Planet 8 - Reyana by max-
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Reyana lived on a warm, very cloudy planet, where clothing was worn only when logically necessary.
Her main job was tracking or catching bad people with her partner, a class-6 robot, who always turned heads and commanded respect.
After an hour of social pleasantries Captain Flynt got to chat with the robot, but what he learned was basically the same -- the robots are reaching a level of awareness at which they simply won't tolerate abuse, deception and non-consensual servitude.
As Flynt was preparing to leave, Reyana said, "Listen, there's another robot not far from here that does jobs above my pay grade; they may know more. Go to Neptune House, find Polaris and say that M99 sent you."
"So Polaris works with this robot?" asked Flynt.
"Polaris is the robot. A class-9 model." she replied and hugged him goodbye.
(AI input, PSP and manual postwork)
Comments (8)
Excellent image - great atmosphere!
max- Online Now!
Thanks, Blue!
Jollyself Online Now!
perfect background for this and lighting is excellent
max- Online Now!
I had to spend way too much time on this one, with much editing and messing with layers.
You have created a great mood in this. Well done.
max- Online Now!
Thank you, Lady!
Wow ein fantastische Bild
max- Online Now!
Thanks, Pauli!
Jollyself Online Now!
I do a minimum of 20 layers on just about every piece I do... it can get daunting. One of the reasons I have 4-5 images in the works at a time, the layer work gets to be too much, I take a break from that piece and work on a different one.
max- Online Now!
I don't think I've ever reached 20 layers at one time! Probably because I keep merging certain layers during the progression, keeping only the necessary layers un-merged.
Jollyself Online Now!
I do alot of adjustment and filter, clipping mask and pen work. Can't merge as you go with those tools, more often than not I'm going to change something and I dont want to fall into the "undo" vortex. lol
Can you please define.....logically necessary :)
Superb continuation :)
max- Online Now!
LOL! If you insist: If they work in a dangerous or rough environment they need to wear some protection. In casual settings, like at home, clothing is hardly ever worn.
Awesome job in creating this very atmospheric render...this type of atmosphere is my favorite and you did a perfect job In creating it as a backdrop to this amazing duo! I hear an echo of Hollywood calling in the distance...your talents would be in high demand there my friend. Congrats! :-)
max- Online Now!
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it, Johnny!
But I'm pretty sure Hollywood is already over-saturated with amazing talent.