Sat, Feb 15, 2:35 PM CST


Terragen Landscape posted on Jan 22, 2006
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More of a criticism than an apt title :) WM v1.25 terrain Post Autolevels, shaprening and KPT Equalizer (sharpen fine-tune)

Comments (37)



4:09PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

I like the fine haze in the far distance...The terrain is quite nice too.



4:19PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

The terrain is very detailled. Very fine structures to see. But, more than that, the colors and the atmo are really beautiful. A superb view !



4:26PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Wonderful color pallette... The terrain is magnificent as is the surface... Lovely desert ...


4:29PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Wonderful atmosphere and surfaces.



5:02PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Excellent sharp surfaces and terrain. I personally find the sunset atmo a real strong point.



5:10PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Eoin, every time I see your name under a thumbnail I know that I'm headed back to the drawing board with whatever it is I'm working on ;-) You always give me something to strive for...and you've done it again! Thank you! Pure magic!!



5:54PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

This is a splendid work with many details.



6:20PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

I'm speachless! the sky, the mountains, the surfaces, all are incredible!! Definitely one of my fav of yours!



7:57PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Another gem from the master Eoin! Wonderful!!! :)



10:19PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Sorry; I don't agree - this is not the plain old vanilla. Rather, it is carefully planned to emulate nature - and, an excellent job it is. Beautiful work Eoin!


10:44PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

I agree with Bob. I love the atmosphere and colors. Beautiful vista and scene and excellent work.


10:51PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Agree with Bob. The sky and surfacing look very natural and the pic in general is very realistic. Only comment is that the sharpening has left that weird ghost line on the horizon. Keep em coming!



10:58PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Excellent terrain and atmo!



11:23PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Awesome work!



11:50PM | Sun, 22 January 2006

Immagine magnifica. Excellent!


1:13AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Superbe terrain, j'aime beaucoup toutes les associations de couleurs diffentes de ce que l'on a l'habitude de voir !!!



4:58AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Lovely depth and atmosphere to this one. Has something of an alien landscape feel to it. Don't know why.



5:20AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

That's because it looks like chocolate. When you image one thing and call it another your mark is too obvious. You must become wise as a serpeant to push kitsch to a witch.



6:31AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

All is as superb as ever, but I particularly like the atmo.



6:35AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Don't agree. This is a excellent "dusk" picture. You captured the proper feeling for this desert scene/time of day. Haze is nice and the massive "shadow" in the foreground is very realistic of more than one night I have spent on the desert. V....



7:03AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

La primera imagen asociada a tu trabajo es la de los jinetes Rohirrim de El Ser de los anillos cabalgando por estas tierras tan,como decirlo...agrestes,casi salvajes. Me impresiona mucho el volumen de las sombras sobre las escarpadas montas,el terreno es fanttico ascomo el mapa de superficie asociado.Genial!!



7:33AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

gorgeous atmo and mood, great terrain and surfaces and colors, excellent work putting this together



9:27AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Looks good to me :).



10:17AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

I love the atmosphere and colors:its gorgeousV



11:19AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

super srfs and top notch atmo...sweet lookin terrain too!!



11:38AM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Aye! Great surfaces and terrain, lovely azmo and light



2:27PM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Great detail conjoured up here. 4k terrain? Big s p a c e too. Wonderful light... and a perfectly matched sky. Only slight crit... oversharpening evident on the skyline (or maybe it's my monitor.)



3:10PM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Beautiful terrain and colors !



4:51PM | Mon, 23 January 2006

Atmo Colors, Haze and Lighting win the Prize! Excellent View for achieving Great Depth! Very Realistic Surface Distribution to!



10:28AM | Tue, 24 January 2006


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