Fri, Feb 7, 8:10 AM CST


Poser Glamour posted on Feb 09, 2018
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When I was a kid, there was this super fancy Mexican restaurant nearby. The waiting area was a gorgeous little courtyard with a fountain and tropical plants. If you dared trick or treat there, you would likely be sent home with not only a lot of Mexican candies, but a bag of tamales or tacos. They'd trot you into the holy holies of their foyer, and show you off to the staff and customers. On the walls, they had framed several posters from the 20s and 30s featuring Mexican and Spanish cantinas and bars. They were so strange and beautiful, I've never forgotten them. I'd stare at them while waiting for our doom. So here's a little bit of a memory for you. Just imagine being about ten, dressed as Harpo Marx, with your little brother Darth Vador, while you slowwllyyy reply in Spanish to the thrilled Abuela who's come out to pinch your cheeks. But your reward is a peek inside the fanciest restaurant in town and a whole lot of dulce and chicken tacos. (I didn't even know tacos came in anything besides ground meat!)

Comments (3)



5:35PM | Fri, 09 February 2018

Definitely colorful!



2:03AM | Sat, 10 February 2018

It sounds like a very fun place. Fantastic picture, too!



10:26AM | Wed, 14 February 2018


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