Thu, May 16, 5:25 AM CDT

Simeon's Proclomation

Poser (none) posted on Dec 15, 2001
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"For my eyes have SEEN your SaLvAtIoN, which YOU have prepared in the Sight of ALL people, A light to the Gentiles, and for gLoRy to your people Israel. Luke 2:21-32 ************************************************** I wanted to create something that was thought provoking~ Christmas brings a time of deep meaning and reflection for me. As a Christian, and As a citizen of the US, I, like most people, have been deeply affected and saddened by what took place Sept 11, 2001. To me, this picture represents hope, that despite what we see going on around us in our Country, and in the world, we have a chance to change things ~ if we will only Look UP. There is One who stands outside of time and space - who says " I know the plans I have for YOU. Plans to give you HOPE and a future. Then you will call upon Me, and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to YOU. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart." It is also very much about the joy that Simeon Felt that day as he saw Joseph and Mary enter the temple that day with Jesus. His teachings are timeless ~ Peace, Love, forgiveness ~ He IS, and always will be ~ my greatest personal hero. Thank you for reading, and i hope each of you has a very blessed, warm, and wonderful Christmas. * Suzi * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Characters: Raphael, & Poser Baby Background: 1)Photograph taken in Israel 2)Picture of the NY Twin Towers from my Digital Imaging Class. Clothing: Hand painted by me Composition: Me

Comments (33)



4:31AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Fantastic composition depicting very sad times. Great work.


5:02AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

excellent image, makes me stop and reflect on my faith and the faith of humanity in general. Very inpsiring!



5:57AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

stunning composition! I agree with Lorraine: it does make you stop and reflect ...



6:28AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

This is most excellent...very inspiring and well thought out. Merry Christmas to you also!


6:43AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Thank you for this wonderful reminder of Simeon's exemplary faith. He waited his whole life, until he was old man, for God to fulfill His promise; and then responded only with unmixed, beautiful praise when he held that Promise in his faithful arms. Lord, grant me that kind of patience. And I really need it right now ... ;-)



7:43AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

not bad , now if they only stop killing each other over there , everything would be oh so perfect


8:17AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

This is very stunning compositionally


8:51AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Had to scrape my jaw off the floor to comment, very moving. I love the expression on his face. You have made my day start off on a wonderful note, thank you.



11:29AM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Thank you for sharing this incredibly stunning composition!


3:54PM | Sat, 15 December 2001

wonderful work!


4:06PM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Nice job. Great composition!



4:27PM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Nicely done this is a beautiful image.



6:52PM | Sat, 15 December 2001

Very nicely done!


11:07AM | Sun, 16 December 2001

Truth, truth and truth. Absolutely beautiful and obviously inspired. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us!


9:36AM | Tue, 18 December 2001

this was masterfully done, incredible image it reflects faith and hope even in times of trouble we have only to look up and wait for our redemption...


4:42PM | Mon, 31 December 2001

To be able to have so much content and meaning, yet no one aspect is overpowering the others..excellent job bringing it all together. No way to improve on this one. :)


9:46AM | Sun, 19 May 2002

Wow! Great image! Great caption! Great meaning! Jay


10:45AM | Sun, 19 May 2002

Stunning composition!



6:28PM | Sun, 19 May 2002

Thank you for including hope. It truly is our only possession aside from Faith and Love. Your composition is very meaningful.


1:12AM | Sun, 14 July 2002

You are very talented. Well done.



4:22PM | Mon, 22 July 2002

I just HAD to comment on this - WOW!!!! I am in total awe - this is FANTASTIC!!



9:22PM | Sun, 17 November 2002

Excellent image. Bit of a commentary now and your description. Being a Native American, and a member of Unity, a non-denominational branch of Christanity(often referred to as Practical Christianity, and is in no way linked to Unitartianism), God is not located UP, he is located WITHIN. Everyone of us is a child of God, and as such, we have a direct link to him, and his infinite wisdom and love. A sign at a local christian school reads: "The fear of the lord is the begining of knowledge."-- They could not be further from the truth. God allows things to happen, but we have the power to change it, and change how we view the world. Our negative engergies and thoughts reflect in the world around us. Remember, God is INSIDE you, not OUTSIDE :)



