Wed, Feb 12, 8:54 PM CST


Other Apps Fantasy posted on Feb 22, 2004
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Members remain the original copyright holder in all their materials here at Renderosity. Use of any of their material inconsistent with the terms and conditions set forth is prohibited and is considered an infringement of the copyrights of the respective holders unless specially stated otherwise.


This image was created with Paint Shop Pro 7.0. It was designed as a backdrop for one of my web pages used at a chat site. I do not stake claim to the original graphics I have used to create this image, they are copywritten to their respective owners. However, this design is a compilation of my own put together piece by piece (scan) with changes to the original, therefore is my own. I love working in PSP and have just recently taken an interest in other areas, such as 3D, 2D, Terragen and Poser. It is a long road but one I love. My advice to anyone who loves to "create"..."go for it and let your soul do the talking"....*smile

Comments (5)



1:41PM | Sun, 22 February 2004

very beautiful, i love the edging, would make a fantastic weblayout :o)



3:02AM | Mon, 23 February 2004

Your work is fantastic!


8:42PM | Thu, 22 April 2004

This is absolutely breathtaking!



9:42PM | Sun, 30 January 2005

I love this one my dear friend !!!!excellent artwork with excellent framing looks like banknote design ,clasic and unique style!!!!!VOTE



1:57AM | Tue, 08 March 2005

Such a beautiful compsition, your colorscale is very appealing!

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