, what the good part is, that I find the older I get, the less I envy them. They are younger, prettier, thinner than I and, for all that, I would not want to be them. Go figure. What I lack is the talent to express in any artistic fashion how interesting this aging business there is a grace and beauty in getting older and seeing things through your own eyes transformed, remembering youth but in an enhanced way. Alas, that's difficult for me to communicate. But I don't know that anyone would care anyway.

LovePyrs ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:02 PM

LMAO Of course I got the joke Scourge! That's why you got a smack instead of a good "smackz0rz." >_> I'm just not looking forward to this up coming birthday at all. sigh Damn Rockets, you are old... =P Xeno, see, here is the thing, I don't create my stuff for the sole purpose of getting X amount of views in my gallery. I used to do that many years ago, create what I thought other people would like, not what I wanted. I do create naked Vickys. It is because I simply think that the human body is beautiful. I just haven't had the chance to upgrade to the Mikes yet. =P Whether or not someone views my gallery here or on my web site (gallery coming soon there), it makes little difference to me any more. If I create something that others find pretty or nice to look at, that is just the icing on the cake. =D -=LovePyrs=-

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:08 PM

Xeno, see, here is the thing, I don't create my stuff for the sole purpose of getting X amount of views in my gallery. I used to do that many years ago, create what I thought other people would like, not what I wanted. I do create naked Vickys. It is because I simply think that the human body is beautiful. I just haven't had the chance to upgrade to the Mikes yet. =P Whether or not someone views my gallery here or on my web site (gallery coming soon there), it makes little difference to me any more. If I create something that others find pretty or nice to look at, that is just the icing on the cake. =D That's just the point. One creates what one wishes to create. Conversely, other people cannot be forced to like it. Victoria is always going to be more popular to view than Michael. Always. It has something to do with programmed, built-in human nature.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

LovePyrs ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:10 PM

Or horny teenage boys... looks around innocently What? =P

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:12 PM

Yes, how DARE men act like males?

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Caly ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:17 PM

I agree with PhoenixRising. That's a shock to me. I don't usually agree with him. ;D In Lieu of what happened yesterday... Discrimination against homosexuality is not a nice thing, neither are folks like the KKK, and this seems to be trivializing the valid complaint of yesterday. Though ageism isn't nice either, or bias based on weight. You're a lot less likely to get beat up or killed if you're fat or old though. It's not just the inconsistent TOS when it comes to images. Though the issues with trigger-happy folks when it comes to locking /moving threads seems to be related to that. I also haven't forgotton Lady Cherry. There's also the hypocrisy of them selling bondage stuff, genitals, and sex poses that can't be used here. Then there's the thing about refunds and copyright infringements. I asked for a refund on the GothicAngel stuff. I get an IM telling me it will be updated. I send another IM saying I don't want it, that I want a refund, and I still haven't heard back about the refund. There's also the sensation that they play favorites. Stormi's texture Charley was exclusive here. If GA hadn't spoken up, I wouldn't have known that it was a copyright infringement. These things once properly investigated and a solution found should be be told to consumers. Now I'm wondering how many other things I've bought have infringements that were swept under the rug.

Calypso Dreams... My Art-

Renderosity Gallery

herne ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:19 PM

I'm 46 on the outside, on the inside I'm still a puppy ;) Not ready for my sageing yet!!! :) :) :)

ookami ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:21 PM

One quick question... how do you know Martians AREN'T represented... for all you know... they look just like humans. In fact, isn't it possible that Martians fled Mars due to some type of cataclysm and settled on earth. Some might have settled on Venus too... but they quickly died out without an abundant source of food like McDonalds.

AlteredKitty ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:23 PM

Attached Link:

I saw a lovely larger lady in one of the galleries here the other day but due to getting OLDER :) can't remember where! I must say that one of my first thoughts was that it would probably get some snotty remarks as a similar one did a while ago by one or two viewers with limited brainpower who thought that 'glamour shots' of older people were unsightly. I have portraits of both a larger girl ("1647" - read the description) and a more mature lady ("Ol' Blue Eyes") in my gallery and love them just as much as my "regular" gals. BRING ON THE BIG, THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE 'BEEN HERE FOR A LONG TIME' CROWD - YOU ROCK :) :) :)

My Renderosity Store

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:24 PM

Caly, thank you for stopping by. I would have been so disappointed if you hadn't joined in the discussion. ookami, I wonder why we think Martians would take human form? My cat seems somewhat alien to me. ;) And take a look at the Poser cat (not the milleneum one)...alien, yes?

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:24 PM

Lilybelles, you got it goin' on!!!

LovePyrs ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:31 PM

Xeno, I know! How appalling!! snickers BTW, I was only teasing with you and my comment about the naked Michaels. Well, no, actually I'd like to see more naked Michaels just cuz some of them look damn hot. =D People like what people like, nothin' wrong with that. =) Caly, while I agree somethings shouldn't be made light of, there is also a time and place for levity. To me, this thread is a way of showing us how ridiculous some of these "protests" really are. Not all, just some. As for the image that was pulled yesterday, I don't think it was because of fear of homosexuality. But, perhaps I am wrong, wouldn't be the first time, nor the last. =P Dialyn, I think you are on to something here... looks at her five cats suspiciously Uh huh, I can see the antennas!! OMG! -=LovePyrs=-

Cyhiraeth ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:37 PM

OMG! You mean, I'm old?! When did that happen?! (Turned 40 last October). I am having a hard time getting it through my head though (I have braces, still wear my hair in braided pigtails) the only reminder is "gravity is my enemy" and the occasional stiff creaky knees (where did that come from?!) ;-) Dialyn, Loved your rant, agree totally and "Yea" to those who like to "poke the stick" once in a while when the monkeys get to taking themselves too seriously.

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:42 PM

Xeno, I know! How appalling!! snickers BTW, I was only teasing with you and my comment about the naked Michaels. Well, no, actually I'd like to see more naked Michaels just cuz some of them look damn hot. =D That's fine. This is a bit of an odd thread -- we've got joking posts mixed together with dead-serious posts......sometimes, it can be difficult to discern the difference. I know of people that condemn men as a group, simply because they act like men -- with male interests and desires. What these individuals fail to realize is that this is like condemning an eagle for flying. The eagle flies because it's an eagle. This is not to say that everything that men do is good -- NO. Just that men have certain inclinations, and that these inclinations are given to men by nature. Learning to control one's natural impulses is the beginning of a thing called civilization. But that's another subject.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Lunaseas ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:44 PM

Well I've got some plumper ladies...I just dislike how the clothes fit or don't(just like real life) also I don't really have any textures to do older people justice.... Alas there isn't much sales for such things so people don't make many of them. It's a vicious circle.

Lunaseas ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:46 PM

Attached Link:

A link to one of my pics....loosely based off me.

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:52 PM

My favorite part of a thread like this is when people reveal treasures I've missed on the galleries. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Lawndart ( ) posted Tue, 13 January 2004 at 12:53 PM

I didn't connect this with the post from yesterday until it was mentioned. Geeze.. Thanks a lot. ;) Talk about feeling old. I got a ticket yesterday from a CHP officer that looked like he was 15. MAN I felt old and I'm only 38.

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