Sun, May 19, 5:43 AM CDT

Painted Sky

Poser People posted on Feb 05, 2012
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Hello, and thanks for viewing my work. I hope you've been having a great weekend. This is a postworked version of a render using my P7+ version of my Essential Materials (Pearl, Plain, Cloth, Velvet, and Leather). Most of the original is in one of the promo images for the set (most of because it's paired with a version of the image with material defaults). The main reason I postworked it as much as I did was wanting to have _fun_ with it. I've had it around for a bit now, and felt like playing with it. I made all the clothing in the image, and turned a photo into a painted version to put on the wall behind her. I sort of lost the texture of the wall next to her, but I liked the overall effect. The hair is actually a combination of LLF's Jillian Hair and the tip of LLF's Dark Mage Hair for A3. The texture is the human version of maelwenn's Valeria. The texture on the tank was made with a merchant resource from Poser World, one of the best deals out there and still going strong. She's on top of the Poser regular sphere. The postwork was done with Fireworks and MyPaint. I've been doing a fair amount of work in MyPaint now, and I realize that it absolutely needs me to work large. I've also been establishing a presence at deviantART, and I see that a lot of people are posting 3000+ px images. So I think I'll start making my final images bigger. Though this one was about 1/3 the size of my usual since I knew I was going to double it. That said, I'm _really_ liking all the different types of tools in MyPaint. It's a lot like Painter without being as difficult to learn. My P9+ version of my materials is now done and ready to be uploaded, but unfortunately there's no place to put them. While there's a whole bunch of sections for P7 only materials (which is odd, because I can't even remember what nodes were added in P7), there's none for P9. So I'm waiting for store staff to get back to me about what to do.

Comments (10)



6:28PM | Sun, 05 February 2012

Ooh, you made all of the clothes here? I love that little jacket on her. Great display of your materials again, and I hope to see you post your other promo images from the marketplace. Thanks for the heads up on MyPaint. Trying to use Painter is an... interesting experience. You're on deviantART?? I haven't seen you there. I've been growing fond of that site myself.



11:54PM | Sun, 05 February 2012

more sky is warranted because of the title. She looks good, but where is your sky?



3:30AM | Mon, 06 February 2012

beautiful scene with excellent pose and pov



9:47AM | Mon, 06 February 2012

Nicely put together!



10:45AM | Mon, 06 February 2012




3:44PM | Mon, 06 February 2012

It has a nice Springtime feel to it--I love her clothes and the beautiful sky, it looks very natural. I'll have to check out MyPaint, I have had several versions of Painter and I find it too loaded and slow for my taste; I always end up going back to Photoshop, so a smaller painting app would be nice!



6:14AM | Wed, 08 February 2012

The pose says fun. The image says creativity. The style says a strong sense of creative ability. As another commented: "you made all the clothes?" They haven't seen what you have made! Rendo needs to pull the finger out and get vendors a P9 / PP2012 section. These materials are nothing short of astonishing! For example, the velvet of the dress in my last image is KobaltKween's. The girl feels real, the clothing says natural, the lighting is from a bright-lit sky. You see very clearly, and paint exceptionally well what you see!



10:45AM | Sun, 12 February 2012

Sehr schön.



4:25PM | Sun, 12 February 2012

pretty beautiful peace of artwork , sorry my enghis is not enough good to explain how much I like this work , thanks so much for your visit !



4:35AM | Sun, 23 September 2012

Great POV and superb work on the lighting. Most excellent!

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