Fri, Feb 14, 7:38 PM CST

The Barbed Soul

Fractal Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 13, 2014
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Apophysis (with background texture in PS) barbs to the soul.

Comments (17)



2:47PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

and prickly too; title and explanation very good ! beautiful and meaningful fractal



3:35PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

splendid lighting for this beauty ! awesome graphism !!!



3:52PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

Beautiful! It's interesting that I first thought of a Phoenix being reborn, or perhaps the Cherubim from the book "A Wrinkle In Time". Either way, this is very lovely, I really love the colors and the intricate swirls within each shape.



8:17PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

It looks alive, filled with energy.Great structure and texture and illumination.



8:47PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

Quite spectacular.



11:51PM | Sun, 13 April 2014

Gorgeous! Corrie



3:18AM | Mon, 14 April 2014

Fantastice creation.



4:57AM | Mon, 14 April 2014

Very nicely rendered... Cool piece.



6:41AM | Mon, 14 April 2014

like the pattern, coloring, and texture



7:25AM | Mon, 14 April 2014

One day, some yogis and I were talking about galaxy images, and the amazing forms one sees in them. And someone said, "there's cataclysm out there, and who knows how many living beings might be swallowed up in those cataclysms. And yet, from our perspective, those cataclysms are beautiful...we see no pain, just beauty." What does that have to do with this? Well, in your description, you speak of "Carelessness...indifference...silence...barbs to the soul." And that's what your image looks like---a series of stabs and barbs, a maze one can't get through without being cut; and the relentless "system" that those barbs create. Yet your artistic eye created beauty out of it, you transformed it into something beautiful and musical. You always turn the cataclysms and canyons of fractals into beauty and music, even in a depiction of human unkindness. I love the dark here, and the chasms; and how those barbs emerge out of them so sharply. And how you use white to highlight the edges of the barbs: They flow like paint brushed on water. (If you know those old book end-papers, you'll know what I mean: I mean the end-papers with paisley-like patterns swirling across them: They're made by placing oil-based paints on water, and then combing the surface so the paints branch out much like these forms here---in delicate lines and radiations. Then the bookmaker places his/her papers upon the water's surface, picking up those patterns onto paper. They then dry the papers, and use them for books. Your image has some of that feel, even though your image is also a series of dark caverns and prickly stalagmites and stalactites.) An accurate depiction of your theme, and yet beautiful all the same. With a scintillating use of whites for accents. Another beautiful fractal from you, and I hope you post more---It's always terrific to have you back here, Nancy.



10:44AM | Mon, 14 April 2014




11:57PM | Mon, 14 April 2014

(Beautifully crafted, and your words (short, to the point) perfect.



12:53AM | Tue, 15 April 2014

And yet it's beautiful and alive. And yet it shelters little things, gives them safety amongst the lethal barbs. A two sided story, a two edged sword ..



12:17PM | Wed, 16 April 2014

An excellent image. Great title.



2:41AM | Sat, 19 April 2014

This looks fantastic. An orderly confusion, reminds me of my brain sometimes. Excellent work!!



10:58PM | Sat, 24 May 2014




8:49AM | Tue, 19 August 2014

Wonderful composition my friend!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma

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