Tue, May 21, 4:18 AM CDT

will i ever come back?

Poser World Events/Social Commentary posted on Nov 03, 2004
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daz studio render& pw shadow on ps cs8 daz

Comments (22)



6:19PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

He ,s a strong guy He come,s back :-) Nice sharp Poser render and lightings well done


7:10PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

i like the way this is lit ,as if it were dusk or he is standing near a fire.very well done.



7:35PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

well after yesterday, i would say no or at least 4 more years. those who stand and serve for others (we elect) who never went.



7:43PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

A superb image! I like his expression..Exceptionally well done.. Perfect v :)



9:03PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

First, as someone whos been in the sandbox; he probably would not have his dcu jacket off / not have his rifle. That is all. - Gazzy!


9:24PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

Cool idea and great lighting!


9:28PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

When his mission is completed.



9:50PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

Great lighting and pose. His expression seems both questioning and hopeful, really powerful and terrific looking image!



10:31PM | Wed, 03 November 2004

Wonderful character and expression! Very emotional and realistic! Being in a war has to be awful, separation is not easy for anyone. But to have a safe home is better than no home at all. Excellent Poser work Odrah! V :)


1:58AM | Thu, 04 November 2004

Beautiful and Fantastic Image !!! Excellent and Vote!!!



3:03AM | Thu, 04 November 2004

Excellent and vote!


4:01AM | Thu, 04 November 2004

yes he'll be back in a bag.


8:21AM | Thu, 04 November 2004

I'd like to state for the record that your image is great. No sane person wants war, and many brave men give all to defend others. Your depiction of concern is fair to all sides of the issue, and is to be applauded. (Further, I wish to express that the the comment of Mark_uk above is tasteless, vile, and beneath contempt.)



9:23AM | Thu, 04 November 2004

servo must be a Republican! Awesome work Odrah!! Excellent statement as well!



2:41PM | Thu, 04 November 2004

A very poignant image and question for the soldiers, the spouses, families, friends. We can only hope that our prayers are soon answered. As for Mark-uk... as thou sows, so shall ye reap!


4:26PM | Thu, 04 November 2004

The reason it is called a war is because people like this are in fact dying. Is pointing out this simple truth "tateless, vile, and beneath contempt"? What is the alternative? Forget about those who are risking their lives for us or have already died, and instead pretend nothing bad is happening to them? I'd rather not. Apart from the pixellation of the scaled-up background, this image looks very good, with a lot of emotion.



5:38PM | Thu, 04 November 2004

;( !!! !!!!VOTE!!!



7:31PM | Thu, 04 November 2004

EXCELLENT!!! A so true concept. Even if these soldiers survive, they will never be the same. :( It spills over to so many many people;family,friends,children...and the list go on. Way to go! Rick



5:34PM | Fri, 05 November 2004

The most likely answer is...no. I have a co-worker who is in the "Reserves" (guess I was schooled to have a different concept of that than our current leadership, but...) who was sent to Iraq 5 months ago. He was supposed to be coming home in January, now his stay has been extended until (at least) June. And he has gotten wind that when he is done in Iraq, he may well be on his way to Afghanistan :(



6:05PM | Fri, 05 November 2004

Lighting, subject, expression...excellent.


10:18AM | Thu, 11 November 2004

I'd like to echo servo. What many don't think about is this: He / She is there fighting a war for those of us at home, taking the fight to them instead of them bringing the fight to us (how it started by the way). There's a saying that goes something like this: "For those of us who served, freedom has a sweet taste that others will never understand." STEVEY32: Reserves are just that, personnel that are held in RESERVE until needed! they are needed they were called, they swore an oath to go they answer the call! If they didn't want to go they shouldn't sign-up, raise their right hands, put on the uniforn and collect the pay (such as it is). TO MANY GET OVER IT! we are at WAR nobody likes that espically those who have worn, or do wear a uniform. I personally am sick and tired of cowards who shame every true American who has fought in any way from Bunker hill to Iraq. Thanks.



5:36PM | Sun, 08 May 2005

what is wrong with this people,we are at war,and cowards and true americans ha the furst time (irak)it whas ok,buth this time all is wrong,just a stupid war in gods name.for a ferry afraid country ( wil that god be happy,i dont think so,he is not a stoepid ashole, like the people hoe do this in his name)

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