Wed, May 29, 6:44 AM CDT

The Hockey Dudes (includes a little rant)

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 09, 2011
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Dante Mc-Mahon and Eros della Schiava are having a good laugh before the match begins.They have been playing in their younger years in the ISL (Intergalactical Spacko League) of hockey,before they choose military careers and went to the respective Academys.The are good friends since College and they served also in one or the other conflict on the Spackovian side.Nowadays with the old bones they just play for fun and on charity games. Here they have a hearty laugh (surely a dirty joke lol). They are about to meet the mixte team of the Jackals and Lizzardos. A huge thanks to Aemi 1970 for the buildings and footbal terrains as well as for the Arena people. thanks also to shadowy for the tunnel/corridor Now I am very surprised seein a big nation like the US of A is facing maybe a governement shutdown. The political crapos are unable to vote a budget. I ask my self 2 questions: Who elected these subjects?? And then are there only such subjects to elect??: I might send a spacko shuttle into cape canaveral and we book a one way ticket to neverwas universe and try to get things done the way they should be. But then is it not that the people deserve the administration they voted for?? …………… read this interesting article source : The polarization of the two major parties has consequences for a great deal more than just the contents of legislation. It fosters a broader political environment in which compromise invites ridicule, in which pragmatists are presumed to lack conviction, and in which each political faction is convinced not merely that it is right, but that those who disagree with it are stupid, evil or both. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of William Howell. Nevertheless -Lots to think. But jokes aside I hope this will be straighten out. Hunderts of thousands of big time problems will occur if it comes to that point. raw creatures at daz3d as well as the hockey outfit +addons. Credits:Joanna-Sav Eros/Dante,

Production Credits

Comments (44)



12:18AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Image # 2034 what happened on : April 9th source : 193 – Septimius Severus is proclaimed Roman Emperor by the army in Illyricum (in the Balkans). 475 – Byzantine Emperor Basiliscus issues a circular letter (Enkyklikon) to the bishops of his empire, supporting the Monophysite christological position. 1241 – Battle of Liegnitz: Mongol forces defeat the Polish and German armies. 1916 – World War I: The Battle of Verdun – German forces launch their third offensive of the battle. 1917 – World War I: The Battle of Arras – the battle begins with Canadian Corps executing a massive assault on Vimy Ridge. 1918 – World War I: The Battle of the Lys – the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps is crushed by the German forces during what is called the Spring Offensive on the Belgian region of Flanders. 1942 – World War II: The Battle of Bataan/Bataan Death March – United States forces surrender on the Bataan Peninsula. The Japanese Navy launches an air raid on Trincomalee in Ceylon (Sri Lanka); Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Hermes and Royal Australian Navy Destroyer HMAS Vampire are sunk off the island's east coast. 2003 – 2003 invasion of Iraq: Baghdad falls to American forces;Saddam Hussein statue topples as Iraqis turn on symbols of their former leader, pulling down the statue and tearing it to pieces. BDAYs April 29 Mikeerson -Mike 30 njb2000 - Nick



12:28AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

cool images! You almost here the background noise of the crowd when looking at it.



12:36AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Great image (and rant haha) I love the characters you chose here, great attention to detail :-)



12:56AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

it's why I stay out of politics - lol... I don't know what these guy do on a day to day work bases... I can see with net being here now that eventually people will want cameras on these guys who make the decisions every second they are at work = and why not? my freak'n boss has one on me. I'm a white guy, you know that and I really felt we needed to have a black man take office just to get rid of some of this racist crap we are born into... I think Obama means well, but the congress are not giving him all the suport he needs as a leader... and once again, it's being brought up by Trump that Obama was not born in the US - one of the rules to becoming president is you have to be born here.... which in a way sucks, cause I'd love to see Swartzennegger as Prez = lol.... It sounds like Trump is going to run, I think he'd be an excellent choice... I've never voted, but I just might have to vote for Trump.... we need someone in office that understand money and I think Bush really screwed that up. so, where's your scoreboard? let's get this hockey game started, I've already writen a book and the puck still hasn't dropped - lol



12:57AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

It's nice to see both Eros and Dante in Spackoland. Great work, Rene!



1:04AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

i say bash the farking iceholes teeth in, this is hockey, take no friends.. great job rene.



