Sun, May 19, 6:12 AM CDT

Jaeko and Lubna

Poser Science Fiction posted on Mar 01, 2006
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Jaeko (Ahrundal) Bluestar had just returned to Trashtown after two years away. Secretly he had missed the place, but he'd never let anyone know that. Not even his brother, Lubna, the city-militia-man. Bluestar wasn't his family name, but just a name he had made up to hide his real-self in case he had done anything that would embarrass the family. He had done plenty in two years to embarrass many people's families. He was chatting up a young woman, over by the city hall of Trashtown, when he saw the missle get fired from the top of the place and the Trow Work-bee fall from Flying City 64. He sensed a chance to make some money and have an adventure. He made quick excuses to the young woman, pledging this, that and many other things to her heart and such and ran off to find his older brother, Lubna. He found Lubna over at the Atmospheric Purifier. He had never seen Lubna in his body armor and broke up laughing when he did. Lubna was taller than Jaeko, but was as fine-boned as him. All the males in the family were rapier-slim and often small in stature as well. Lubna was quiet and high-strung, where Jaeko was the fighter of the family. Jaeko couldn't stop his mouth in time as he blurted out, "Oh, my GOD! Lubna, you look so gay in that outfit!" Lubna curled his mouth and walked off in an angry cloud. Jaeko chased after him and said, "I mean--A chamo body stocking for god's sake? Damn! What was the quartermaster smoking that day and can I get some?" "Fuck you, Jaeko. What do you want? Other than to irritate the shit out of me?" Lubna hated the skin-tight impact armor, as well. He was just grateful that the city had some armor that actually fit him. "I was thinking of cutting you in for portion of a treasure! How about it?" Jaeko had the enthusiasm of a child on his coniving face. Lubna snorted and rolled his eyes. "ANOTHER get-rich-quick scheme. Jaeko? Dammit. You haven't changed at all, even with all your talk about travel broadening you. What this time?" Lubna knew he didn't need to ask, but did anyway. "That Trow ship didn't explode! Charged Particle Cells! Ripe for the picking! You'd be helping the city, AND might advance your career, too? I'd settle for a small finder's fee, and the keys to the city. What d'ya say?" Lubna groaned and thought. After a moment he nodded against his better judgement. He just knew he was going to regret this adventure. He started out onto the coolant pipes' ferrocrete housing, and wound through the broken debris kicked up by a lander's attack earlier in the afternoon. Lubna filled his little brother in on what was supposed to have gone on. He dreaded Jaeko's reaction to certain parts of the report. ' 'A naked discard chick colored like the Leviathan with huge hooters running around and was super tough? Dayum! I gotta meet her! Whoohoo! I am a Love-master! Yeah, baby! I am your fate! Where is she now?" Jaeko was thrilled and excitied now. Adventure, gold AND naked women---He could scarely dream of more good things. Lubna smiled and drawled out, "She's back in town, in the hospital...last I heard. She's had a rough day of it, from what I heard." Jaeko frowned and spat, "Dammit! I was two blocks from there! WHoa!!" The APC up ahead of them opened up and a tall, muscular Scav staggered out, and clambered up onto the pipe not twenty feet from them. Lubna hefted his pulse-blaster carbine up to his shoulder and Jaeko put a hand on his sword. TO BE CONTINUED Media is Vue 5 Easel and Poser 5

Comments (1)


8:08AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

Glad to see my boy getting some use, very creative story. :) (And I think he looks cute in that armor!)

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