Fri, Feb 7, 9:29 AM CST

The Prodigal Is Found

Vue Atmosphere/Mood posted on May 19, 2008
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Don't think this one needs a story. That is sure one relieved pup! This is my first Vue Infinity Pro Studio 6.0 picture. Lots to still learn, but it is a tremendous program. E-on may have at last weaned me away from Bryce, but don't bet on it! Grin. Thanks to all of you for your tremendous response to my last two renders. Very much appreciated. Jeremy CREDITS: Vue Infinity Pro Studio 6.0. Figure: DAZ Victoria 4.2; Adrella's "Mellora" morphs and skin mat; "Juni" Hair; "Zahn Vest for V4 Male" by Kattey aka Allyp (sharecg); . Vegetation: Esha's "Crooked Trees" (Renderosity). Atmosphere: "Dark Storm" from Vue 6's Daytime/Bad Weather folder.

Comments (31)


1:30PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Beautiful image!!!Hugs Jane



1:36PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Gorgeous Atmosphere


1:58PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Hey Jeremy, a super Image, looks great, love the "before the storm" atmosphere, great render!!!



2:00PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Great image... ...wonder if I'll be the last person using Bryce at this rate...



2:18PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Nice one Jeremy...distant tree or a mountain far back...just a tought.



3:02PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Great image. I especially like the heavy clouds in the sky, makes you feel with the puppy even more..



3:02PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Very nice picture and a wonderful atmosphere. Excellent first Vue work. Well done!



3:03PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Nice work!



3:12PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Great atmosphere and scene!



3:54PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Excellent work. Love it...



4:13PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

This is outstanding. I've deleted Bryce already.



5:17PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Absolutely lovely!



6:10PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Very good start with Vue. We have another Vue addict! :-) Welcome!



8:28PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

wonderful Image..



11:39PM | Mon, 19 May 2008

Hey Jeremy..your latest works are among the best you have done...superb textures here, outstanding good mood..and the girl turned out superb Very well done



12:17AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Oh!! I really think you'll like Vue, Jeremy! Glad to see you aboard! I like this image very much. The textures are beautiful and I like the composition!



3:48AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Nicely done Jeremy. I must confess I have moved onto Vue as well but do not have the time and the 'computer hardware' lol, to learn and use it effectively. I am still using Bryce to create what I need, but by next year there should be more Vue images coming through.



5:58AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Well Done! ..And welcome to the world of Vue! I think the more you work with Vue the more you will love it. I'm a long time Brycester fan but I found the capabilities of Vue go well beyond that of Bryce.



6:04AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Your first try? Wonderful!



6:14AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

great image of a special house your atmo is very special too. ! I can see what you mean with clouding. Good !



7:47AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Beautiful render! I think you have practice because it is very good for a first render!



8:41AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Great light and atmosphere. Good pose and composition.


11:21AM | Tue, 20 May 2008

very cool work



1:00PM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Welcome to the world of Vue, Jeremy! Great to see you here! Great job with both these characters...I especially the love that little puppy....I can really sense that puppy excitement coming from him!



4:05PM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Well moss excellent job my friend!



5:09AM | Wed, 21 May 2008

Beautiful scene and wonderful work.



2:50PM | Wed, 21 May 2008

Beautiful and excelent artwork,Wonderful!Congratulations!!! A million stars**** Luminous blessings.Ludy. Sorry by signing so late, I could not come Saturday and Sunday



11:07AM | Thu, 22 May 2008

A great starting. Very nice atmosphere.



1:26PM | Thu, 22 May 2008

Jeremy,I agree, your latest works, are among the best you have done. A very good mood, you have set to this image. I like it *****



1:12AM | Sat, 24 May 2008

Excellent work! I can feel the rain coming. Well done on the atmoshere.

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