Mon, Feb 17, 6:51 PM CST

Welcome to the Jungle

Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Oct 18, 2017
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Happy hump day my friends, thanks for your time and comments. Just got back from the ER, I have a severe bruised left testicale, a urinary track infection, as some words about it I can't recall, not sure if the anibiotics will bring down the swelling or not. But they did a ultrasound in the area to tell me what's going on. They had more concern about my right on more cause they picked up a spot on it. Have a follow up visit at a urologist on Monday. Thanks for reading if you did. Credits: PS Oga by: Pixeluna & Shadownet Big Cats by: Jane Eden Cave Dweller by: Pixeluna & Shadownet Enchanted Things by: Jane Eden

Comments (59)



2:24PM | Wed, 18 October 2017




2:24PM | Wed, 18 October 2017




2:37PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Stunning image my friend love it :)



2:43PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Glad you went to get that problem checked out. Don't worry, all will be fine. Also, many folks don't read the artist's comments--in too much of a rush to make a short, generic, meaningless comment, and move on to the next image on their list. Their comments are testament to what I just said.

Do like your scene. Used the same BG recently for one of my scenes.



2:46PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Fantastic job! Super ouch on the injury. Hope everything heals quickly.



2:46PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

great job making her stand out against the vegetation!



2:53PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

I'm sure the doc will get you sorted Steve gorgeous image my friedn!!!



3:01PM | Wed, 18 October 2017


3:13PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Superb scene !!



3:14PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Awesome scene! Hope the meds work!



3:31PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

this is a fantastic scene, the lighting looks great; straight out of the deep, deep jungle. I really do like the warrior woman, too, she is impressive. I'm glad you got medical treatment. I hope things heal quickly and easily... you're on my mind, Steve.



3:41PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Wonderful scene! I wish you a speedy recovery! Best of luck!



3:44PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Fantastic scene with superb composition and lighting, great work, Steve! Sorry for your health problem, I hope all will be ok soon, my friend.



3:53PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Wonderful wild characters, I like also the decor, awesome image, Steve ! Take care of you !



4:03PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Great Panther and cub. Love the jungle background...



5:13PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Sorry to hear that your not feeling well,Steve,I hope for a quick recovery,she's a beautiful girl and I like the big cat:))*****



5:20PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

I am so very glad you went to see the doctor and now on the way to getting better. Hang in there and take it easy.

interesting scene



5:23PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Nice one, (and I'm not even going to ask...)



5:29PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Stunning creation, beautiful colors and composition ! Cool pose !!


mazzam Online Now!

5:44PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Fantastic scene great job of blending with the background.



5:46PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Ouch...hang in there and make sure you go for the follow up. Get lots of rest too ( if that's possible)


tetrasnake Online Now!

6:05PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Now I want to hear that song!

Fab piece BTW! 😄



7:41PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

I am sorry to hear about your health problems but it is great that you have been to the Dr. and make sure that you go to the follow up as any problem is much better caught early. My son is testament to that. I hope the antibiotics work quickly for the infection but these days we often can't rely on them to do the job like they used to. I hope the spot turns out to be nothing to worry about. I love this beautiful mossy background you have used in this lovely image too and the girls outfit really suits. The two cats don't look too friendly though. Lol. :)



7:54PM | Wed, 18 October 2017




9:41PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Awesome jungle scene!! Cool looking warrior woman.....and I luv the black panthers!!!
Hope you get better soon Steve!!



10:47PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Excellent work!

Sure hope you get some good news when you see the urologist. Praying that you get doing better really soon!


RodS Online Now!

10:48PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

A very beautiful image, Steve! She looks right at home in this verdant and lovely jungle.

Ow! That doesn't sound like much fun at all! Hoping for good results from the urologist, and sending healing thoughts and prayers your way, buddy!



11:41PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Wonderful environment and character Steve!!! Sorry you are having health problems - I'll send all the good energy I can spare your way and hope you're feeling better soon!!! 😄



11:48PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Superb scene, excellent done! 🌟



11:55PM | Wed, 18 October 2017

Great composition and use the background. All excellent done! 👏👌👍🙋‍♂️

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