Thu, Feb 13, 9:23 AM CST


2D Abstract posted on Jan 28, 2004
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Made loooooong ago. Scanned just a few minutes ago...
There are some 13's that had their impressions on me. The sketch was finished on a 13th of a month looong ago :-)

Comments (13)



4:41PM | Wed, 28 January 2004

Very good image...



4:46PM | Wed, 28 January 2004

you came a long ways but this is a great start



5:16PM | Wed, 28 January 2004

I love this image because it presents me with a whole new world to explore. I love pure color, rich textures and personnal messages and I get oodles of that here. Bravo!



7:57PM | Wed, 28 January 2004

So which came first, sketching or fractals? I see alot of fractal type lines in here as well as your significant 13's. I'm very impressed, I couldn't draw a circle or a straight line if I had to. Nice use of color as well. Excellent job.



11:40PM | Wed, 28 January 2004

Very nice doodle/sketch with your significant '13s'. I like the lines and curves and the colors are great. Thanks for sharing this.



1:36AM | Thu, 29 January 2004

Cool to see somethin non-fractal from you, nice doodle.



6:50AM | Thu, 29 January 2004

Don't show it a psychologist :-))



7:07AM | Thu, 29 January 2004

Interesting insight into your past. Right in the middle, at the top - they look like - well - are they smiling? I promise I won't ask too many more questions, Andreas! :-))))) (great shading!)


7:50AM | Thu, 29 January 2004

it's beautiful to see your creativity here :)



6:44PM | Thu, 29 January 2004

Excellent, I really like seeing this from you, Andreas.



6:20AM | Fri, 30 January 2004

Very beautiful and very creative. Excellent work



9:15PM | Fri, 06 February 2004

Brillant artwork and great style ! With certainty this work is one of my favourites. It remembers to some works of the great Spanish painter Juan Mir



1:44PM | Thu, 11 March 2004

Lovely. Speaking of this kind of style (the one you saw in my gallery and these two you posted), I found this. I love it and it's amazing: He's a fellow fractaler here, I don't remember his nickname. But I love his drawings. Check it out.

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