Fri, Feb 14, 3:28 PM CST


Fractal Fractal posted on Apr 07, 2014
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FE (Please consider full size view for details and clarity) Many thanks to each of you for looking, for your comments, and for the previous favorites too. :)

Comments (22)



9:42PM | Mon, 07 April 2014

Ooh lovely! My first impression reminded me of tree rings, then perhaps a geode, but now I'm content to not try to compare it to anything but itself. There's a wonderful subtle and magnificent feeling of power to this one that I find captivating!



12:00AM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Beautiful! Corrie



12:22AM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Definitely on a preordained path with a few deterrents ... relentless.



1:30AM | Tue, 08 April 2014

beautiful forms and textures !!!



4:57AM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Cool, textural piece.



12:05PM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Stunning work



1:14PM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Fantastic work.



3:35PM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Cool surface, is that UF or what app is that Peace


6:24PM | Tue, 08 April 2014

Thanks everyone! Len, it's straight Fractal Explorer, a talis variation I formula, with no postwork whatsoever.



6:51AM | Wed, 09 April 2014

Great you do work with FE. I recognised the Talis, and I like all the pinsharp details-textures very much in it. Your color palette is lovely to it.



8:42AM | Wed, 09 April 2014

Wonderful colors. Interesting combination and penetration of patterns and forms.



10:04AM | Wed, 09 April 2014

awesome ; and to fine-detailed; I love the coloration as well



10:37AM | Wed, 09 April 2014

Wow! I initially thought it was a pencil and ink drawing. Amazing fractal work.!!!!!



3:14PM | Wed, 09 April 2014

fantastic picture



10:55PM | Wed, 09 April 2014

Excellent work, I love this piece, I would be very happy if this was in a frame on my wall. The comment regarding how it reminds them of tree rings is very interesting because it does indeed veer towards that area of thinking. Well done.



2:51AM | Thu, 10 April 2014

Wonderful!! John



5:32AM | Thu, 10 April 2014

So beautifully detailed and I really like the textures,looks like a mixture of metal and wood,excellent work****



8:14AM | Thu, 10 April 2014

Look at all the detail, in such opulence, and it all plays so well together, the colours and tones, the shapes and lines. And then, no matter how much these tones and lines might have to tell, how it seems to be in movement, it also makes me think of something constant, solid, reminds me to rocks, stones, and their slow nature. Quite a beauty Nancy, and quite beautiful to see something from you again :)



11:04AM | Fri, 11 April 2014

Very nice. I see tree rings too!



3:23PM | Fri, 11 April 2014

So makes me think of a cross cut of bone under a microscope .. or tree rings. love what this talis formula in FE produces. Awesome in zoom! And yeah, almost like an ink drawing! Totally awesome to see you post something gorgeous .. your work is always gorgeous and innovative and so different from a lot of fractal work.



5:15PM | Fri, 11 April 2014

Wonderful and very creative work



8:17AM | Sat, 12 April 2014

marvelous and impressive design! a stunning world of its own! ;o)



7:08AM | Mon, 14 April 2014

Love all the comments, and agree with Rita 100%, on everything. As for the "Talis" thing, I can't help but think of the word "tallis"---the Jewish prayer shawl (which I wore many times as a youngster), and wondering, "have tallis's gotten their own FRACTAL software???" I know that's not what you're talking about, lol, though I don't know the names of fractal programs, having only done a few fractals in my life. (They're awful.) I've seen diagrams of synapses, and you did a glorious abstraction of those diagrams, showing the big bulging sections, and all the pathways/ganglia that flow out of them---the top and right-side "tassles" in your image---and all the interstitial tissue in between. This is very much from life forms; big protruding "larvae" which come out of openings which, themselves, have the kind of layers around them that openings get, in nature. (Larvae wouldn't be seen in synapses, I realize; two completely different worlds of magnification...but here those things protruding from those holes look like big fat larvae making their way into the suburbs...) And, for all the geometric lines, there's all kinds of deviation, curvature, rippling, etc, which gives real-life feeling to the piece. And the top and right-side tentacles are very complex---this could also be a series of roadways, complex highways, moving out of a big urban center. Your color scheme is suitable too---there's much variation, but all within a single family (browns, yellows, blacks and whites, where the browns and yellows seem burnt). This is another true-to-life vision from you, showing your experience of biology, very complex and sophisticated. And like Martin says, there's something rock-solid about it too; and yes, it's always wonderful to see something new from you. Your fractals are wholly your own, and they're marvelous, Nancy.

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