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End Of Innocence

DAZ|Studio World Events/Social Commentary posted on Oct 12, 2014
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I heard it long ago: "Wisdom is something you can acquire two ways. You can gain it second hand from the mistakes of others; or you can go out and gain it first hand by making those same mistakes yourself." One is much less painful or costly than the other. Do we as people, or even a society, see where or when we are making mistakes, and have we acquired any kind of wisdom from it? I often wonder. This is made to stir some consideration about what we see happening in our society. I see it almost daily on my commute home from work through the lower income end of town; young girls, either pregnant or pushing strollers, and have to ask why. These girls should be in high school, or perhaps they just graduated; but why aren't they establishing themselves for the remainder of their lives. Why are these children having children? And by no means is this a problem only locked into the lower income parts of our community, it's happening everywhere. A trip to the local mall one day made that every so clear. There was a time, probably when I was growing up, you'd have been challenged to find enough teenage mothers in the entire county to clog the mall as much as it was that afternoon with teenage mothers -- on a school day nonetheless. Sure, I tell myself, this is a different day, some things are accepted that weren't when I was growing up; but that still doesn't mean it should be commonplace when the statistics show the negative impact which too often comes with children having children. I'm not hear to point blame, there is plenty to go around; and often it's first found by looking in a mirror. I just want to incite thought into what we're allowing to happen to children. They seem to go from their carefree years into adulthood without being given a real period to transition and grow into it; like we had. Perhaps some of this accounts for the drug and gang problems too. But what happened? Have parents failed to set expectations, ground rules, guidelines.... Have we become so obsessed with the pursuit of stuff to appease and entertain children that we forgot the most valuable thing they need; time and attention? One can say it's due to economics, parents works schedules..... But I came from a broken home, and my mother was only accessible for a short time of the day between working and sleeping to go to work; my father lost his job when the mills closed, and we weren't very well off when they were still open either. So, some excuses out the window, and on to the bigger problem: How do we restore that which has been lost? End of my little rant. Hope you all are enjoying the day.

Comments (8)



12:03PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

simple beautiful.



1:09PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

There should be more education about having children and be responsable for them, in school and at home, before they are ready to mate. She looks to me as an not knowing what to do kid, that want something of her own (a baby). Which would not only bring joy but also a lot to worry about.



1:35PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

Even when I was in school, decades ago, kids were having babies. It's been that way for centuries. It actually used to be the norm. Biology says we are ready to breed at a younger age than socially accepted. Maybe those who listen to biology more than society are actually following what biology demands? Hard to say. I, or one, am not ready for my baby to have a baby.



5:56PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

one of the problems is the attitude about sex education, or the lack thereof. the second part is due in part with parents thinking that if the 'children' know, then they will go out and experiment whereas it has, in my opinion, been quite the opposite. Great image and commentary



8:44PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

First of all, I really enjoyed your rant, or it that an appropriate response for what you wrote? Probably not. In any event, a most profound and soul searching treatise into the morals, ethics, accountability and irresponsibility of the young. From a pragmatic point of view, I'd say it's irresponsible behavior for children to have children, considering that there are already too many people on the planet as it is. Other than that, you have offered a top notch poster child rendering of the young lass, clasping her prominent baby bump, in realization and resignation for what's she's done. I don't know how accurate this is, but I heard on the radio that it costs a family a cool $250,000 to rear a child from birth to near adulthood.



10:38PM | Sun, 12 October 2014

As someone said above, some young girls have always gotten pregnant.The biggest difference etween then and now is that back then it was a badge of shame rather than the badge of honor as it is in many communities today.



1:28AM | Mon, 13 October 2014

I see it as partly an unintended side effect of modern social programs meant to provide a safety net. Where in the past people's values kept them from taking undue advantage, far too many of today's youth, not having the same values, game the system.



5:32AM | Mon, 13 October 2014

Outstandingly well done! We also say that: the experience is the sum of the errors which we made in past.

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