Thu, Feb 13, 9:49 AM CST

The Valley

Mixed Medium Science Fiction posted on Dec 02, 2007
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This past year i´ve fealt like i have been going nowhere in progress and pretty much just repeated the same old stuff, so this time i´ve decided to try something different for a change. Although i´ve done scifi landscapes before, this one is my first serious attempt of matte painting. Probably not the last one either... :) A small breakdown of the scene here. Photoshop & a Wacom tablet.

Comments (201)



10:54AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Wow!! faint This is really incredibly beautiful :) Excellent work :)



10:55AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Superb, really excellent!



10:57AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Truly stunning!


10:57AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Just an incredibly peaceful image, Rudy. Love to have a huge print of this hanging on the wall.. but then nothing would get done, because I'd be completely lost in the scene.



10:58AM | Sun, 02 December 2007




10:58AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

amazing scale awsome structure and imagination 5



10:58AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

This vista could be used in a Stargate (SG1) episode - solid pic quality as usual!


10:59AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Can't believe I'm writing in the first "page" in comments.. Good luck on this new path. Fantastic depth!



11:00AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

This is outfreakinstanding man. I've always really dug your work but this blew me away. You've got some jaw dropping awe inspiring talent



11:01AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

But your ideas and imagination is incredible... movie scene stuff... you should be an ideas man for Peter Jackson!!!



11:02AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Absolute fantastic!



11:04AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Awesome! I'm already in the movie! Thanks!



11:05AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Wow this is spectacular



11:05AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Gorgeous as usual!



11:12AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Don'tcha just love matt painting!! Super job on this.



11:17AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Killer fantasy scene ... my compliments!



11:18AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

A matte that might work for a "Lord of the Rings" style epic.



11:19AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Matte painting is fun - yes, it's nice to switch gears periodically, isn't it? Great job - I can definitely see this in a movie with birds flying by and some form of hustle and bustle up and down the rock columns - awesome image!


11:19AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

a very interesting vision.



11:22AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Nice vista. Certainly does make my imagination take over.



11:31AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Once again, excellence. It really is beautifully done.



11:44AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Wow, another rippin' image. It would be fun to try the "StillLife" app to make some pan & zoom movies of it.



11:45AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Incredible work. Any chance of getting a walkthrough of how you approached this? I notice you have an affinity for dangling cables. :)



11:46AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Fantastic scene. The detail and atmosphere are great.


11:48AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

I can't really say much, cause I cant' do 3D very well and no 2D at all. But this is one of the most striking things I ever seen. I would totally love to see this sold somewhere in print form, I'd be the 1st customer!! SUCH AWESOMENESS!!!!



11:55AM | Sun, 02 December 2007

You've achieved what you set out to do - this is fantastic.



12:06PM | Sun, 02 December 2007

AWESOME! Superb talent! Wonderful matte painting! 5+



12:07PM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Amazing fantasy landscape! 5+



12:11PM | Sun, 02 December 2007

There's a wonderful depth to this piece - really love the foliage of the trees and the way it falls in and out of shadow. The highlights of the meandering stream is also beautiful. Great atmosphere. Looking forward to seeing more.



12:14PM | Sun, 02 December 2007

Wow, stunning scene. Its allways a pleasure to look at your renderings. Once again, Congrats!! :)) Strata

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