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Bryce Romance posted on Sep 08, 2004
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Reunion Rudolpho has recently returned to his home squire, after having served an apprenticeship as a clerk for a well-known lawyer for ten years. He has returned to his home soil because he has been hired by the local baron as overseer of his lands and properties. Coming toward him is a lovely young woman named Elshaybel, who Rudolpho has yet to recognize as the tomboy, eight years his junior, who used to follow him around every moment that she wasn't doing chores for the baron's household. In a moment, the pair will meet once again and Rudolpho will stop and pass a few pleasantries with Elshaybel, before he realizes that this beauty is the same ugly little pest that was the bane of his adolescence. He is stunned by her appearance. Suddenly, just being with this woman had become the most important thing in the world to him. For her part, Elshaybel knows exactly who it is that is approaching her. Feelings of amusement laced with a bit of resentment rise within her. He was her first and greatest infatuation; and he had always been oblivious regarding her affection, being rude to her and playing nasty little tricks upon her. Dispite such unkindness, Elshaybel had remained steadfast in her affection for the teenager. Then he had left the shire without a look or a word of farewell. She pretended to be unaware of his presence, so it was Rudolpho, who stopped and spoke a greeting first. Elshaybel was toying with saying something to hurt him, but then his eyes locked with hers and all the old passion of her childhood flared up, accompanied by a growing awareness that, this time, her feelings were being reciprocated by Rudolpho. *********************** The two ladies watching with interest in the background are daughters of the baron. Weeds and corn crop seem a bit large. Probably need to scale them down a bit more in the middle ground area. Credits: Figures DAZ V3 and M3 posed in Poser 5. "Country Castle" and textures are by Luci Rodolfi, which can be downloaded in Renderosity's freestuff section. DNA Loki Hair by Traveler. "Russell Updated for M3 morph and texture" by Nouschka. "Beast Master clothing and textures by ABen. DAZ's Victoria 3,using "V3 NaturalSkin vol.3" by MaskEdit. The women's clothing "Empire Gown" by Traveler and Shadownet, using Rags to "Riches: RDNA Empire Gown Texture Expansion" by Transpond, both purchased from Runtime DNA. "On the country Side" by Akinom. "Grainfields (Volumetric Field Figures)" by RDNA's Traveler. Weeds and grasses are "Grasslands" and "Scrublands" by Chris Oldershaw and Judith Ward (Transpond). Rendered in Bryce 5. Thanks for looking! Jeremy

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