Mon, Feb 10, 9:39 AM CST


2D People posted on Jun 12, 2003
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This is my first real try with just photoshop painting. I used to do portraits with pastels. It took a little while to get the hang of the different style of painting, but I am very happy with the results. I want to thank ToxicAngel for giving me encoragement to give this a shot. Without you this would have never happened! *HUGE HUGS*!!! Here is a link to the in progress images. The original photo I went by is on the offical Lord of the Rings site. Thanks for looking :)

Comments (197)


7:26AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Oh mon DIEU !!! C'est superbe !!!



7:28AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

BRAVO! Excellent work, as if it's a photograph.



7:34AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

WOW..., Gina this is simply FANTASTIC...!!!, AWESOME work...!!! WOW...!!!



7:36AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

ITS ABSOLOUTELY PERFECT! It looks EXACTLY like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl...OMG! You two are so SO talented!!!!! OMG OMG OMG! Words can not express, I THOUGHT IT WAS A PHOTO!!! DAMN U ARE AWESOME!



7:43AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

WOW!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm speachless.... This is just to good.. it's perfect.. awesome.. It's fantastic!!!!!! :o)



7:47AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Very impressive work! You've really captured the likeness, and the rendering is superb.


8:00AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Holy smokes! jaw hits the ground How in the world did you do that?? It looks exactly like him!!! You two keep amazing me!! WOW~



8:00AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Holy Shite Gina!! This is amazing!! It'll take me a week to pick my chin up off the floor!! Fantastic work!!


8:02AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

omg this is amazing its such a perfect likeness im in awe hun WOW keep this up !

L.W. Perkins

8:16AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Yep, I can tell you have done portraits before;-) You captured his personality here--he looks very sexy!



8:17AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

hear that sound? that the deep thud of my jaw hitting the floor and then the tiny snap of the bones in my fingers as i hit them with a hammer to stop me ever using a tablet again because im simply not good enough! this is superb my friend!! truly superb


8:20AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

it's very well done :) :) :) A gorgeous living portrait :)



8:32AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

wow, very well done... awesome. cheers, -gabriel



8:37AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Superbly executed portrait!!!! i told you......!!!! HUGE HUGS!!!!



8:42AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

OMG wowww ... this really looks exactly like him ... incredible work ... AMAZING !!! :)



8:49AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

You really should do portraits more often because this is an example of your skill and talent. Such a handsome man. Beards scare me and you make it look so effortless. You should be very proud! Now i'll go throw my wacom out the window. lol. No, but it inspires me to get better. Thank you for doing this. :)


8:51AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

This is sooooooo good! OMG! He looks so very very hot in this potrait.



8:56AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Hon, it is amazing to see your talent explode like this.......I am with Kiri here, OMG.....god it looks like him so much, but its the whole expression of his being you see in this.



9:05AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

I never thought it could be done Gina... not in such a perfect way. I cant stop looking and its totally flawless, a perfect example of whats right to be done. I agree with Cimrone.. I also thought it was a photo at first. But hey... if someone could do it.. its you! Thank you for this image... It proves the impossible can be done!



9:06AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

I agree with Styxx, Holy Sh*t. Gina, this is so lifelike....truly a stunning portrait. Bravo!



9:10AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Oijoijoi!! Jo on hieno! You two make one creative couple..



9:18AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Excuse me while I pick my jaw from the floor. This is incredible. Superb work!



9:28AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

OH!!!!!! AWESOME work Gina!!!



9:45AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

My best comliments ! sincerly jdd!


9:53AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

I believe that simply FABULOUS can express what I think of this artwork, if you are into LOTR portraits I can't wait to see Legolas hint :P ~Siliphiel



10:07AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

.....Darlin, there are not sufficient words to express what I want to say! Awesome, Amazing, Excellent, Spectacular......these words are simply not enough to describe your talent! All praise falls short! You have blown me away! Cheers...


10:09AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

I'm speechless :O


11:48AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

This is awesome...really awesome! I love that you gave the link to see the progress!


11:58AM | Thu, 12 June 2003

Gina, this is Syyd, I'm so happy to see your talent explode like this and so it has :) Nothing to stop you now girl!!!!! HUGS


12:04PM | Thu, 12 June 2003

This looks soooo real!!! It is an astonishing piece of art. I cant stop looking at it.. or should I say him...haha

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