Tue, Feb 18, 9:20 AM CST

*~Hooterella's World*~

Poser Fantasy posted on Jun 27, 2005
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Yeah, lame title, I know, but I couldn't think of anything better this morning. Yay me!! Don't have to go in to work til 7 am for the next couple of weeks so I might have more time to work in Poser! *big grins* Ann and Dudley, you two have outdone yourselves on this character...I simply love her!!! Huge kudo's to Danie and Marforno & Abraham too on the wonderful KGS set with some of the most wonderful props :) I've been having a ball with them the last couple of days :) *~Credits~*Hooterlla-Ann0314 & Prog-RMP DM's KGS & KGS Jewels-Danie,Marforno, Abraham-RMP Samiya's Ponytail-As Shanim-RMP She Will Rock You-Pretty3D-RMP Touch her Fire for SWRY-outoftouch-RMP Into Dreams-1010-RMP Thank you for your timing in viewing and any comments left:) They're wonderful to read!

Comments (45)



5:28AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Cool Poser job and fabulous textures fort he metal part



5:31AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

prog will be suprised another hooterella with a little clothes on LOL beautiful image here great composition and she lookes great



5:37AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Well done!



5:52AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Oh that's cool! She's such a dominating character and you've shown her off beautifullly. Prog will love her!



5:54AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Awesome, she looks to be reckoned with, fierce and determined too. Excellent image Jen.........


7:53AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Fantastic and beautiful Image !!! Excellent and Vote!!!


8:00AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Fantastic posing and lighting! That stare is chilling. Excellent work :D


8:22AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

ooOOoo This is hot! I do really like the scene you've constructed here, and the clothing is a nice change of pace (well for a prog girl anyway L) Wonderful work sweety. hugznkissez -Kara


8:25AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Beautifully done! ;)


8:25AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

ROFLMAO,Hooterella:D:D Thats to damn funny,and a lovely image for you sweetie,(;



8:27AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

WOW! Talk about your battle axes! Those are some real doozys! ;) Love the stance you have placed her in and the expression on her face! Excellent work! VOTE!



8:27AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Hey-I do love that outfit on her!! I think I'll have to buy it!!! Your lighting is beautfiul and her looks right at home in these cool props!!! I love all of your images, but this one is special!!!! Gorgeous work!! Excellent!!! V!



8:39AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Man! She looks like she can seriously cause some damage to a person! WOW! Fantastic image there! And I gotta admit, that outfit really does make her look meaner, but the way her face positioning and look just gives her that good mix of "Don't know what she is going to do with those Axe's!"



8:42AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

She does look amazing YOu've done her proud, and not just her stance, this is a way cool pic! :D Much HUGS Lorie



9:06AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

You did an awesome job getting those clothes on her sweetie...I am amazed! LOL Not often you see one of Dudley's ladies wearing em :-) Fantastic job all around :-) {{{Hugs}}} Love you Muchly MORE!!!!!


9:35AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

yeah.. she got that look ;-), "look what I got for you... behind my back". Awesome work you made with her! hugglz :-)



10:05AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Fantastic..she looks wonderful in this outfit. Excellent work!!


10:09AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Now that is one he** of a scene...love the way to set of the props. She looks just a little bad. Excellent. Love ya+4 and more hugz



11:13AM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Holy Toledo, those are some mighty big....axes! I'm sure she weilds with them with skill and confidence! Awesome looking expression and outfit!


11:50AM | Mon, 27 June 2005




12:37PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Beautiful and fantastical image featuring our new heroin, Hooterella! She's gorgeous here and I can't help but feel a little sorry for that chain top, it must be working overtime! lol! The setting is perfect for this image and she looks like she's not putting up with anything! Excellent work on this piece!



3:10PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Lovely character, pose and scene :) _____ali x



5:00PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Omggg talk about deja vu I think me and you must have been telepathic on a few products this week. I would have loved to have gotten my texture on the she will rock you outfit like that though, instead of plain. Excellent work V Cathy xoxoox



5:11PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

Gorgeous image.. lighting is just perfect.



8:59PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

big bad mama came to mind for me. she is awesome and looks dangerous-excellent Jen



9:17PM | Mon, 27 June 2005

pretty cool scene, i loovveee the pose, and those axe. nice touch with that sky in the background too. cool.



1:14AM | Tue, 28 June 2005

Stunning with a gorgeous outfit!!



4:21AM | Tue, 28 June 2005

Great composition!Nice scene ! Beautiful colors and textures! Excellent work!!V



4:34AM | Tue, 28 June 2005

WOW girlfriend, when your picture started to load in I was daydreaming, glanced up and for a split second thought I was loading in an image from Prog, that's how nice your image and scene looks to me. Great job!!! ~hugs~



2:37PM | Tue, 28 June 2005

Stunning image and lighting! Excellent job! Greetz, Tjeerd.

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