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Bryce People posted on Mar 14, 2004
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Now you can join me in laughing at my beginning attempts with Poser. This one came after a long wait for an OSX version not to mention my first hard drive crash. It took two days to render and never again will I venture down volumetrics road. I don't have the patience nor the mhz, lol. Bryce and Poser 5. Arry ;-)

Comments (14)


12:57AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

This looks very good indeed. I'd bet good money that a company making videogames would be drooling over this one. Looks like a perfect action game character to me :)


1:02AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Great job, love the charecter as well as the lighting



1:19AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

I like it,very good for an "attempt" !!! :) Volumetric ligtning can be time consuming but results are far more realistic then using fake ligt cilinders and cones, cheap trick, very popular lately, for those purposes I have laptop to spend 24 or more hours if needed on rendering job ! :) FAKE on !!! :)


2:21AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

I love your Nikita, my dear Arianna! It's wonderful work! ExcelelntV!!!


3:21AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Very well done! Good composition, texturing, and rendering! :)

Angel Michael

3:56AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Now this image brings a very special smile to my face, and I still say that the volumetric lighting just help set the perfect atmosphere.


6:00AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Excellent character work,Arry I Really like the textures and mood/lights in this! (Mite be worth the render time after all:)



9:47AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Nikita looks very cool !! great pose !



10:08AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Love her face and hair, great work!



10:32AM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Excellent work!!!!



12:10PM | Sun, 14 March 2004

She's wonderful! Excellent!



12:58PM | Sun, 14 March 2004

really gorgeous character in this high sci-fi background!!! stunning work arry!!! :o)



10:51PM | Sun, 14 March 2004

Lovely composition and great concept. Congratulations !



4:11AM | Tue, 25 May 2004

Wonderful character, outfit and pose. Excellent work!

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