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3D Studio Max Architecture posted on Aug 31, 2005
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I was playing around in max the other day building a set of stairs.I wasn't planning on making anything particular,just kept on adding pieces and came up with the design for this Brownstone Front.This is one of the more detailed models I've made so far.I have about 10-15 hours into it,still need to add textures.C&C always welcome and appreciated,thanks for taking the time.Ben

Comments (5)


4:58AM | Wed, 31 August 2005

Very nicely detailed, great work.



2:48PM | Wed, 31 August 2005

Great model, great presentation


3:17AM | Thu, 01 September 2005

nice but the width of the building needs to be increased


5:04PM | Thu, 01 September 2005

Thanks guys for your comments.This is just the front face of the building,not the whole Brownstone.That's why it's so thin.Thanks again.


7:37PM | Sun, 25 September 2005

Holy Shit! You certainly have skills in the modeling department,this is just awesome.I really like the design with the little walk down patio area with the benches and the door under the stairs.The windows,door,fence and gate are so detailed it must have taken forever to build.There's too many good things to list here so I'll just say it's without a doubt one of the best models I've ever seen!! VOTE

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