8:20PM | Mon, 18 November 2002

Hi BW, and thanx for commenting =) However, "Christians" are those who are followers of Jesus Christ, the son of God - and base their life,-indeed their very existence on Jesus, and believe that the scriptures of the bible are God-breathed - revealed by God, and spoken through ordinary people as empowered and moved by God, the Holy Spirit. The scripture you referred to "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom" is, in fact, part of the bible. However, a better translation might be be "The AWE of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom." You seem to be claiming to be a "Christian" and yet, your theology is not at all Christian -- and yes, it does sound very much like Unitarianism. Main tenants of Christianity are: God created the universe - the heavens and all that is in existence came about because God spoke them into existence. He also created angelic beings who are not equal to God. They were created to serve and worship God, - but war broke out in heaven when Lucifer the greatest of all of the angels wanted to make himself equal to God. Because of this, the bible says that Lucifer and the angels that followed him were cast out of heaven and down to earth. There scripture says that he (and his followers) prowl the earth seeking to lie to, pervert, and destroy all men. God also created mankind - mankind sinned against God - because to put it simply he/she chose what he/she wanted over what God wanted for him/her. But even then, - God had a plan of redemption, love, and restoration for the human race - which came through his one and only son - Jesus Christ, the God- man. In essence, God shed his heavenly robes, and dressed himself with a human body. He identified with us fully in every way. With our heartaches, our hopes, our joys, our disappointments - and even death. BUT more than anything - he came to save us from ourselves, and the sentence of death we were under. There is alot more and if anyone is interested, I hope they will take the time to really read the bible. Man is NOT God. Christianity should not and IS NOT "cafeteria style" well, let's see.....i feel comfortable with that part - so, i'll just keep, i don't like that - so, i'm doing away with it... The scriptures are very clear - we are NOT God. However, if we accept the free gift Christ offers by grace through faith - then, BY the empowering of the holy spirit, we begin to "die" to our earthly nature - and as we DO - the holy spirit begins to move in, and fill us with HIS love, forgiveness, compassion and ALL of the gifts of God - in THIS way, then YES..Christ lives and reigns IN US and through us - and as Jesus said, " YOU are the light of world, you are the salt of the earth" The bible prophesies that as the end times draw near - that there will be MANY who will claim, "I am the way" and the world would be full of people who are lovers of themselves and haters of God and His Christ. That Christians themselves would be hated because of their belief in Christ. This comment is not meant to be arrogant in any way - NOR to offend anyone - however, If people claim to be a "Christian" they should know what they claim, & what they base their faith on. My faith is not based on what "I" believe. It is based on Jesus, and what He, through the workings of the Holy spirit has revealed to me, and other Christians. I believe most Christians would agree - Faith is a gift - a free gift of God, to any and all that would come and seek Him - we cannot earn it with "good works" - it is the free and unmerited gift of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


7:17PM | Sun, 05 January 2003

Actually, if you study the first Christians you will discover that their faith was radically different to what is referred to today as main-stream Christianity. Certainly, most modern biblical researchers agree that the writers of the new testament couldn't agree on a singular christian philosophy themselves. If you are refering to the Nicene Creed Sprryte, you are viewing 'Christianity' through blinkers. There are many different versions and concepts. No one branch of a faith holds all the answers. *** However, as to the image, I like the back-lighting



3:52AM | Sat, 19 April 2003

I stand in agreement with everything Sprryte said! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)



3:06AM | Sun, 13 July 2003

Beautiful image and interesting comments.


5:37AM | Tue, 29 July 2003

There is nothing to say - this image speak itself1 everything is clear. THANK YOU!!!


2:10AM | Wed, 20 August 2003

I was very impressed with this piece and even more impressed with your solid grasp of your faith in Christ. God Bless.


11:14PM | Wed, 11 February 2004

Not sure which was more awesome, your picture, or your response to Bladewolf. Agreed totally with that and love the fact you chose Simeon to render. He was such an incredible character. It would be interesting to know exactly how long God had let him live to see the Chosen One. If I ever get the time to read the Bryce manual, I would love to do some graphics like this one. The walls of Jericho would be intense.



9:13AM | Mon, 04 October 2004

Brilliant image & powerful meaning. Now a response to BladeWolf: Its insensible to define God using time or space (Up versus Within, or inside vs outside), since time and space were created by him. So, how do we define God then, using time or space -- since he is beyond those boundaries. Secondly, God is both UP and WITHIN. The UP refers to the otherness of God as being the absolute of all the absolutes, of being the standard by which all things will be measured or judged. The UP demands that sin be punished. The WITHIN refers to the nearness of God, visible in Emmanuel (God with us) in Christmas. The WITHIN provides the demand that sin be punished but the sinner be forgiven. This provision is thru the Cross. The UP deals with God being transcendent. The WITHIN deals with God being immanent. This is why the Isaiah the prophet quotes the words of the Lord, "I live in a high and holy place but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit." (Isaiah 57: 15). That means God is both UP and WITHIN. Therefore, let us not make the mistake of polarizing God as INSIDE vs OUTSIDE.

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