Thu, Feb 6, 8:09 AM CST

The Team

Jul 12, 2016 at 12:00 am by jennblake


Tommy Lemon
username: tutone1234
VP Renderosity
Jenn Blake
username: jennblake
MarketPlace Admin
Nicholas W.
username: nujazz
Web Developer

Carolyn H.
username: CHMedia
Online Community Leader
Michelle Willard
username: SchelleFire
Marketing Manager
Brittany Bilbo
username: Brittany
MarketPlace Administrator

Ricky Grove
username: gtoon
Managing Editor
Renderosity Manager
Neeta Patidar
username: neeta
Managing Editor
Renderosity Manager

Forum Moderators

MarketPlace Showcase
Jenn Blake
username: jennblake
Prime, MP Wishing Well,
Vendors Support,
Vendors Workshop,
MarketPlace Testing
Denesia Craft
username: deenamic
Design Assistant,
Photography Contest Manager,
Animation Forum Moderator,
2D Freestuff Tester
Cathy Argyrou
username: Kalypso
Spam Moderator,
Poser Freestuff Tester,
Gallery Moderator

MarketPlace Showcase
Jose E Velazquez
username: Lobo3433
Blender Forum Moderator,
Maya Forum Moderator
Robert Wolfe
username: Wolfenshire
Animation Contest Manager,
Writers Contest Manager,
Writers Moderator
Christina Cartwright
username: Digitell
Rhino 3D, UV Mapper

MarketPlace Showcase
James Ortiz
username: darknewt
Gallery Moderator
Jeffrey Graham
username: wheatpenny
2D Contest Manager, Daz Freestuff Tester,
Forum Mod in Poser, Community forums
3DS Max, Paint Shop Pro, Wings 3D, Writers
Jenny Erdmann
username: Redphantom
Galleries, Poser Forum

Forum Coordinators

MarketPlace Showcase
Scott Franz
username: Kixum
Alison Davies
username: aktati
Mojoworld Coord

MarketPlace Showcase
Ricky Grove
username: gtoon
Rose McClain
username: Guardian_Angel_671
Daz Studio

MarketPlace Testers

MarketPlace Showcase
Jenn Blake
username: jennblake
MP Testing Supervisor
Brandy Everett
username: -BrandyE-
MP Tester
Andy Boys
username: donnena
MP Tester

Christine Orwell
username: chrislenn
MP Tester
username: Nephanor
MP Tester
Pamela Auge
username: -Wolfie-
MP Tester

Petra Robinson
username: raindroptheelf
MP Tester
Antje Darling
username: antje
MP Tester
Sections: Marketplace Archives


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