1:13AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Excellent renders and fine comments on the political mess in the U S of A. I have to say, we do get the kind of leadership we deserve, since a lot of people don't even vote anymore. But by the same token, when so many millions upon millions of dollars are spent on elections by the powers that be, the voters are totally worn down by this bombardment that by election day, they don't feel like voting anymore. It is a very sad state of affairs that politics has fallen to this level of ineptitude and, by not voting, we in the U S of A have allowed it.


1:39AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

At the last moment they passed it and supposedly it will ride until September...doesn't matter were still screwed!...That's all I will really don't want me to climb on my soap box because I'm sure a few here won't want to here what my opinion is about our current so called representatives that have us here in the Good Ole' U S of A by our collective balls... On another note regarding your scene above..I count (give or take)65 characters used got that many characters on file buddy?..Daaaaaaamn!



1:41AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

and...who will win? ;)



3:48AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Great image I vote the bears win this one lol Well done Rene I see there is a crowd there to cheer them on!! Have a great day my friend, well done!



4:30AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Great image and nice spotlights on the characters.. Ya the US right now is a mess. I really want my country back. Enough of spending money to non-citizens..Giving them welfare, food stamps etc.Make sure we give them money for all those kids they have too. Imagin all we would save if this stopped. Yes I am ranting a bit now. Heard you don't even have to read/speak English to get a liscense. You can have an interpeter. What?????????



4:37AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

in my opinion the govs worldwide do this by purpose giving little extras to non- citizen so to speak that way they can have the attention of the mob focused on foreigners so to speak, wich gives the people an oportunity and a target to vent and prevent them to see behind the curtains of what really happens lol.. but then i am a conspiration theory freak.



4:37AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

cosnpiracy whatever you want to call it Verschwörung in german.



4:48AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

weekend-golflady.png Cooles Pixelchen & beängstigendes Kommentar! Jawohl, soweit kommt's noch, die Regierungen machen verdeckte Hetzkampagnen, der 'Mob' läuft auf die Strasse und fegt die Ausländer wech - ich will zurück nach Lullebörg (alle machen mit und niemand hat nachher etwas davon gewusst)!



5:19AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

good scenes... I especially like the crowds in the background.



5:21AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Like the use of the Gis prop I will cheek out the rant tomorrow! got to drive to work now!



6:21AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Awesome hockey scenes and rant.Canada's national debt is $576.8 billion.But down here,we just drink a lot of beer and forget about!!!Pretty sure that's what the politicians do too!!!



6:33AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Fantastic scene Rene and those that vote these people in should open there eyes to what they have done its the same in the uk cut this cut that cut the care homes shut down all facilitys for the disabled put up care charges remove caps so all can charge and fleece the most vunerable and do i see them cutting there pockets no why pick on the old and disabled makes me sick my rant for the day lol



7:02AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

EXCELLENT scene and work!!



7:21AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Esplendida obra meu amigo, criação e detalhes excelente, aplausos (5)



7:30AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Excellent scenes! I like the crowds in the background, wonderful set up. I'm not going to say anything about the rant, because if I got started, I'm pretty sure I'd run out of space/words. I will say, I voted. When it was all said and done I felt like I'd wasted my time, most of the ones I voted for didn't make it into office.



8:23AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Great work Rene, it looks like their all set for an exciting game



9:03AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Very good scene, Rene Excellent work and good rant and very valid points



9:59AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Very cool images , Rene !



10:43AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

No, Rene, I did not vote for them, & I do not think I 'deserve' what they have done. I don't think Obama was 'elected' I think he was put there by the 'powers that be'. & you know I think he is the anti Christ. An extremely dangerous man. I also believe his full intention was to bring the US down from the beginning. Just look at the hate in his eyes. & the muslims are begging him to 'rule them'. Though he professes to be a Christian. How can that be? They want to kill all Christians & call the US the 'Big Satan'. So I don't think it will be long before the entire world has to deal with him. Do some searches & prepare to be shocked. America is still walking around stunned.



10:56AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Excellent scene, Rene!!!!



11:20AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Great image and a comment to smile. It is everywhere the same tragedy.



11:40AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

So very true bro....the world is a ** up place at the moment. when will it all end ?........great render by the way



11:47AM | Sat, 09 April 2011

excellent scenes!!



1:40PM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Awesome scene !!!

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