Sat, Feb 15, 10:37 AM CST


3D Studio Max (none) posted on Jan 09, 2005
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For such a simple image, lots of thought went into this. I hope you find it as peacefull to look at as I found it to create. Max 5, V-Ray, Digital Fusion

Comments (16)



1:56AM | Sun, 09 January 2005




2:00AM | Sun, 09 January 2005

Very well thought out render! I do find it in the way that you suggest. Nice work!



2:02AM | Sun, 09 January 2005

It is very relaxing! Wonderful image!



6:21AM | Sun, 09 January 2005

it is a marvel.



11:17AM | Sun, 09 January 2005

Wow I could just stare at it for ever.



2:01PM | Sun, 09 January 2005

I like it very much! :) Nice mat of ceiling/floor, nice placing of that stone and I love that glowing background and the pose of the figure. Very nice atmosphere!


2:19PM | Sun, 09 January 2005

WOW, amazing work!


2:41PM | Sun, 09 January 2005

Truly Stuning! Very well done.


8:06PM | Sun, 09 January 2005

An inspirational piece of work.


6:46AM | Mon, 10 January 2005

This is one of the best images I have seen in quite a while. Well thought out! Yes, very calming.......


8:01PM | Mon, 10 January 2005

Very thought provoking. Makes you think of how our world revolves around technology whereas it used to be so different. I truly love it!


3:22AM | Wed, 12 January 2005

Brilliant work !!


8:06PM | Wed, 12 January 2005

Marvelous!!! I wish my bedroom was like this.


7:16PM | Sun, 16 January 2005

Not only is it very well made but the subject matter and portrayel appeals very much,this is the kind of thing i aspire to


8:52AM | Sun, 17 April 2005

Excellent. I'm personally very against most of the people I see in renders, as I see them as the easiest way to destroy any realism. I think that you, however, have just changed my mind. This is brilliant.



9:38PM | Tue, 24 May 2005

its wonderful, but something about the balance doesn't agree with me. I like asymmetric compositions, and this one balances the human figure -- at 1/3 left-- against the "pipe complex" (at 1/3 right). This leaves the composition very evenly weighted, with a lot of dead space to the far right and left. . .I hope that this doesn't sound "picky"-- this kind of observation I'd only make about things that i think are very good to start with. . . As an experiment: eliminate "pipe complex"--now you have man balanced against the vaguely Japanese rock-garden-ish stone, both on the left side. . .and empty space on the right. It may just be my aesthetic, but I find those kind of compostions interesting.

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