Tue, Feb 11, 2:44 AM CST


Photography Monochrome/Black and White posted on Jul 15, 2020
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Smile and the world smiles with you….. Or something like that.. Just a quick diversion while I have 20 or 30 things going on all at the same time. As usual.. I’ll be getting caught up on comments this evening – or at least attempting to. I’ll also be getting caught up with those of you who’ve sitemailed me as well. I’m not ignoring you, I’m just in the middle of way too many things. And here I thought being retired would be relaxing! That’s what I get for thinking.. We’ve been doing a LOT of organizing and down-sizing with all the β€œstuff” we’ve accumulated over the years. In going through stuff that’s been stashed away in boxes on the top shelf of closets, I stumbled upon several rolls of film (remember film?) that had never been developed. There is a place in Overland Park, Kansas (about a 30-minute drive) that still processes film, so I took it there. The 2 rolls of color film were totally blank, but some of the black and white actually looked fine. Which leads to…. About the photo… While working with a local modeling agency, we were doing some promotional work for a local day spa. This group of lovelies were some of the girls in the agency. The client wanted color for an ad campaign, but I had a second camera loaded with black and white (I usually had 2 or 3 cameras loaded for things like this), so I shot a bunch of that as well. Apparently, I misplaced the B&W in a box and forgot about it. Anyway to make a long story short, I was happy to see this roll turned out so well after 20+ years sitting in a box. I’ll be putting together another Behind The Scenes video soon with some of the goings-ons around here. We are hoping to find another place to live, but it will most likely be next spring, realistically speaking. I’m ready to move yesterday, but we still have a lot of ducks to get in a row. Anyway, thanks as always for stopping by, and for all your awesome comments and support! Rod's Blog Facebook Twitter Girls From T.N.A. Website Girls From T.N.A. Twitter Page DA My Behance Portfolio Art Station Discord

Comments (40)



7:55PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

An interesting line up, to say the least! Looks like it was fun doing that shoot.



8:00PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Wow...What a find....!!!...really after that time i'm surprised you got anything off it.....but ....the miracle of technology...!!...i'm not disappointed ...sure you wasn't...superb capture...and stunning group of ladies....!!



8:01PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

really some fine photography Rod and the ladies are gorgeous



8:05PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

a Bounteous bevy of beautiful babes now graces our screens. Wonderful!



8:54PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Wow! I appreciate the blood pressure test my friend. No them some real life T.N.A. girls Rod.

Wish I was there would love pickin' on what your scrapping. For me many mind pressures going on. Have several images done but still will post on my normal days. About 14 images but still no complete Operation Domino yet. You a Jo play some of your music loud for that crapper, er rapper?



9:21PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

I just love looking at these old photos... it's a moment frozen in time. awesome shot!!


9:37PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

As I remember, the little cutie third from the left in the front row - with the print dress - had a very Ranpha-like personality. Very intelligent with a sharp sense of humor.. She was a blast to work with.



9:38PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

How nice! Wondering; is the woman on the far right with the short blond hair captured with her eyes closing, or is she admiring the backside of the lady in front of her? 😁


9:46PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

πŸ€£πŸ˜† I think I just caught her mid-blink..... Really.... πŸ˜„ Now if I'D been standing where she is.... πŸ˜‰



9:44PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

This looks like a fun job, cool stuff



10:26PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Neat. even after 20 years. I started out with disposable cameras in the late 1990s, progressed onto Canon FD SLR cameras, then Canon EOS, before going full digital.



11:00PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

Beautiful ladies and a fantastic fine on your part! Great surprise I'm sure! Wonderful photo!



11:50PM | Wed, 15 July 2020

you been a master with the camera all these years bro.



12:02AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Amazing !!!! πŸ’ž



12:27AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

A wonderful photo with happy memories attached. I'm glad you got it developed. 20 years, I wonder where they all are today.



1:07AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

A fantastic and adorable photograph, a miracle of technology and skill of those who took it!!!!!πŸ‘πŸ˜€bravissima RodS πŸ‘πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ



1:08AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

cool; has some vintage look



1:40AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

So many beautiful smiles!



2:20AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Fashion looks right up to the minute Rod! Fabulous piccie! Lovely ladies! Please don't fret about commenting on my account. Your well being comes first Sir! Stay safe my friend!



3:51AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Very nice shot !



5:05AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

sounds like a cool job



9:25AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Very cool . . . . great capture ! ! !



10:24AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



11:17AM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Super capture Rod. These gals look so happy and carefree...the good old days, no orange devil, no Covid, no face masks, and certainly no social distancing...



2:03PM | Thu, 16 July 2020

what a wonderful surprise!!
you're a lucky man!



2:14PM | Thu, 16 July 2020

A wonderful treasure to find. Imagine who and where they are today. Time marches on.


6:01PM | Thu, 16 July 2020



10:07PM | Thu, 16 July 2020

Really very cool photo!! You said you stumbled across a couple of what? Rolls of film? What is that? lol. Awesome capture of these lovely ladies. Excellent job!!



3:37AM | Fri, 17 July 2020

Great capture and find.



4:10AM | Fri, 17 July 2020

Those lady's are all beautiful, wonderful capture Rod.



2:20PM | Fri, 17 July 2020

Glad you found the film! All beautiful!



3:02PM | Fri, 17 July 2020


That was a thing I always wanted to get into. I wanted a dark room, but, alas no money for that kinda thing. I miss those days when more things were done more by hand. Don't get me wrong, I love me my PC but it's no substitute for watching a print develop in the tray, or finishing up a hand illustrated poster that didn't blot 4 hours in.

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