Thu, Feb 6, 6:57 PM CST

Rendezvous at the Cafe

Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 12, 2020
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This is Carolyne, one of our newer recruits. She will be running our new office in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area (she said you’re welcome to drop by, Richard… LOL). As events continue to unfold, our organization continues to grow. Carolyne is a combination of morphs I’ve been playing with for quite some time. I just had a good phone conversation with Faemike55 – he is doing OK, but taking a bit of a hiatus from posting/commenting. Like many of us, he’s dealing with the effects of this current phase of insanity with COVID and all the other BS going on. He did say he WILL be back, and wishes everyone well. I’m working on the next page in the story, along with some other developments that will happen a little farther down the line in the story. Dark things are stirring, and the Girls will definitely have their work cut out for them. As always, thank you all so much for stopping by, and for all your wonderful comments, support, and friendships – and your own inspirational and wonderful art and photos. Stay safe, wear your masks, keep those positive thoughts at the forefront, and we’ll not only get through this, but we’ll kick it to the curb – and be stronger for it. Rod's Blog Facebook Twitter Girls From T.N.A. Website Girls From T.N.A. Twitter Page DA My Behance Portfolio Art Station Discord

Comments (50)


6:01PM | Mon, 13 July 2020




9:10PM | Mon, 13 July 2020

Cool work and she is very cute, great job


9:54PM | Mon, 13 July 2020

Excellent atmosphere and background. She is lovely and her expression looks like she is full of anticipation of some up coming event, whatever that may be. Really great work Rod. Another beautiful lady in the red dress!



10:33PM | Mon, 13 July 2020

A wonderful image, Rod. It was great talking to you last night. Things kinda turned sideways on me this morning but things are better now. Thanks for letting people know.



1:47AM | Tue, 14 July 2020

I'm with Barb/goldie on our fearless leader (please, may he be defeated in Nov!)..and I'm glad Mike is well, too. Yes, it's been a long surreal experience, and so many around us are hit, with a leader who is blind, deaf and dumb...and you're grappling with moving, one of the biggest of life's stresses...I hope it's all going well for you, without too much madness or stress. I'm loving these 'interim' images of yours where you just show 1 or a few of your characters, just sitting and posing. They're so gentle, introspective and beautiful. I love this cafe moment: Carolyne looks so peaceful and at ease---though her eyes do show a bit of concern for the work ahead of her. (Subtle expression.) I love the red theme too---in tables, in her gown, in flowers in back. I love the reddish dark lighting too---real restaurant light---and the lonely lack of the other wine-drinker, which we feel will be fulfilled as soon as we leave---like someone will join her soon. A very delicate, introspective scene. And full size you have this grain in the walls, and a slight canvas feel. It's very quiet and inviting. Beautiful piece, Rod. I hope her mood can stay with you through your work and such. You sure expressed it beautifully here...take care, you and jo, and I wish you great success in all you're doing these days...



2:01AM | Tue, 14 July 2020

Lovely scene.



10:36AM | Tue, 14 July 2020

Very beautiful scene.



11:04AM | Tue, 14 July 2020

Great scene . . . . . . really nice work ! ! !



1:06PM | Tue, 14 July 2020

superb image!



9:23PM | Tue, 14 July 2020

A lovely girl, and a lovely place you created for her.



1:42PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Beautiful scene and lighting!!!



9:45PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

If Richard can't make it, I'll go. 😇 She looks great and nice presentation.

Poor Mike has had a lot to deal with. With all the B.S. going on we all need a break. I don't understand people who think it's a hoax. Do they not believe people are actually dying? How could the entire planet be in on a hoax. Who are we all trying to fool. The fools I guess.


10:29PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Really... This entire planet can't seem to agree on ways to stop killing each other, never mind being in on a planet-wide hoax. Then again, look at some of our "leadership..."



11:01PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

She is quite a lovely character and very capable looking! Marvelous image, Rod! Very well imagined and realized!



11:52PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

what a wonderful and charming expression ... top notch !!



3:24AM | Fri, 17 July 2020




2:22PM | Fri, 17 July 2020

She is very pretty, and I don't think she will have to wait too long!



3:27PM | Sat, 18 July 2020

So this is not a rendezvous, this is a Rendezvous (spoken with a strong French accent). Didn't know about mike. I really need to start hanging out here more.


3:51PM | Sat, 18 July 2020

Yes, you do... We're fun people here.... 😁



12:50AM | Tue, 21 July 2020

You know if you hadn't explained "dark things"... I was about to say I hope she's not being stood up. Great mood in this Rod. Two glasses on a table with one person sitting there, and no one else around. :)



10:19AM | Fri, 21 August 2020

Very nice work, Rod! I luv the lighting and the dimly lit room......this is the perfect 'setting' for a midnight rendezvous at the cafe. I like the expression on Carolyne's face......she's probably thinking.....'I wonder if he is, or if he isn't gonna show up?' I likey!! 'lol'!



10:34AM | Sat, 31 October 2020

Sorry I am late. Excellent!

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