Sat, May 18, 5:13 AM CDT

Pirates Cove

VistaPro Landscape posted on Mar 18, 2004
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As I have the best eyes to see the ships far off, the crew made me permanent look out. I insisted on the comforts of home. They built me a tree-house they did. I even have my own private wet bar. But I was told if I fall asleep it will be my head. Arrgh Arrgh Arrgh.. Let me be telling you about our "home" Our "Cove" is really many inlets surrounded by islands, a Labyrinth of water ways. Some are dead ends and other's take you back out to the sea, only one will take you to our town. You don't want to make it to our town, but if you do we have some many games for you to play. "Fight the bloody Pirates," "100 lashes," "Walk the Plank," "Keel Haul," and a favorite "Clean the Poop deck in a storm." Beware, for all the land along the waterways has Cannon. Cannon to blow you and your ships apart. So you can be talking to Davy Jones. We also have our sharp shooters to pick you off one by one. You can see the terrain is well suited for these practices. We take no captives for barter or bargain. We like to give you a sporting chance. So we only tie you feet as you walk the plank over Shark reef.. The Sharks always win and the water turns red. We like red. So come if you want to Pirates Cove, to fight us, or to find the many chests we buried full of jewels and pieces of eight. Yes indeed come to Pirates Cove, we never turn anyone away. Arrgh, Arrgh, Arrgh. VistaPro and psp for post.

Comments (5)



1:31AM | Thu, 18 March 2004

VVVVV COOL Mate! Really Fantastic image! Superb landscape and the pov is Beautiful! Plenty of bushes to hide in from Capin Hook,lol! Keep it up, I love Pirate stories :)


1:56AM | Thu, 18 March 2004

Wow, now this is awesome. Fantastic terrain and foliage. Great everything.



3:28PM | Thu, 18 March 2004

Arrrgh mate! You've let the secret out. Now, we might not be able to split the booty! Don't give up the terrain...use your musket if you have to. Back to the picture; excellent choices of foliage and groundcover. The terrain and the sea together make a wonderful composition...and, your narrative is choice!!


5:44PM | Thu, 18 March 2004

Arrgh, Arrgh!! I might be seeing me way to visiting your fair isle, me men and me could do with some plunder see, the pickings 'round Spain be getting a bit slimmer these days. Superb work again Frank, backed up by a superb narrative. Certainly bought a smile to my face, guess pirate stories bring out the kid in all of us! Thanks for sharing.



7:39PM | Thu, 18 March 2004

ay mate ye left out some games that the capitune loves like keeling and pass the rum hahahahaha

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