Thu, Feb 6, 6:37 PM CST


Photography Still Life posted on Apr 30, 2005
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Disclaimer: the idea behind this image is NOT my invention. Lot's of people have done this - but as i love the idea, i had to try it too. Tried to add some film-grain .. no bad idea but i felt like copying logiloglu. Not a bad idea to copy the best one? :-)) Nope ... ehhmmm, stop babbling .. Thanks for looking!

Comments (21)


3:39PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

hehe, cute :)



3:52PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Awe, look at that one...all bullied out of the group like that...what a little outcast. This is just amazing. This is the first that ive seen and i LOVE it!!!! SOOOO HILLARIOUS!!!! Have a great sunday #:O)


4:33PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Don't worry, it'll get beter. Love the shot.



5:19PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Great execution of the concept.


5:37PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Great idea.. gummy huddle. but poor billy no mates..all alone.. :)


5:41PM | Sat, 30 April 2005



7:07PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

a wonderful idea for a still life. great example of DOF.ein Bild wie aus dem Lehrbuch. Lieber Thomas, ich habe das Korn/ Grain nicht erfunden, bitte fle dich frei nach Belieben damit zu experimentieren. Ich habe soviel Rechte daran wie am Alphabet,lol. #:O)


7:14PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Excellent Work....and a fine mention for...You know who ;]



8:51PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

i see alot of these types of images but ive never seen it pulled off quite so well. great clean cut photo. good day raven! =)


8:54PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

i can see why you'd want to do this!! i wish i had :] looks perfect... ... ... snatch, munch :d :]


10:07PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Hey, how many original ideas are left? A great composition, very eye-catching and indeed clever.



9:24AM | Sun, 01 May 2005

alone on his own rock island! must be a different one like Sheila! LOL a wonderful colored and excellent impression! ;o)



10:25AM | Sun, 01 May 2005

picture sponsored by Haribo?

Michelle A.

10:38AM | Sun, 01 May 2005

Gummy bear art...... yes I've seen stuff like this before. Well done.



4:26PM | Sun, 01 May 2005

LOL cool compo here, love this man !! :o) Superb !! :o))



6:23AM | Mon, 02 May 2005

Where are they now Thomas??????? Great gummy art... I feel sorry for the red one by himself!



6:54AM | Mon, 02 May 2005

so simple... but so emotional... beautiful result, light and focus are perfect! very creative compo!



10:51AM | Mon, 02 May 2005

wondeful shot, had to comment to much this day ;)



2:49PM | Mon, 02 May 2005

Sorry, ich bin mal wieder schwer hintendran! Klasse Idee und Arbeit, Tom! Was haben die denn zu tuscheln? Bestimmt er den armen Kerl im Hintergrund... net nett von ihnen, den auszuschlien! tsk, tsk! Hmmm... muss schnell weiter, sonst klau ich mir die aus Deinem Bild ;o)



7:50AM | Fri, 13 May 2005

Great way to think outside the gummy! ;) It might have been even better if the gummy outsider was a different color...emphasized the point more. But still I like the way you think!! :]


8:11AM | Fri, 13 May 2005

You're right TwoPynts .. but the other ones have been eaten before the shooting began .. i'm so sorry .. :)

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