Sat, May 18, 12:43 AM CDT

Kiara Plays the Harp

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Dec 19, 2005
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While Kiara plays, a commotion erupts in the once-quiet tavern. Everyone looks to see what's happening: Everyone, that is, except smirking Cedric, whose eyes betray his interest in the waif who shares his table--an interest that seems greater than his interest in his life! Or can it be that he knows more about this rampaging bear than he should? His friend, Bawronn, has disappeared; does HE know where the bear came from?
Cedric (say "ke(d)th-rik", or just "kedrik") is LuckyRed's J.A.G. for M3, complete with morphs this time: I purchased the morphs for Michael. (I have you guys to thank for getting me into a money-wasting addiction! LOL!) His hair is Koz' Longhair Appendix, with the short style applied; his shirt is the Casual Nobleman's shirt by Steve Shanks and Vikki Dawson from PoserWorld. I'll let you decide if he's wearing the matching pants and boots! :D (Maybe, while you're thinking about THAT, you won't notice the unnatural position of his dagger...) The waif is wearing the Adventuress Sidekick getup from DAZ; her hair is Kozaburo's Messy Hair, scaled to 90%. Her skin and makeup are Runtime Angel Aurea by Eleria, here at the RMP. We might see more of Aurea on a Vicky, which is what she was designed for; she comes with morphs, eyes, fingernails... even eyebrows, lashes, and um, other hair for redheads! and you KNOW how I like redheads! :) (I just hope a certain red-headed friend of mine doesn't get jealous; after all, we're over a thousand miles apart: All I can do is admire! Why am I talking like this? :D ) Finally, there's Kiara, whom you've all seen before in my WIP. She is "played by" Aikiyu, by Kandace Wright at DAZ, complete with morphs this time. (See, I spent MORE money!) She's wearing the (FREE!!!) clothing from Eldritch's Freja (, or through the freepository at DAZ), except the sandals, which she has stepped out of so she can tap her feet to the music as she plays. The textures for her clothing are by Arien; my apologies for not saying so when I first posted this image! Her posing involved using D-formers (magnets to Poser users) with edited curves; on the Mac version of DAZ|Studio, D|S crashes if you select "edit spline" with ANYTHING selected in the Scene tab. The trick is to de-select everything beforehand; you can then select which D-former's curve you want to edit within the edit window. If you're like me, with too much junk in your scene and no blank space to click on, create a new light or camera and delete it: That will leave nothing selected. Anyway, I think I used three D-formers on the tails of the dress and the hanger, and I'm still not satisfied, but you can't see my mistakes, can you? :) I also used a D-former on Cedric's lacy sleeve, to keep the lace out of his beer. I'm still off the Internet; maybe I'll be able to check in with my messages tomorrow... :(

Comments (15)



3:38PM | Mon, 19 December 2005

Very kewl piture! The poses are perfect!! This must have been very difficult to put together...I have never used magnets before...not sure how that is done. Love the outfits you have dressed them in...and is a money wasting addiction...but so is doing drugs...and this dont make you feel so bad afterwards!! ;)Excellent Work!! :) Have Fun!!



4:50PM | Mon, 19 December 2005

Very nicely posed and constructed scene Mic, although they all look mighty calm about a rampaging bear in there midst!!! (must be something in the beer!!!)



5:35PM | Mon, 19 December 2005

Hey, it just started! They haven't had time to do more than look up! :)



6:50PM | Mon, 19 December 2005

Cool pic.Love the poses :)



7:15PM | Mon, 19 December 2005

Dear Michael your work is impressive...fantastic scene and magnific expression ... fantastic the shadows...EXCELLENT WORK


2:14AM | Tue, 20 December 2005

one of your best i think! i see improvement in each image! this one looks fantastic! Keep up the excellent work! :)



7:37AM | Tue, 20 December 2005

Excellent work with the characters. I like my self the interaction between many characters and I know very well how much time is needed to complete such a scene.



7:44AM | Tue, 20 December 2005

Lololol, don't worry sweet thing jealousy isn't in my vocabulary, it's a waste of energy. You're welcome as far as the addiction, easy to get hooked isn't it? It's relaxing to be able to let your imagination go and create. You are doing wonderful, I don't know how you get so much into your scenes, I would lock up my program with half of that and lose it all! I wish you peace and contentment with the upcoming season! ~smooch~



1:01PM | Tue, 20 December 2005

This is two renders: The WIP from my last post, and then Cedric and the waif in another render. Each took close to an hour to render, and used almost all of my RAM while generating the shadow maps. I'm really pushing my luck, or my laptop, when I do these! :)



5:51PM | Tue, 20 December 2005

Peep ! Peep !



8:45PM | Tue, 20 December 2005

Mike....This series is excellent. You did fantastically with the posing and expressions. Keep pushing that laptop. It loves it! And we love the results.



9:11PM | Tue, 20 December 2005

I personally love the natural high of D/S!! I have so much luck also finding freebies here. I really like this pic I had seen the other one of just the girl but this one tells a great story. You have a gift my friend both in creating pics and story telling. Keep bringing it on!!....shanpoo ;}



9:36PM | Tue, 20 December 2005

LOL, BBarbs!



4:41AM | Wed, 21 December 2005

Great image, as are all of them! I love how you incorporate bits of information from your book into the images - makes them all the more personal. Keep on writing and illustrating! You're on the way!



2:04AM | Thu, 05 October 2006

Great Scene like the setting and BG!!

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