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2D Cultural and Spiritual Art posted on Oct 07, 2004
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. Embraced by the light . . . Embraced by the light . . EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT
My whole life has changed because of God during this last year. I am reborn i am beggining to see things with new eyes. My heart hardened and hurt by this world is being restored. Ive never felt peace like i have. its not just like my mind is quiet though. It's the kind of peace i never even knew was possible. This was a gift for my sisters in TX. The dominant colors are yellow and white for light because it best illustrates how thoroughly saturated you can feel when you are walking side by side with god or are being led by the holy spirit. Tools : My left hand a piece of typing paper and a pencil and about 2 hours. Photobrush : for Drama and Airbrush. Thanks for Viewing!

Comments (9)



11:25PM | Thu, 07 October 2004

Very nice!


12:53AM | Fri, 08 October 2004

beautifully done, powerfully felt... sure your sister luved it :]


1:02AM | Fri, 08 October 2004

This is one of the best, most original, stylish and involving religious pieces I have ever seen. the style really is deeply artistic.


2:02AM | Fri, 08 October 2004

i love it ! i feel good just looking at it:)



10:27AM | Fri, 08 October 2004

Excellent design.!!..cool styl my friend....love tone, line arts and composition,...so cool MY VOTE


2:54PM | Fri, 08 October 2004

Great use of color!!



4:39PM | Sat, 09 October 2004

Beautiful and uplifting, it conveys your feelings in a very powerful yet peaceful way!


9:58PM | Sat, 09 October 2004

I would like to thank everyone for their comments at this point. Thank you it means a lot to me to hear what you have to say.



5:38PM | Wed, 13 October 2004

Excellent expression of the feeling of being uplifted in spirit! Very beautiful.

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