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Christmas Message

Holiday Religious/Spiritual posted on Dec 25, 2015
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Sorry no nudity. I had some, but yesterday I was inspired, moved, or something to do this instead. Of Good and Evil Assuming, for the sake of argument, that God exists let us discuss the difference between serving God and serving Satan. A Godly man seeks to do good. A Satanic man seeks to fight evil. Satan means "the angry one" or "the accuser". Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, not the tree of knowledge, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit of that tree is judgement of others as evil so you have an excuse to abuse and kill them. Jesus said, "Judge not lest you be judged" and "forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me". A Godly man studies the laws of God to gain wisdom to live a better life. For he knows that God's laws are ordained for the good of mankind. A Satanic man studies the laws of God to gain power and get excuses to abuse others in the name of fighting evil. A Godly man will interpret the laws of God with mercy and compassion for Allah is merciful, compassionate. A Satanic man will make the laws of God more and more strict so he can find more and more excuses to abuse and kill his fellow men. By making the laws of God so strict and merciless he leads men to curse God as an unjust and cruel God, thus truly serving Satan. The man who makes the laws of God stricter and stricter to brag of his virtue and find excuses to abuse others is a servant of Satan, not a servant of God. This is clear if you read the Bible and Koran seeking wisdom (I have read that in the Golden Age of Islam it was considered a Muslims religious duty to know the Old and New Testaments almost as well as they knew the Koran). Satanists read the Bible and Koran seeking power to abuse others. Thus it is invisible to the servants of Satan. Satan represses real learning and knowledge by enforcing a strict orthodoxy which punishes honest inquiry as heresy burning real seekers of knowledge and wisdom at the stake as heretics. All of the people we call evil in the modern world claimed to be fighting evil. The religious wars, the inquisitors, the witchhunters, all claimed to be fighting evil. The Nazis were trying to save the world from the evil of 'lesser races'. Satan always claims to be the champion of good fighting evil, but always creates more evil. This is the seduction of judgement of good and evil. In the end, the Satanic man becomes what he hates, or what he claims to hate. There will be times when men of good heart must take up arms to defend what they love. Do not be eager to find excuses to do this. Do not rejoice in the suffering you inflict on your enemies. Fight to protect what you love, not to destroy what you hate. The Godly man is motivated by love, the Satanic man is motivated by anger and hatred. Just some appropriate thoughts for the Season. Have a: Salubrious Saturnalia Happy Hanukkah Merry Christmas Fine Festival of Lights and Faith

Comments (6)



3:44AM | Fri, 25 December 2015

Fantastic c reation/composition my friend and fabulous character!!!



5:29AM | Fri, 25 December 2015

In God's name many have killed, more than any other reason in history. Religion will insure that there will never be peace on earth. For there are those that believe their God and his faith are better than yours. even though we all worship the same God. Is it not good enough to that you worship God, speak of his kindness, must you condemn others just because they have found a different way to show their love for God. to me that is not the work of God, but the arrogance of Man. if you can not live in peace, then you will die by the sword of a Just God.


2:22AM | Sat, 26 December 2015

I am not sure I understand your comment, so I suspect you did not understand my post. I sort of illustrated it more clearly here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA8JYxTghEM


A_Sunbeam Online Now!

1:14PM | Fri, 25 December 2015

There must be times when God/Allah/Jehovah shakes his head in despair and wonders why he bothered to create the human race.



1:48PM | Fri, 25 December 2015

Tu es une réflexion essentielle. Je ne veux pas dire qu'elle m'échoit. Loin du peu ! On se retrouverait sur le champ et mon pistolet aurait à qui parler, pour une putain de fois ! C'est malheureux car nous combattons pour la même cause . (ceci pour le Monde) Je veux bien te retrouver sur mon mail ! A tchao


2:22AM | Sat, 26 December 2015

I tried the translator, your words did not make a lot of sense. I suspect you did not understand the post. I sort of illustrated it more clearly here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA8JYxTghEM


2:55PM | Fri, 25 December 2015

Well done!



9:42AM | Wed, 30 December 2015

You did an excellent job with both the imagery and articulation of a concept that is all too often misunderstood.


3:02AM | Thu, 31 December 2015

Thank you.

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